

    % January - 2023
    \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.8, every node/.style={scale=0.8}]
        \def\startday{6} % Adjust this value to change the starting day of the week (0 - Sunday, 1 - Monday, etc.)
        \def\numdays{31} % Adjust this value based on the actual number of days in the month
        \def\daynames{{"Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"}}
        % \node[anchor=north west] at (0.5*\daywidth*\numdays,0.5*\dayheight) {\monthname \ \year};

        \foreach \day in {0,1,...,6} {
            \node[anchor=north west, minimum width=\daywidth, minimum height=\boxsize, text depth=\boxsep, align=center,draw] at (30+\daywidth*\day, -\upperpadding) {\pgfmathparse{\daynames[\day]}\pgfmathresult};

        % draw the empty boxes for the days before the first day of the month
        \foreach \day in {1,...,\startday} {
            \node[anchor=north west, minimum width=\daywidth, minimum height=\dayheight, text depth=\boxsep, align=center, draw] at (30+\daywidth*\day-\daywidth, -\upperpadding-3*\boxsize) {};

        \foreach \d in {1,...,\numdays} {

            \node[anchor=north west,minimum width=\daywidth,minimum height=\dayheight,draw] at (30+\dx*\daywidth,-\upperpadding-\dy*\dayheight- 3*\boxsize) {\d};


我的 pdf 截图

我的问题是为什么改变\upperpadding变量没有任何作用。它没有给我错误。但它也没有改变任何东西。将其设置为 0 或 20 都无所谓。我相信编译器是latexmk



    \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.8, every node/.style={scale=0.8}]
        \def\startday{6} % Adjust this value to change the starting day of the week (0 - Sunday, 1 - Monday, etc.)
        \def\numdays{31} % Adjust this value based on the actual number of days in the month
        \def\daynames{{"Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"}}
        \node[anchor=north,align=center,font=\fontsize{30}{30}\selectfont] at (0.5\textwidth,-1cm) {\monthname \ \year};

        \foreach \day in {0,1,...,6} {
            \node[anchor=north, minimum width=\daywidth, minimum height=\boxsize, text depth=\boxsep, align=center,draw] at (30+\daywidth*\day, -\upperpadding) {\pgfmathparse{\daynames[\day]}\pgfmathresult};

        \foreach \day in {1,...,\startday} {
            \node[anchor=north, minimum width=\daywidth, minimum height=\dayheight, text depth=\boxsep, align=center, draw] at (30+\daywidth*\day-\daywidth, -\upperpadding-3*\boxsize) {};

        \foreach \d in {1,...,\numdays} {

            \node[anchor=north,minimum width=\daywidth,minimum height=\dayheight,draw] at (30+\dx*\daywidth,-\upperpadding-\dy*\dayheight- 3*\boxsize) {\d};


作为赫佩克里斯蒂安森qrrbrbirlbel指出 tikz 图片需要另一个节点
