如何设置使用多列和 tocloft 的目录第二行无缩进

如何设置使用多列和 tocloft 的目录第二行无缩进

背景::大家好,我是这里的新手。我有一个目录,正在使用 \tableofcontents 在 Rnw 文件中生成。我正在使用 multicols 包将此目录格式化为两列。我还使用 tocloft 包格式化目录:除其他外,我已关闭 tocloft 左侧的自动章节编号 - 因此,目录由(理想情况下)左对齐的条目列表组成,每个条目都有一个右对齐的页码,全部分为两列。

困难:在较长的目录中,如果生成 2 行或更多行文本,则第 2 行及以上行会缩进,以便它们不与第 1 行的左边距对齐。例如:


这个论坛上有关于如何删除目录中第 2 行及以上行的缩进以便它们与章节/页码左对齐的答案(关于目录,与我的不同,页码在左侧)。这不是我想要的;我希望第 2 行及以上行的文本与目录条目的第 1 行对齐。



% Start the "Preamble."
% use the LaTeX 'tocloft' package to adjust toc formatting.
% Enter remaining LaTeX preamble commands.
\title{This is my report}
\date{May, 2023}
% Insert a toc title, then a two-column list of contents that is hyperlinked.
\hypersetup{linktoc=all} % make page numbers also links
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Contents} % give title of TOC
\renewcommand{\cftaftertoctitle}{\thispagestyle{empty}} % omit p# from footer
\renewcommand{\cftsecafterpnum}{\vskip35pt} % add dbl space beween entries
\renewcommand{\cftsecfont}{\LARGE} % adjust toc entries' font size
  \fontsize{35pt}{35pt}\selectfont % adjust toc title font size
  \bfseries % make toc title font bold
  \def\numberline#1{} % eliminate tocloft's auto section numbers
\begin{hyphenrules}{nohyphenation} % stop hyphenation
\setlength{\columnsep}{50pt} % set width of gap between columns
\begin{multicols}{2} % use two columns
\tableofcontents % list section titles as toc entries
\section{Section One Title}
\section{Section Two Title, Super Long Example to Produce a Break so You Can See the Error}
\section{Section Three Title}

首次尝试修复:我尝试了@tocrmarg(来自 tocloft 手册:“为了将目录中的(分段)标题等排版得参差不齐,没有连字符”,所以我也在这个版本中删除了 \hyphenrules 行):

% Start the "Preamble."
% use the LaTeX 'tocloft' package to adjust toc formatting.
% Enter remaining LaTeX preamble commands.
\title{This is my report}
\date{May, 2023}
% Insert a toc title, then a two-column list of contents that is hyperlinked.
\hypersetup{linktoc=all} % make page numbers also links
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Contents} % give title of TOC
\renewcommand{\cftaftertoctitle}{\thispagestyle{empty}} % omit p# from footer
\renewcommand{\cftsecafterpnum}{\vskip35pt} % add dbl space beween entries
\renewcommand{\cftsecfont}{\LARGE} % adjust toc entries' font size
  \renewcommand{\@tocrmarg}{2.55em plus 1fil}
  \fontsize{35pt}{35pt}\selectfont % adjust toc title font size
  \bfseries % make toc title font bold
  \def\numberline#1{}} % eliminate tocloft's auto section numbers
%\begin{hyphenrules}{nohyphenation} % stop hyphenation
\setlength{\columnsep}{50pt} % set width of gap between columns
\begin{multicols}{2} % use two columns
\tableofcontents % list section titles as toc entries
\section{Section One Title}
\section{Section Two Title, Super Long Example to Produce a Break so You Can See the Error}
\section{Section Three Title}


第二次尝试修复:我尝试用 \raggedright 命令包装目录条目。

% Start the "Preamble."
% use the LaTeX 'tocloft' package to adjust toc formatting.
% Enter remaining LaTeX preamble commands.
\title{This is my report}
\date{May, 2023}
% Insert a toc title, then a two-column list of contents that is hyperlinked.
\hypersetup{linktoc=all} % make page numbers also links
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Contents} % give title of TOC
\renewcommand{\cftaftertoctitle}{\thispagestyle{empty}} % omit p# from footer
  \renewcommand{\cftsecafterpnum}{\vskip35pt} % add dbl space beween entries
  \renewcommand{\cftsecfont}{\LARGE} % adjust toc entries' font size
    \fontsize{35pt}{35pt}\selectfont % adjust toc title font size
    \bfseries % make toc title font bold
    \def\numberline#1{}} % eliminate tocloft's auto section numbers
  \begin{hyphenrules}{nohyphenation} % stop hyphenation
  \setlength{\columnsep}{50pt} % set width of gap between columns
  \begin{multicols}{2} % use two columns
  \tableofcontents % list section titles as toc entries
\section{Section One Title}
\section{Section Two Title, Super Long Example to Produce a Break so You Can See the Error}
\section{Section Three Title}




% Start the "Preamble."
% it seems this document uses environment hyphenrules from babel

%it uses multicols

% already default
% \renewcommand{\contentsname}{Contents} % give title of TOC

% use the LaTeX 'tocloft' package to adjust toc formatting.

\renewcommand{\cftaftertoctitle}{\thispagestyle{empty}} % omit p# from footer
\renewcommand{\cftsecafterpnum}{\vskip35pt} % add dbl space beween entries
   \fontsize{35pt}{35pt}\selectfont % adjust toc title font size
   \bfseries % make toc title font bold

% This is problematic because tocloft executes this in a group with
% the toc entry.  So the \baselineskip change enactment which requires a \par never
% happens.
% \renewcommand{\cftsecfont}{\LARGE} % adjust toc entries' font size
% this \cftsecfont can NOT be conveniently used for changing font size

% so crazy workaround
\renewcommand{\cftsecfont}{\LARGE\aftergroup \LARGE} % adjust toc entries' font size

% it would be THAT MUCH easier actually redefining \l@section ourself

% Enter remaining LaTeX preamble commands.
\title{This is my report}
\date{May, 2023}

% it uses hyperref
\hypersetup{linktoc=all,% make page numbers also links
            colorlinks=true,% get rid of red frames (I would actually used
                            % hidelinks option for duration of
                            % tableofcontents)


% Insert a toc title, then a two-column list of contents that is hyperlinked.

% \begin{hyphenrules}{nohyphenation} % stop hyphenation
% but why would you do that? especially in two columns
\setlength{\columnsep}{50pt} % set width of gap between columns
\begin{multicols}{2} % use two columns
\tableofcontents % list section titles as toc entries
% \end{hyphenrules}

% left-over from testing things
% \fontsize{35pt}{45pt}\selectfont 

\section{Section One Title}
\section{Section Two Title, Super Long Example to Produce a Break so You Can See the Error}
\section{Section Three Title}


