

我正在尝试制作一种节点样式,其中将在节点顶部绘制一些额外的装饰。但是,我无法绘制它们在上面节点而不是节点后面,如下面的 MWE 所示。有办法实现这一点吗?


    simple node/.style = {%
        rectangle, draw%
    barred node/.style = {%
        simple node,% 
        append after command = {%
            ([xshift=-1mm]\tikzlastnode.north east)%
            ([xshift=-1mm]\tikzlastnode.south east)%


    % draw the extra path manually - works fine:
    \node[simple node, fill=yellow] at (0,0) (a) {A\,};
    \draw ([xshift=-1mm]a.north east) --([xshift=-1mm]a.south east);

    % without the fill this looks fine. (Note that "\draw node" is necessary, rather than just "\node".)
    \draw node [barred node] at (1,0) (b) {B\,};

    % but with the fill it breaks - the line is drawn behind the node instead of in front of it.
    \draw node [barred node, fill=yellow] at (2,0) (c) {C\,};



我尝试使用记录不太清楚的execute at end node键而不是append after command,但它抱怨\tikzlastnode未定义,所以我想我真的需要使用它append after command来获取它。



一个path picture选项将调查填充节点


    simple node/.style = {%
        rectangle, draw%
    barred node/.style = {%
        simple node,% 
        path picture = {\draw ([xshift=-1mm]path picture bounding box.north east) --([xshift=-1mm]path picture bounding box.south east);}


    % draw the extra path manually - works fine:
    \node[simple node, fill=yellow] at (0,0) (a) {A\,};
    \draw ([xshift=-1mm]a.north east) --([xshift=-1mm]a.south east);

    % without the fill this looks fine. (Note that "\draw node" is necessary, rather than just "\node".)
    \draw node [barred node] at (1,0) (b) {B\,};

    % but with the fill it breaks - the line is drawn behind the node instead of in front of it.
    \draw node [barred node, fill=yellow] at (2,0) (c) {C\,};





  1. behind path
  2. 路径本身和
  3. in front of path

默认情况下,将放置路径上指定的所有节点、图片和边in front of path。(坐标也是如此,但由于它们没有视觉输出,因此可以忽略它们。)

\node但是那些没有放在路径上的 s怎么办呢?好吧,它们仍然在路径上,因为\node只是 的快捷方式\path node

如果您使用,append after command其内容只会添加到正常路径上的节点之后,并且完全独立于节点及其样式(线宽、线条颜色、填充等)。

\draw node这也是为什么你需要或更准确地说 的原因\path [draw] node。(\draw也只是 的快捷方式\path [draw])。事实上,你可以这样做

\node [barred node] at (1,0) (b) {B\,} [draw];

edge操作可帮助解决两个问题:首先,就像节点一样,它将被in front of path默认放置(并且由于它将位于节点之后,因此也将位于节点之上),并且您可以完全控制它的外观。默认设置every edge/.style = drawalready 足以让该线显示出来,而无需使用\draw[draw]在指定节点的路径上。

对于复杂的图表,指定通常的默认值是明智的,例如draw = black, line to, solid, line cap = rect



作为一种选项,我添加了一种barred node*样式,将绘图作为背景路径的一部分(它始终是形状的一部分并将继承节点的设置)。


如果rounded corners半径大于 1 毫米,那么看起来也不会好看。


  add to bg path/.code=%
      \toks0\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\csname pgf@sh@bg@\tikz@shape\endcsname}%
      \expandafter\edef\csname pgf@sh@bg@\tikz@shape\endcsname{\the\toks0 \the\toks1 }}}
  simple node/.style = {rectangle, draw},
  barred node/.style = {
    simple node,
    append after command = {
        ([xshift=-1mm]\tikzlastnode.north east)
        ([xshift=-1mm]\tikzlastnode.south east)}},
  barred node*/.style={
    simple node,
    add to bg path={%
        \pgfpointadd{\pgfpoint{-1mm-\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/outer xsep}}
                              {-\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/outer ysep}}}
                    {\northeast}}% or \anchor{north east}
        \pgfpointadd{\pgfpoint{-1mm-\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/outer xsep}}
                              {\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/outer ysep}}}
                    {\anchor{south east}}}}}}
\node[simple node, fill=yellow]                           at (0,    0) (a) {A\,};
\draw ([xshift=-1mm]a.north east) --([xshift=-1mm]a.south east);
\node [barred node]                                       at (1,    0) (b) {B\,};
\node [barred node, fill=yellow]                          at (2,    0) (c) {C\,};
  nodes = {dash pattern=on \pgflinewidth off 2.5\pgflinewidth, blue, rotate = 45}}
\node [barred node,  fill=red,   thick, line cap = round] at (0.5, -1) (d) {D\,};
\node [barred node*, fill=green, thick, line cap = round] at (1.5, -1) (e) {E\,};


