vardef bisector(expr A, O, B, r) =
save arc, E, F, I;
path arc[] ; pair E, F, I[];
% Draw one arc of radius \r\ around center \O\ such that
% it cuts \OA\ and \OB\ respectively at points \E\ and \F\.
arc[0] = fullcircle scaled r shifted O;
E = (O--A) intersectiontimes arc[0];
F = (O--B) intersectiontimes arc[0];
% With the same length \r\, draw two arcs respectively around
% centers \E\ and \F\ intersecting each other.
arc[1] = fullcircle scaled r shifted point (ypart E) of arc[0];
arc[2] = fullcircle scaled r shifted point (ypart F) of arc[0];
% That intersection point is \I\.
I[0] = (reverse arc[1]) intersectionpoint (reverse arc[2]) ;
I[1] = (reverse arc[1]) intersectiontimes (reverse arc[2]) ;
I[2] = arc[2] intersectiontimes arc[1] ;
save rad ; numeric rad ; rad = .33 ;
% Draw the arc around points \E\ and \F\ on rays \OA\ and \OB\.
draw subpath(ypart E - rad, ypart E + rad) of arc[0] withcolor .8[black,white];
draw subpath(ypart F - rad, ypart F + rad) of arc[0] withcolor .8[black,white];
% Draw arcs around point \I\.
draw subpath(ypart I[1] - rad, ypart I[1] + rad) of arc[1] withcolor .5[black,white] ;
draw subpath(xpart I[2] - rad, xpart I[2] + rad) of arc[2] withcolor .5[black,white] ;
u = cm ;
pair O, x, y, A, B, M[] ;
O = origin ;
x = (4u,2u) ;
y = (5u,-3u) ;
M[0] = bisector(x,O,y,30) ;
M[1] = bisector(O,x,y,30) ;
M[2] = bisector(x,y,O,30) ;
draw O -- x -- y -- cycle ;
draw O -- y ;
draw O -- M[0] shortened -u;
draw x -- M[1] shortened -u;
draw y -- M[2] shortened -u;
dotlabel.top("O", O) ;
dotlabel.top("x", x) ;
dotlabel.top("y", y) ;
,但我只使用了普通的 MP 宏,因此您可以轻松地将其调整为 Context 或普通 MP。
boolean show_construction; show_construction = true;
numeric extra_angle; extra_angle = 16;
vardef bisection_point(expr a, o, b, r) =
% declare local variables
save arc, arc_a, arc_b; path arc, arc_a, arc_b;
save point_a, point_b, m; pair point_a, point_b, m;
% make the first arc scaled and centred at "o"
arc = fullcircle scaled 2r
rotated (angle (b-o) - extra_angle)
shifted o
cutafter (o--a) rotatedabout(o, extra_angle);
% find the points where the arc crosses each line
point_a = arc intersectionpoint (o--a);
point_b = arc intersectionpoint (o--b);
% make the subsidiary arcs, scaled and centered at the points just found
arc_a = fullcircle scaled 2r rotated angle (a-o) shifted point_a;
arc_b = fullcircle scaled 2r rotated angle (b-o) shifted point_b;
% find the intersections of the arcs -- the rotations above and
% reversing arc_a here ensures we get the right intersection of arc_a and arc_b
m = reverse arc_a intersectionpoint arc_b;
% draw what we have done if required
if show_construction:
drawoptions(withpen pencircle scaled 1/4 withcolor 1/2);
draw arc;
save t; pair t; t = 1/45(-extra_angle, extra_angle);
draw subpath t of fullcircle scaled 2r rotated angle (m-point_a) shifted point_a;
draw subpath t of fullcircle scaled 2r rotated angle (m-point_b) shifted point_b;
drawoptions(withpen pencircle scaled 3/2 withcolor 1/2);
draw m; draw point_a; draw point_b;
% return the bisection point
pair A, B, C;
A = (10, 5);
B = (200, 90);
C = (190, -80);
pair m; m = bisection_point(B, A, C, 30); draw A -- 4[A,m];
pair n; n = bisection_point(C, B, A, 30); draw B -- 4[B,n];
pair o; o = bisection_point(A, C, B, 30); draw C -- 4[C,o];
draw A--C--B--cycle;
dotlabel.lft("$A$", A);
dotlabel.urt("$B$", B);
dotlabel.lrt("$C$", C);
如果你设置了show_construction := false
始终获得正确的交点。但这不是在 Metapost 中获取二分点的最有效或最简单的方法。例如,这更快、更简单:
vardef bisection_point(expr a, o, b, r) =
o + unitvector (a-o) scaled r
+ unitvector (b-o) scaled r
有关此主题的更多信息,您可能希望阅读我的第 9.1 和 9.2 节使用 Metapost 绘图文档,现在可在 CTAN 上查阅。