使用 clearpage 和 scrlayer-scrpage 包时,斜体文本比常规文本小

使用 clearpage 和 scrlayer-scrpage 包时,斜体文本比常规文本小

我正在使用 Luatex 和 KOMA-script。我遇到的问题是斜体字体似乎始终设置为 10pt 大小,我不明白为什么。在下面的 M(not)WE 中,存在此问题,但在删除加载 scrlayer-scrpage 包的行或删除 \clearpage 时不存在此问题。为了简单起见,我在此示例中未使用该包,但我想在主文档中使用它。这是怎么回事?此外,大多数其他字体不会出现此问题。

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{scrreprt}

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% load packages %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\setmainfont{Latin Modern Roman}

%%%%% Head and Footnotes %%%%%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% begin of document %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Some Text
\clearpage  % or cleardoublepage or newpage, all produce the problem
This is a text in normalsize. \emph{This appears smaller than it should. }\textit{This appears too small as well.}\\
Look at the size of Letters: u\emph{u}\textit{u}




\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{scrreprt}

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% load packages %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\setmainfont{Latin Modern Roman}[SlantedFont=LatinModernRoman/I]

%%%%% Head and Footnotes %%%%%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% begin of document %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Some Text
\clearpage  % or cleardoublepage or newpage, all produce the problem
This is a text in normalsize. \emph{This appears smaller than it should. }\textit{This appears too small as well.}\\
Look at the size of Letters: u\emph{u}\textit{u}


