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\section{\color{navyblue} SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS}
Results-driven, customer-focused, and innovative professional with years of work experience in diverse software development roles. Highly skilled in JavaScript, React, Node.js and associated technologies. Hands-on experience in front-end and back-end development of web-based applications and advanced development methodologies, as well as design and development of automation systems. My proven capabilities in self-management, get-up-and-go attitude, and ability to understand complex coding with ease make me an ideal candidate to fit the position of software engineer, and I am confident that I will be a valuable asset to your organisation.


    \underline{\color{navyblue}\Large Core Competencies/Areas of Expertise}

Software Engineering $•$ Front-end and Back-end Development $\bullet$ DevOps $\bullet$ CI/CD $\bullet$ Technical Support and Troubleshooting \\
Programming Skills $\bullet$ Analytical Skills $\bullet$ Project Management $\bullet$ Root-cause Analysis\\
Creativity $\bullet$ Attention to Details $\bullet$ Leadership and Teamwork Abilities $\bullet$ Decision Making $\bullet$ Critical Thinking $\bullet$ Effective Communication

\section{ \color{navyblue}TECHNICAL SKILLS PROFILE}



请帮帮我。我只想要第一页上有如图所示的页眉。文档其余部分的页眉对我来说是正确的,如 latex 代码所示



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    \section{\color{navyblue} SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS}
    Results-driven, customer-focused, and innovative professional with years of work experience in diverse software development roles. Highly skilled in JavaScript, React, Node.js and associated technologies. Hands-on experience in front-end and back-end development of web-based applications and advanced development methodologies, as well as design and development of automation systems. My proven capabilities in self-management, get-up-and-go attitude, and ability to understand complex coding with ease make me an ideal candidate to fit the position of software engineer, and I am confident that I will be a valuable asset to your organisation.
            \underline{\color{navyblue}\Large Core Competencies/Areas of Expertise}
        Software Engineering $•$ Front-end and Back-end Development $\bullet$ DevOps $\bullet$ CI/CD $\bullet$ Technical Support and Troubleshooting \\
        Programming Skills $\bullet$ Analytical Skills $\bullet$ Project Management $\bullet$ Root-cause Analysis\\
        Creativity $\bullet$ Attention to Details $\bullet$ Leadership and Teamwork Abilities $\bullet$ Decision Making $\bullet$ Critical Thinking $\bullet$ Effective Communication
    \section{ \color{navyblue}TECHNICAL SKILLS PROFILE}
