我迄今已努力并实现了这一 MWE:
\usetikzlibrary {calc}
\newcommand{\MarkRightAngle}[4][.3cm]% #1=size (optional), #2-#4 three points: \angle #2#3#4
{\coordinate (tempa) at ($(#3)!#1!(#2)$);
\coordinate (tempb) at ($(#3)!#1!(#4)$);
\coordinate (tempc) at ($(tempa)!0.5!(tempb)$);%midpoint
\draw (tempa) -- ($(#3)!2!(tempc)$) -- (tempb);
\draw[fill=blue!7] (0,0) ellipse (4 and 4);% a circle
\draw[fill=blue!7] (-4,0) arc (180:360:4 and 4);% left half of the circle starting at (-4,0) from 180 to 360
\draw[fill=white!7] (0,-3) ellipse (3 and 3);% a circle
\draw (0,0.2) node {$A$};
\draw (0,-3.6) node {$C$};
\draw (-3.5,-3.1) node {$D$};
\draw (3.5,-3.1) node {$B$};
\draw (1.5,-3.2) node {$a$};
% Create right angle
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (E) at (1.6,-1.4);
\coordinate (C) at (0,-3);
\draw[dashed] (0,-3) -- (1.6,-1.4);
\draw[-,thick] (0,0) -- (-3,-2.7) node[left, midway] {\footnotesize $b$};
\draw[-,thick] (0,0) -- (3,-2.7) node[right, midway] {\footnotesize $E$};
\draw[-,thick] (0,0) -- (0,-3) node[left, midway] {\footnotesize $a$};
\draw[-,thick] (-3,-2.7) -- (0,-3);
\draw[-,thick] (3,-2.7) -- (0,-3);
\path[fill=blue!7] (0, 0) circle[radius=4];
\draw[fill=white] (0,-3) circle[radius=3];
\draw (0, 0) circle[radius=4];
您还可以在较大的圆圈上安装一个夹子,然后用以下内容填充两个圆圈even odd rule
\clip (0, 0) circle[radius=4];
\fill[blue!7, even odd rule] (0, 0) circle[radius=4]
(0,-3) circle[radius=3];
\draw (0, 0) circle[radius=4]
(0,-3) circle[radius=3];
\usetikzlibrary{angles, intersections, quotes}
declare function={a = 3; b = 4;},
bigC/.style ={insert path={(A) circle[radius=b]}},
smallC/.style={insert path={(C) circle[radius=a]}},
%%% Specify all coordinates
\coordinate (A) at (0,0)
coordinate (C) at ([shift=(down:a)] A);
\path[name path= big, bigC];
\path[name path=small, smallC];
\tikzset{name intersections={of=big and small, sort by=big, by={D, B}}}
\path (A) -- coordinate (E) (B);
%%% Fill the big circle minus the small one
\fill[even odd rule, gray!50, bigC, smallC];
%%% Right angle
\pic[draw] {right angle=A--E--C};
%%% All lines
\draw[bigC, smallC, auto=right,
every edge quotes/.append style={execute at begin node=$, execute at end node=$}]
(A) to["b"] (D) -- (C) to["a"] (B) -- cycle
(A) to["a"] (C) edge[dashed, "h"] (E);
%%% Dots and labels
\foreach \p/\l in {A/above, B/below right, C/below, D/below left, E/above right}
\node[circle, fill, inner sep=+0pt, minimum size=+3pt, "$\p$"\l] at (\p) {};
declare function={
a = 3; b = 4;
h = .5*sqrt(4*a*a-b*b);
alpha = asin(h/a);
bigC/.style ={insert path={(A) circle[radius=b]}},
smallC/.style={insert path={(C) circle[radius=a]}},
%%% Specify all coordinates
\coordinate (A) at (0,0)
coordinate (C) at ([shift=(down:a)] A)
coordinate (B) at ([shift=(-90+alpha:b)] A)
coordinate (D) at ([shift=(-90-alpha:b)] A);
\path (A) -- coordinate (E) (B);
%%% Fill the big circle minus the small one
\fill[even odd rule, gray!50, bigC, smallC];
%%% Right angle
\pic[draw] {right angle=A--E--C};
%%% All lines
\draw[bigC, smallC, auto=right,
every edge quotes/.append style={execute at begin node=$, execute at end node=$}]
(A) to["b"] (D) -- (C) to["a"] (B) -- cycle
(A) to["a"] (C) edge[dashed, "h"] (E);
%%% Dots and labels
\foreach \p/\l in {A/above, B/below right, C/below, D/below left, E/above right}
\node[circle, draw, fill=white, inner sep=+0pt, minimum size=+3pt, "$\p$"\l] at (\p) {};
使用let ... in
** 代码**
\documentclass[11pt, border=10pt]{standalone}
\usetikzlibrary{math, calc}
\begin{tikzpicture}[evaluate={\a = 2; \t = 7;}, every node/.style={scale=.8}]
% points
\path (0, 0) coordinate (C)
(90: \a) coordinate (A)
(\t : \a) coordinate (B)
(180 -\t: \a) coordinate (D);
% circles
\draw[fill=red!10] (A) let
\p1 = ($(B)-(A)$),
\n1 = {veclen(\x1, \y1)}
in circle (\n1);
\draw[fill=white] (C) circle (\a);
% segments
\draw (C) -- node[left] {$a$} (A) -- (B) -- cycle;
\draw (C) -- (D) -- node[above left] {$b$} (A);
\draw[dashed] (C) -- ($(A)!(C)!(B)$) coordinate (E);
% angle
\draw[ultra thin] (E) -- ($(E)!.3!(A)$) coordinate (T) let
\p1 = ($(T)-(E)$),
\n1 = {veclen(\x1, \y1)}
in -- ([turn]90: \n1) -- ([turn]90: \n1);
\foreach \P/\pos in {C/below, A/above, B/below right, D/below left,
E/above right%
\draw[fill=white] (\P) node[\pos] {$\P$} circle (1.2pt);
\usetikzlibrary {calc}
\newcommand{\MarkRightAngle}[4][.3cm]% #1=size (optional), #2-#4 three points: \angle #2#3#4
{\coordinate (tempa) at ($(#3)!#1!(#2)$);
\coordinate (tempb) at ($(#3)!#1!(#4)$);
\coordinate (tempc) at ($(tempa)!0.5!(tempb)$);%midpoint
\draw (tempa) -- ($(#3)!2!(tempc)$) -- (tempb);
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1,>=latex,x=1cm,y=1cm] %<-- change
\draw[fill=blue!7] (0,0) circle(4);% <-- change
% \draw[fill=blue!7] (-4,0) arc (180:360:4);% left half of the circle starting at (-4,0) from 180 to 360
\draw[fill=white!7] (0,-3) circle(3);% <-- change
\draw (0,0.2) node {$A$};
\draw (0,-3.6) node {$C$};
\draw (-3.5,-3.1) node {$D$};
\draw (3.5,-3.1) node {$B$};
\draw (1.5,-3.2) node {$a$};
% Create right angle
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (E) at (1.6,-1.4);
\coordinate (C) at (0,-3);
\draw[dashed] (0,-3) -- (1.6,-1.4);
\draw[-,thick] (0,0) -- (-3,-2.7) node[left, midway] {\footnotesize $b$};
\draw[-,thick] (0,0) -- (3,-2.7) node[right, midway] {\footnotesize $E$};
\draw[-,thick] (0,0) -- (0,-3) node[left, midway] {\footnotesize $a$};
\draw[-,thick] (-3,-2.7) -- (0,-3);
\draw[-,thick] (3,-2.7) -- (0,-3);