


\ProvidesClass{temp}[2016/02/01 CV]


\usepackage[hmargin=1.25cm, vmargin=2cm]{geometry}%1.7cm

\frenchspacing              % Better looking spacings after periods
\pagestyle{empty}           % No pagenumbers/headers/footers

% Color definitions

%%% Custom sectioning (sectsty package)
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%%% Macros
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\settowidth{\spacebox}{8888888888}          % Box to align text
\newcommand{\sepspace}{\vspace*{1em}}       % Vertical space macro

\newcommand{\MyName}[1]{ % Name 
         \huge \usefont{OT1}{phv}{b}{n} \hfill \textcolor{headings}{#1}
        \par \normalsize \normalfont}

\newcommand{\NewPart}[1]{\section*{ \color{headings} \uppercase{#1}}}

        \noindent\hangindent=2em\hangafter=0 % Indentation
        \parbox{\spacebox}{        % Box to align text
        \textit{#1}}               % Entry name (birth, address, etc.)
        \hspace{1.5em} #2 \par}    % Entry value

\newcommand{\SkillsEntry}[2]{      % Same as \PersonalEntry
        \noindent\hangindent=2em\hangafter=0 % Indentation
        \parbox{\spacebox}{        % Box to align text
        \textit{#1}}               % Entry name (birth, address, etc.)
        \hspace{1.5em} #2 \par}    % Entry value    
    %   \includegraphics[width=1.2cm] {#5}
    %   \end{minipage}%                 
        \noindent {\color{subheadings}\bfseries\uppercase {#1}}, {\color{subheadings}\textit{#3}}  
        \hfill  {\color{headings}\fontsize{10pt}{12pt}#2}   
        \noindent\hangindent=2em\hangafter=0 \normalsize #4%\small #4 % Description
        \normalsize \par         
    %   \includegraphics[width=1.2cm] {#5}
    %   \end{minipage}%                    
        \noindent {\color{subheadings}\bfseries\uppercase {#1}} 
        \hfill {\color{headings}\fontsize{10pt}{12pt}#2}
        \noindent {\color{subheadings}\textit{#3}} \par 
        \noindent\hangindent=2em\hangafter=0 \normalsize #4%\small #4 % Description
        \normalsize \par         

    \includegraphics[height=9pt, width= 15pt]{#1}



我面临的问题是,每当我写摘要时,即使摘要没有占据整个页面,也会将简历中的工作经历部分强制推到下一页。如何阻止简历摘要将工作经历推到简历的下一页?以下是我的 MWE:

\documentclass[paper=a4,fontsize=11pt]{temp} % KOMA-article class
    % \includegraphics[width=1\textwidth]{photo}
        \MyName{ ABCD EFG HIJ}
        \hfill 1234567890|[email protected]
        %\hfill yourwebsite.com
        %\hfill (+263)774794598  
    \NewPart{Work experience}{\noindent
        \workEntry{Ghhrieie i3i3}{2021- 2023}{Programmer}{\begin{itemize}[label=\textcolor{headings}{\textbullet},itemsep=0em]
                \item   There is another package named blindtext which can generate a single paragraph of dummy lorem ipsum text to even an entire document with the dummy text.
                \item There is another package named blindtext which can generate a single paragraph of dummy lorem ipsum text to even an entire document with the dummy text.
                \item There is another package named blindtext which can generate a single paragraph of dummy lorem ipsum text to even an entire document with the dummy text.
                \item There is another package named blindtext which can generate a single paragraph of dummy lorem ipsum text to even an entire document with the dummy text.
                \item There is another package named blindtext which can generate a single paragraph of dummy lorem ipsum text to even an entire document with the dummy text.
                \item There is another package named blindtext which can generate a single paragraph of dummy lorem ipsum text to even an entire document with the dummy text.
                \item There is another package named blindtext which can generate a single paragraph of dummy lorem ipsum text to even an entire document with the dummy text.
                \item There is another package named blindtext which can generate a single paragraph of dummy lorem ipsum text to even an entire document with the dummy text.
                \item There is another package named blindtext which can generate a single paragraph of dummy lorem ipsum text to even an entire document with the dummy text.
                \item There is another package named blindtext which can generate a single paragraph of dummy lorem ipsum text to even an entire document with the dummy text.
                \item There is another package named blindtext which can generate a single paragraph of dummy lorem ipsum text to even an entire document with the dummy text.
                \item There is another package named blindtext which can generate a single paragraph of dummy lorem ipsum text to even an entire document with the dummy text.
                \item  There is another package named blindtext which can generate a single paragraph of dummy lorem ipsum text to even an entire document with the dummy text.
                \item There is another package named blindtext which can generate a single paragraph of dummy lorem ipsum text to even an entire document with the dummy text.
                \item There is another package named blindtext which can generate a single paragraph of dummy lorem ipsum text to even an entire document with the dummy text.
        \end{itemize} }{IMG/writeL}}
    \EducationEntry{Afffgg}{2013}{Hererir School}{ Aisieieieeieii fjrrirurr rrirrrir} {IMG/I}
    \EducationEntry{Afffgg}{2013}{Hererir School}{ Aisieieieeieii fjrrirurr rrirrrir} {IMG/agh}
    \EducationEntry{BSc Hons in Bdhdueuerue}{2018}{University of JIieieiee}{Tagdfg eeeiuei fororoedmeke eje} {IMG/TUM}
    \NewPart{Skills \& Interests}{}
        \begin{tabular}[t]{ l l }
        A  & Native Speaker \\
        B  & Professional user \\
        C & Professional Proficiency \\
        D  & Conversational level \\
        E  & Conversational level \\
    \begin{tabular}[t]{l l}
Ghhh     & This software experience. fillertext fillertext fillertex\\
    Ghhh         & This software experience. fillertext fillertext fillertex\\
Ghhh     & This software experience. fillertext fillertext fillertex\\
Ghhh         & This software experience. fillertext fillertext fillertex\\
    Ghhh     & This software experience. fillertext fillertext fillertex\\
    %\begin{tabular}{l l}
    %\software{IMG/soft/Matlab}      & This software experience. fillertext fillertext fillertex\\
    %\software{IMG/soft/office}          & This software experience. fillertext fillertext fillertex\\
    %\software{IMG/soft/Matlab}      & This software experience. fillertext fillertext fillertex\\
    %hobby1,   & Small achievments text. fillertext fillertext fillertex fillertext fillertex\\
    %hobby2,   & Small achievments text. fillertext fillertext fillertex fillertext fillertex\\
    %hobby3,   & Small achievments text. fillertext fillertext fillertex fillertext fillertex\\

    %%% ------------------------------------------------------------
    %%% References
    %%% ------------------------------------------------------------
