Latex mcexam 没有跳转到 pdf 中的正确位置

Latex mcexam 没有跳转到 pdf 中的正确位置


问题:在使用软件包的文档中使用“跳转到 PDF”或“快速构建”时mcexam,我经常会转到 PDF 上的错误页面(上一页)。只有在使用软件包时才会出现这种情况mcexam。知道为什么吗?

在下面的例子中,如果我将光标放在问题 5 上或对其进行编辑,则 pdf 将显示在问题 1 处。

%%% Copyright (c) 2017 Jorre Vannieuwenhuyze.
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  \bfseries\LARGE Test Name: \texttt{Multiple Choice} 
{  \bigskip
  \noindent Name: \dotfill\\[.5\baselineskip]
   \item Answer all questions.
   \item You may write on this test paper 



%Question 1%

    \question Question 1
        \answer Answera
        \answer Answerb
        \answer [correct] Answerc
        \answer Answerd

%Question 2%

    \question Question 2
        \answer Answer1
        \answer Answer2
        \answer [correct] Answer3
        \answer Answer4

%Question 3%

    \question Question3
        \answer Answer1
        \answer Answer2
        \answer [correct] Answer3
        \answer Answer4

%Question 4%

    \question Question4
        \answer Answer1
        \answer Answer2
        \answer [correct] Answer3
        \answer Answer4

%Question 5%

    \question Question5
        \answer Answer1
        \answer Answer2
        \answer [correct] Answer3
        \answer Answer4


