包来实现双列布局。除了脚注超链接之外,其他一切都运行良好。这些似乎在 paracol 环境中不起作用。
This is a text with a footnote on the first page.\footnote{My first footnote.}
Another column without footnote.
Next page with columns.
Just another column.
Now I have a text outside of paracol with a footnote.\footnote{Outside of paracol.}
Back in paracol another column.
This time the second column has the footnote.\footnote{Footnote in paracol.}
paracol 环境之外的脚注的超链接可以正常工作,但其他的则不起作用。
pdfTeX warning (dest): name{Hfootnote.3} has been referenced but does not exi
st, replaced by a fixed one
pdfTeX warning (dest): name{Hfootnote.1} has been referenced but does not exist
, replaced by a fixed one
这是不受支持还是我遗漏了什么? 编辑:paracol 版本是 2018/12/31 v1.35。
也许可以进行全面修复,但这需要深入研究 paracol 和 hyperref 的间隙。
This is a text with a footnote on the first page.\footnote{\PcolFoot My first footnote.}
Another column without footnote.
Next page with columns.
Just another column.
Now I have a text outside of paracol with a footnote.\footnote{Outside of paracol.}
Back in paracol another column.
This time the second column has the footnote.\footnote{\PcolFoot Footnote in paracol.}