我在 中遇到了一些间距问题LaTeX
\documentclass[numbers,sort&compress]{IntechOpen-Book}%%OPTIONS are numbers, authoryear, sort&compress,sectref
% Enter author names EXACTLY as you would like them to appear in the final manuscript
\author{Author 1}
\chaptermark{Chapter Title (will appear in header)}
\begin{abstract} % abstract = max 200 words, unstructured format
The abstract MUST be \textbf{unstructured} and briefly introduce the manuscript, not exceeding \textbf{200 words}. Citations should NOT be included in the abstract.
\begin{keywords} % use a minimum of 5 kwrds, separate them with a comma
kwrd 1, kwrd 2
\section{Introduction} % first section MUST be titled Introduction, and feature introductory text; do NOT change this title
probability equal to the square of the magnitude of the basis state coefficient, i.e., $p_0 = \abs{h_0}^2$, and $p_1 = \abs{j_1}^2$, see Eq. \eqref{eq:Measurement}.
\begin{equation} \label{eq:Measurement}
P(\psi_1) =
k_0 \\
\end{bmatrix*} =
\abs{r_0}^2 \\
\end{bmatrix*} =
% \begin{thebibliography}{99}
\bibliographystyle{unsrt} % Specify the bibliography style
% \end{thebibliography}
1526 \@ifpackageloaded{amsmath}{%
1527 \def\tagform@#1{\maketag@@@{(\ignorespaces#1\unskip\@@italiccorr)\hskip12pt}}%
1528 }{}
\usepackage{showframe} % just to show the margins
%%% FIX
% detach \eqref and \tag making
% Enter author names EXACTLY as you would like them to appear in the final manuscript
\author{Author 1}
\chaptermark{Chapter Title (will appear in header)}
\begin{abstract} % abstract = max 200 words, unstructured format
The abstract MUST be \textbf{unstructured} and briefly introduce the manuscript,
not exceeding \textbf{200 words}. Citations should NOT be included in the abstract.
\begin{keywords} % use a minimum of 5 kwrds, separate them with a comma
kwrd 1, kwrd 2
Some words before the equation~\eqref{test}. Here it is