


我目前的设置(用作 MWE)


# Set the program used to generate the PDF
# 1: pdflatex
# 2: postscript conversion, don't use this
# 3: dvi conversion, don't use this
# 4: lualatex
# 5: xelatex
$pdf_mode = 1;

# Move all axuiliary files to a separate directory, so they do not clutter up the project directory
$emulate_aux = 1;
$aux_dir = "tmp";

# Move the compiled files (and synctex) to a separate directory
$out_dir = 'build';

set_tex_cmds(" --shell-escape  -interaction=nonstopmode  -file-line-error -synctex=1 ");

$clean_ext .= ' %R.figlist %R-figure* %R.makefile fls.tmp';

$latex    = 'internal tikzlatex latex    %B %O %S';
$pdflatex = 'internal tikzlatex pdflatex %B %O %S';
$lualatex = 'internal tikzlatex lualatex %B %O %S';
$xelatex  = 'internal tikzlatex xelatex  %B %O %S';

$hash_calc_ignore_pattern{'pdf'} = '^(/CreationDate|/ModDate|/ID)';
$hash_calc_ignore_pattern{'ps'} = '^%%CreationDate';

sub tikzlatex {
    my ($engine, $base, @args) = @_;
    my $ret = 0;
    print "Tikzlatex: ===Running '$engine @args'...\n";
    $ret = system( $engine, @args );
    print "Tikzlatex: Fixing .fls file ...\n";
    system "echo INPUT \"$aux_dir1$base.figlist\"  >  \"$aux_dir1$base.fls.tmp\"";
    system "echo INPUT \"$aux_dir1$base.makefile\" >> \"$aux_dir1$base.fls.tmp\"";
    system "cat \"$aux_dir1$base.fls\"    >> \"$aux_dir1$base.fls.tmp\"";
    rename "$aux_dir1$base.fls.tmp", "$aux_dir1$base.fls";
    if ($ret) { return $ret; }

    if ( -e "$aux_dir1$base.makefile" ) {
        system "echo \"$aux_dir1$base.makefile\"";

        if ($engine eq 'xelatex') {
                print "Tikzlatex: ---Correcting '$aux_dir1$base.makefile' made under xelatex\n";
            system( 'perl', '-i', '-p', '-e', 's/^\^\^I/\t/', "$aux_dir1$base.makefile" );
        elsif ($engine eq 'latex') {
            print "Tikzlatex: ---Correcting '$aux_dir1$base.makefile' made under latex\n";
            system( 'perl', '-i', '-p', '-e', 's/\.epsi/\.ps/', "$aux_dir1$base.makefile" );

        print "Tikzlatex: ---Running 'make -f $aux_dir1$base.makefile' ...\n";

        if ($aux_dir) {
            # latexmk has set $ENV{TEXINPUTS} in this case.
            $ENV{TEXINPUTS} = good_cwd().$search_path_separator.$ENV{TEXINPUTS};
                pushd( $aux_dir );
                $ret = system "make",  "-j", "5", "-f", "$base.makefile";
            else {
                $ret = system "make",  "-j", "5", "-f", "$base.makefile";

        if ($ret) {
            print "Tikzlatex: !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Error from make !!!!!!!!! \n",
                "  The log files for making the figures '$aux_dir1$base-figure*.log'\n",
                "  may have information\n";
    else {
        print "Tikzlatex: No '$aux_dir1$base.makefile', so I won't run make.\n";
    return $ret;


% mwe.tex
\usepackage{tikz,pgfplots, pgfplotstable}


% NOTE: data.csv cannot be generated fromfilecontents, as it end up in /tmp then

    mode=list and make,
    only named=true,%
] % activate

    % \tikzpicturedependsonfile{src/data.csv}


 x, y
 0, 0
 1, 1


        col sep = comma,

        \addplot table from {\dataX};


在编译期间,make -f tmp/mwe.makefile找不到文件tmp/data.csv,但必须给出相对于根文件的文件以供常规输入。

我希望能够继续使用 aux-dir 设置,以便将我的文档创建的大量临时文件与源文件和输出文件分开。



  1. 如果我进入\pgfplotstablereadmwe.tex它就不会成为输入的一部分,而是latexmk可以顺利运行。我更喜欢将数据加载捆绑在 tikzpicture 环境内,就像在我的 MW(n)E 中一样。*
  2. 显而易见的下一步:移出\pgfplotstableread环境tikzpicture,但将其保持在环境内部,src/figure.tikz这是一个可接受的解决方案,但也会引发错误。



  • 如何实现期望的行为?
  • 如何自动修改makefileexternalizelist-and-make相应地创建?


我采纳了 John Collins 的评论并.latexmkrc相应地改进了我的评论。要试用它,请将其与我的 M(n)WE 中最初提供的其他文件一起运行。


# Set the program used to generate the PDF
# 1: pdflatex
# 2: postscript conversion, don't use this
# 3: dvi conversion, don't use this
# 4: lualatex
# 5: xelatex
$pdf_mode = 1;

# Move all axuiliary files to a separate directory, so they do not clutter up the project directory
$emulate_aux = 1;
$aux_dir = "tmp";

# Move the compiled files (and synctex) to a separate directory
$out_dir = 'build';

# This is the directory latexmk links for makefiles inside the $aux_dir: Place all external resources here.
$source_dir = "src";

# Produce less console output
$silent = 1;

set_tex_cmds(" --shell-escape  -interaction=nonstopmode  -file-line-error -synctex=1 ");

$clean_ext .= ' %R.figlist %R-figure* %R.makefile fls.tmp';

$latex    = 'internal tikzlatex latex    %B %O %S';
$pdflatex = 'internal tikzlatex pdflatex %B %O %S';
$lualatex = 'internal tikzlatex lualatex %B %O %S';
$xelatex  = 'internal tikzlatex xelatex  %B %O %S';

$hash_calc_ignore_pattern{'pdf'} = '^(/CreationDate|/ModDate|/ID)';
$hash_calc_ignore_pattern{'ps'} = '^%%CreationDate';

sub tikzlatex {
    my ($engine, $base, @args) = @_;
    my $ret = 0;
    print "Tikzlatex: ===Running '$engine @args'...\n";
    $ret = system( $engine, @args );
    print "Tikzlatex: Fixing .fls file ...\n";
    system "echo INPUT \"$aux_dir1$base.figlist\"  >  \"$aux_dir1$base.fls.tmp\"";
    system "echo INPUT \"$aux_dir1$base.makefile\" >> \"$aux_dir1$base.fls.tmp\"";
    system "cat \"$aux_dir1$base.fls\"    >> \"$aux_dir1$base.fls.tmp\"";
    rename "$aux_dir1$base.fls.tmp", "$aux_dir1$base.fls";
    if ($ret) { return $ret; }

    if ( -e "$aux_dir1$base.makefile" ) {
        system "echo \"$aux_dir1$base.makefile\"";

        if ($engine eq 'xelatex') {
                print "Tikzlatex: ---Correcting '$aux_dir1$base.makefile' made under xelatex\n";
            system( 'perl', '-i', '-p', '-e', 's/^\^\^I/\t/', "$aux_dir1$base.makefile" );
        elsif ($engine eq 'latex') {
            print "Tikzlatex: ---Correcting '$aux_dir1$base.makefile' made under latex\n";
            system( 'perl', '-i', '-p', '-e', 's/\.epsi/\.ps/', "$aux_dir1$base.makefile" );

        print "Tikzlatex: ---Running 'make -f $aux_dir1$base.makefile' ...\n";

        if ($aux_dir) {
            # latexmk has set $ENV{TEXINPUTS} in this case.
            $ENV{TEXINPUTS} = good_cwd().$search_path_separator.$ENV{TEXINPUTS};

            # since some files are trying to get source files during compilation of the externalize list-and-make makefile, provide them with a symlink to the source files:
            $current_dir = getcwd();
            $existing_file = "$current_dir/$source_dir";
            $new_file = "$current_dir/$aux_dir/$source_dir";

            my $symlink_exists = eval { symlink (  $existing_file, $new_file);; 1 };

            if (not($symlink_exists)) {
                print "Tikzlatex: ---Creation of symlink failed. Please create a symlink from '$aux_dir/$source_dir' to '<document root>/$source_dir' manually.\n";


            pushd( $aux_dir );
            $ret = system "make",  "-j", "5", "-f", "$base.makefile";
            else {
                $ret = system "make",  "-j", "5", "-f", "$base.makefile";

        if ($ret) {
            print "Tikzlatex: !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Error from make !!!!!!!!! \n",
                "  The log files for making the figures '$aux_dir1$base-figure*.log'\n",
                "  may have information\n";
    else {
        print "Tikzlatex: No '$aux_dir1$base.makefile', so I won't run make.\n";
    return $ret;


# This is the directory latexmk links for makefiles inside the $aux_dir: Place all external resources here.
$source_dir = "src";
# since some files are trying to get source files during compilation of the externalize list-and-make makefile, provide them with a symlink to the source files:
$current_dir = getcwd();
$existing_file = "$current_dir/$source_dir";
$new_file = "$current_dir/$aux_dir/$source_dir";

my $symlink_exists = eval { symlink (  $existing_file, $new_file);; 1 };

if (not($symlink_exists)) {
    print "Tikzlatex: ---Creation of symlink failed. Please create a symlink from '$aux_dir/$source_dir' to '<document root>/$source_dir' manually.\n";




