因此,我尝试在内部r = 6 sin (\theta)
和外部的两个极坐标曲线之间进行着色r = 2 + 2 sin(\theta)
。使用 tikzfillbetween,我希望只对新月进行着色,但结果发现阴影区域非常抽象,不是我喜欢的样子。
有人能改进我的代码,让我可以在笛卡尔系统中阴影化区域吗?希望可以使用 fillbetween 或任何简单易懂的方法来实现。
这是我的 MWE:
axis equal,
axis x line = middle,
axis y line = middle,
xlabel = $x$, ylabel = $y$,
xtick = {-5, 0, 5}, minor x tick num = 4,
ytick = {-5, 0, 5, 10}, minor y tick num = 4,
xmin = -3.8, xmax = 3.8,
ymin = -1.8, ymax = 6.8,
font = \tiny,
legend cell align={left},
\addplot[name path = A, data cs = polar, orange, smooth, thin, samples = 1000, domain = 0 : 360] (x, {6*sin(x)});
\addplot[name path = B, data cs = polar, magenta, smooth, thin, samples = 1000, domain = 0 : 360] (x, {2 + 2*sin(x)});
\addplot[gray!20, fill opacity = .3] fill between [of = A and B, soft clip = {domain = -2.6:2.6}];
\addlegendentry{{\color{black} $r = 6\sin\theta$}}
\addlegendentry{{\color{black} $r = 2 + 2\sin\theta$}}
@Jasper Habicht 答案的一个很小的变体(+1),代码更短,字体更大,样本数量更少:
axis lines = middle,
axis equal,
xlabel = $x$, ylabel = $y$,
xtick = {-5, 0, 5}, minor x tick num = 4,
ytick = {-5, 5}, minor y tick num = 4,
xmin = -6, xmax = 6,
ymin = -0.8, ymax = 6.8,
font = \scriptsize,
legend cell align={left},
data cs = polar,
\addplot[name path = A, orange] (x, {6*sin(x)});
\addplot[name path = B, magenta] (x, {2 + 2*sin(x)});
\fill[gray!20, opacity = .3,
intersection segments = {of = A and B,
sequence = {L2 -- R2[reverse]},
}] -- cycle;
\addlegendentry{{\color{black} $r = 6\sin\theta$}}
\addlegendentry{{\color{black} $r = 2 + 2\sin\theta$}}
命令intersection segments
axis equal,
axis x line = middle,
axis y line = middle,
xlabel = $x$, ylabel = $y$,
xtick = {-5, 0, 5}, minor x tick num = 4,
ytick = {-5, 0, 5, 10}, minor y tick num = 4,
xmin = -3.8, xmax = 3.8,
ymin = -1.8, ymax = 6.8,
font = \tiny,
legend cell align={left},
\addplot[name path = A, data cs = polar, orange, smooth, thin, samples = 250, domain = 0 : 360] (x, {6*sin(x)});
\addplot[name path = B, data cs = polar, magenta, smooth, thin, samples = 250, domain = 0 : 360] (x, {2 + 2*sin(x)});
\fill[gray!20, opacity = .3, intersection segments = {
of = A and B,
sequence = {L2 -- R2[reverse]},
}] -- cycle;
\addlegendentry{{\color{black} $r = 6\sin\theta$}}
\addlegendentry{{\color{black} $r = 2 + 2\sin\theta$}}