
我正在尝试控制填充 TikZ 中的不同交叉区域(包括使用模式),利用以下代码(我不想使用 \addplot,这样我可以根据需要控制曲线的形状)来获取顶部图形。
%begin curves definitions
curvef/.style n args={2}{code={
\node [red] at (#1,#2) (begin){}
([shift={(10.:.4cm)}]begin.center) node (beginr){}
([shift={(60:4.4cm)}]beginr.center) node (midtop){}
([shift={(-60:4.4cm)}]midtop.center) node (end){}
([shift={(-10.:.4cm)}]end.center) node (endr){}
%end curves definitions
\tikzset{lw/.style={line width=.08cm}}
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.9, transform shape]
\pic at (0,0) {curvef={.8}{0}};
\draw[blue, lw, name path=curveA]([shift={(180.:.8cm)}]begin.center) -- (begin.center) to [out=6, in=-160, looseness=1.] (beginr.center) to [out=20, in=-125, looseness=.68] (midtop.center) coordinate (mda) to [out=55, in=160, looseness=.68] node[pos=.74] (r){} (end.center) to [out=-20, in=174, looseness=1.] (endr.center) -- ([shift={(0.:2.6cm)}]endr.center);
\pic at (2,0) {curvef={.8}{0}};
\draw[green!60!black, lw, name path=curveB] ([shift={(180.:2.8cm)}]begin.center) -- (begin.center) to [out=6, in=-160, looseness=1.] (beginr.center) to [out=20, in=-125, looseness=.68] (midtop.center) coordinate (mdb) to [out=55, in=160, looseness=.68] (end.center) to [out=-20, in=174, looseness=1.] (endr.center) -- ([shift={(0.:.8cm)}]endr.center);
\path[name intersections={of=curveA and curveB}] (intersection-2) node[circle, black, fill=black, scale=0.4] (ab2) {};
\path[name path=xaxis] (0,0)(8,0);
\draw [name path=red, red, lw, dotted](r.center|-0,0) -- ++(90:4);
\draw [violet, thin, name path=axis] (0,0) -- (9,0);
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\path [fill=yellow, opacity=.5, intersection segments={of=curveB and axis, sequence={L2 -- R3}}];
\path [right color=cyan,left color=cyan!20, opacity=.5, intersection segments={of=red and axis, sequence={L* -- R*}}];
\path [fill=yellow, opacity=.5, intersection segments={of=curveB and axis, sequence={L2 -- R3}}];
\path [pattern=grid, pattern color=gray, opacity=.5, intersection segments={of=red and curveB, sequence={L1 -- R1[reverse]}}];
\fill [red] (ab2) -- ([shift={(40.:.3cm)}]mda) -- ([shift={(40.:.3cm)}]mdb) -- (ab2) -- cycle;
s 而不是\node
我还建议您修改 的定义,\pic
\usetikzlibrary{backgrounds, fillbetween}
%begin curves definitions
pics/curvef/.style n args={3}{code={
\coordinate (-begin) at #1;
\coordinate (-beginr) at ([shift={(10:.4cm)}]-begin);
\coordinate (-midtop) at ([shift={(60:4.4cm)}]-beginr);
\coordinate (-end) at ([shift={(-60:4.4cm)}]-midtop);
\coordinate (-endr) at ([shift={(-10:.4cm)}]-end);
\coordinate (-start) at ([shift={#2}]-begin);
\coordinate (-stop) at ([shift={#3}]-endr);
\draw[pic actions]
(-start) --
(-begin) to [out=6, in=-160, looseness=1]
(-beginr) to [out=20, in=-125, looseness=.68]
(-midtop) to [out=55, in=160, looseness=.68]
coordinate[pos=.74] (-r)
(-end) to [out=-20, in=174, looseness=1]
(-endr) --
%end curves definitions
\tikzset{lw/.style={line width=.08cm}}
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.9, transform shape]
\pic[blue, lw, name path global=curveA] (curveA)
at (0,0) {curvef={(.8,0)}{(180:.8cm)}{(0:2.8cm)}};
\pic[green, lw, name path global=curveB] (curveB)
at (2,0) {curvef={(.8,0)}{(180:2.8cm)}{(0:.8cm)}};
\draw[name path=split, red, lw, dotted]
(curveA-r |- 0,0) -- ++(90:4) coordinate (split top);
\draw[violet, thin, name path=axis]
(0,0) -- (8.8,0);
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
intersection segments={
of=curveA and axis, sequence={L* -- R*}
}] -- cycle;
intersection segments={
of=curveB and axis, sequence={L* -- R*}
}] -- cycle;
intersection segments={
of=split and curveB, sequence={R1 -- L1[reverse]}
}] -- cycle;
name path=overlapAB,
intersection segments={
of=curveA and curveB, sequence={L3 -- R2}
}] -- cycle;
intersection segments={
of=split and overlapAB, sequence={R1 -- L1[reverse] -- R3}
}] -- cycle;
\usetikzlibrary{backgrounds, fillbetween}
%begin curves definitions
pics/curvef/.style n args={3}{code={
\coordinate (-begin) at #1;
\coordinate (-begin right) at ([shift={(1.75,0)}]-begin);
\coordinate (-top) at ([shift={(2.5,4)}]-begin);
\coordinate (-top left) at ([shift={(-0.75,0)}]-top);
\coordinate (-top right) at ([shift={(0.75,0)}]-top);
\coordinate (-end) at ([shift={(5,0)}]-begin);
\coordinate (-end left) at ([shift={(-1.75,0)}]-end);
\coordinate (-start) at ([shift={#2}]-begin);
\coordinate (-stop) at ([shift={#3}]-end);
\draw[pic actions]
(-start) --
(-begin) .. controls (-begin right) and (-top left) ..
(-top) .. controls (-top right) and (-end left) ..
coordinate[pos=.74] (-r)
(-end) --
%end curves definitions
\tikzset{lw/.style={line width=.8mm}}
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.9, transform shape]
\pic[blue, lw, name path global=curveA] (curveA)
at (0,0) {curvef={(.8,0)}{(-.8,0)}{(2.8,0)}};
\pic[green, lw, name path global=curveB] (curveB)
at (2,0) {curvef={(.8,0)}{(-2.8,0)}{(.8,0)}};
\draw[name path=split, red, lw, dotted]
(curveA-r |- 0,0) -- (curveA-r |- curveA-top)
coordinate (split top);
\draw[violet, thin, name path=axis]
(0,0) -- (8.6,0);
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\path[name intersections={of=curveA and curveB}]
coordinate (intersectionAB) at (intersection-2);
(intersectionAB) -- (curveA-top) -- (curveB-top) -- cycle;
intersection segments={
of=curveA and axis, sequence={L* -- R*}
}] -- cycle;
intersection segments={
of=curveB and axis, sequence={L* -- R*}
}] -- cycle;
intersection segments={
of=split and curveB, sequence={R1 -- L1[reverse]}
}] -- cycle;
name path=overlapAB,
intersection segments={
of=curveA and curveB, sequence={L3 -- R2}
}] -- cycle;
intersection segments={
of=split and overlapAB, sequence={R1 -- L1[reverse] -- R3}
}] -- cycle;