optex 中的顺序(单行)尾注

optex 中的顺序(单行)尾注

受到这个问题的启发这里,我想这样设置 entnotes 的样式 (plain/optex):

1.第一个尾注,尾注编号与正文大小相同,不是上标,粗体,后面有一个点。2.第二个 entnote 在同一行,以节省空间。3.同一行上的第三个 ntnote


\verbchar`                     % in-text verbatim by `...`
\everyintt={\Red\bf}              % in-text verbatim Red


%\parskip=0pt plus 4pt minus 4pt

%%%%%%%%%%%%%footnote style below:%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\def\fnmark#1{\leavevmode\raise.7ex\hbox{\setfontsize{mag.6}\lnum\currvar #1}} %Olsak's definition 


%\input endnote

% Use \endnote{1}{text}. At the end of your document, type
% \producenotes to actually flush all end notes to be printed.
% macros for making endnotes instead of footnotes
% We make @ signs act like letters, temporarily, to avoid conflict
% between user names and internal control sequences of plain format.
\def\no@te{\ifcat\bgroup\noexpand\next \let\next\n@@te
  \else\let\next\n@t\fi \next}
\def\resetenotecount{\global\enotecounter=0 } \resetenotecount
\def\setenotecount#1{\global\enotecounter=#1 }
  \global\advance \enotecounter by 1  % First bump the counter.
  % Now convert the current value of the counter into a superscripted numeral
  \endnote{\fnmark{\the\enotecounter} } % aqui mudamos para nossa definição
\catcode`@=12 % at signs are no longer letters

\chap Um capítulo

\begmulti 2

Hello world! This is to have an endnote.\enote{Automatic note 1} \enote{Automatic note 2, which should be on the same line, and {\bf [2] } text...} 

\nonum \sec Notas para o capítulo 1




我确信有一种纯粹基于宏的方法可以做到这一点,但是为了好玩,这里有一个基于 Lua 的解决方案:

% Endnote code
% Initialize variables
    endnotes = {}
    unpaged_endnotes = {}

% Format the endnote marks

% Define the endnote command
    \_global\_advance\.number by 1%
        local number = tex.count.\_csstring\.number;
        local box = tex.box.\_csstring\.contents;
        unpaged_endnotes[number] = true
        endnotes[number] = { node.copy_list(box) }
        for note in pairs(unpaged_endnotes) do
            table.insert(endnotes[note], tex.count[0])
        unpaged_endnotes = {}

% Lua-based helpers
    optex.define_lua_command("\_csstring\.getnote", function()
        local number = token.scan_int()
        local note = endnotes[number]
        tex.box.\_csstring\.contents = note[1]
        tex.count.\_csstring\.page = note[2] or tex.count[0]
        tex.count.\_csstring\.number = number

    local integer_token = token.command_id("char_given")
    optex.define_lua_command("\_csstring\.gettotal", function()
        token.put_next(token.create(\string#endnotes, integer_token))

% Content before the endnotes

% Get the endnotes
    \_fornum 1..\.gettotal \_do {\.makenote{##1}}%
        endnotes = {}
        unpaged_endnotes = {}

    \.getnote #1

% Format the endnote contents
% #1 = endnote number
% #2 = page number
% #3 = endnote contents

% User code

%% Style 1
    {\bf #1.~}%

%% Style 2
% \def\endnotecmd#1{\unskip\raise.5ex\hbox{\typosize[6/]\it #1}}
% \def\premakeendnotes{%
%     \vfill\eject
%     \nonum\_insec{Endnotes}
%     \parindent=0pt
% }
% \def\makeendnote#1#2#3{%
%     {\bf #1:} \_unhbox#3\ (page #2)\par%
% }

\chap One

One\endnote{First endnote.} two\endnote{Second endnote.}.
% \vfill\eject
Three\endnote{Third endnote.} four\endnote{Fourth endnote.}
five\endnote{Fifth endnote.} six\endnote{Sixth endnote.}.


\chap Two

One\endnote{First endnote.} two\endnote{Second endnote.}.
% \vfill\eject
Three\endnote{Third endnote.} four\endnote{Fourth endnote.}.



样式 1: 在此处输入图片描述

样式 2: 在此处输入图片描述
