使用 wrapfig 和 enumerate 格式化 circuitikz 时出现问题

使用 wrapfig 和 enumerate 格式化 circuitikz 时出现问题






不幸的是,我无法弄清楚如何使用 wrapfigure 和 enumerate 环境来做到这一点。电路图被放置在选项下方,而不是右侧。任何帮助都将不胜感激!


\usepackage{circuitikz} % for drawing circuit diagrams
\usepackage{wrapfig} % for wrapfigure environment
\usepackage{enumitem} % more options for enumerate command

% define enumerate command for new multiple choice question
\setlist[mcquestion,1]{label={\bfseries\arabic{mcquestioni}.}, leftmargin=*, resume=mcquestion}
\def\remembered[#1]{\typeout{Call #1:\arabic{mcquestioni}}}

% define enumerate command for possible choices
\setlist[mchoices,1]{label={\bfseries\alph*.}, wide=1cm, leftmargin=*}


    \item In the circuit drawn in the figure, the ammeter has no resistance, and the battery has an e.m.f.~$\varepsilon$ and an internal resistance~$r$. Which of the following is correct?

    \item The current flowing through the ammeter is zero.
    \item The p.d. across the ammeter is zero.
    \item The potential drop \textbf{inside} the battery is zero.
    \item The energy dissipated in the whole circuit is zero.

\begin{circuitikz}[scale=2] \draw
    (0,1)   to[battery, l={$\varepsilon$, r}]   (1,1)
    (1,1)   --                                  (1,0)
    (1,0)   to[rmeter, t=A]                     (0,0)
    (0,0)   --                                  (0,1)





虽然你可以帮助它发挥作用,我认为在这种情况下,明确使用 minipage 更好(我将problem未定义的 更改为mquestion):


\usepackage{circuitikz} % for drawing circuit diagrams
\usepackage{wrapfig} % for wrapfigure environment
\usepackage{enumitem} % more options for enumerate command

% define enumerate command for new multiple choice question
\setlist[mquestion,1]{label={\bfseries\arabic{mquestioni}.}, leftmargin=*, resume=mquestion}
\def\remembered[#1]{\typeout{Call #1:\arabic{mquestioni}}}

% define enumerate command for possible choices
\setlist[mchoices,1]{label={\bfseries\alph*.}, wide=1cm, leftmargin=*}


    \item In the circuit drawn in the figure, the ammeter has no resistance, and the battery has an e.m.f.~$\varepsilon$ and an internal resistance~$r$. Which of the following is correct?

    \item The current flowing through the ammeter is zero.
    \item The p.d. across the ammeter is zero.
    \item The potential drop \textbf{inside} the battery is zero.
    \item The energy dissipated in the whole circuit is zero.
\begin{circuitikz}[scale=2, baseline=(A.center)] \draw
    (0,1)   to[battery, l={$\varepsilon$, r}, name=A]   (1,1)
    (1,1)   --                                  (1,0)
    (1,0)   to[rmeter, t=A]                     (0,0)
    (0,0)   --                                  (0,1)


注意我如何使用选项微调电路的垂直位置baseline(这是来自 TiZ)。
