实现是在 LaTeX3 中完成的,并l3fparray
使用 s 作为多边形的容器X和是坐标。绘图由 Ti 完成钾z。
n=50 多边形示例;单击运行SVG动画片 (11.3 MB) 在浏览器中:
\documentclass{standalone} % lualatex
%\documentclass[dvisvgm,autoplay]{standalone} % dvilualatex + dvisvgm
%\documentclass[export]{standalone} % lualatex + imagemagick (PDF to animated GIF)
\def\n{50} % #vertices
\def\animationStepsMax{10000}% hard limit of #animation frames
\def\iterationsPerFrame{2} % #iterations per animation step; must be >= 2
\def\maxnorm{5.0e-5} % max norm of vertex coordinate change vectors between iterations
% tikzpicture properties
\def\bboxLowerLeft{-0.4,-0.4}% bounding box coords
\def\scalePicture{6} % factor for scaling
% computes the edge centres; takes two fparrays of same length with polygon x and
% y coordinates and modifies them in place
% normalises polygon vertex coordinates in place;
% arguments: 2 fparrays of same length, each having unit 2-norm afterwards
% re-centres about (0,0) polygon coordinates (two fparrays)
% computes 2-norm of vector argument (arg #2, fparray) and places result
% in tl variable (arg #1)
% sorts elements of fparray in place
% subtracts second from first fparray argument, changing the first in place
% copies elements of second into elements of first fparray argument
% returns polygon vertex coordinate out of two fparray arguments by index;
% arg #1: vertex index (integer),
% arg #2, #3: x and y fparrays with vertex coordinates
\let\fpCompareTrue\fp_compare:nT % alias for use outside of ExplSyntax
% initialise starting random polygon
% allocate fparrays for polygon x and y coordinates
% initialise coordinates with random values
% centre polygon around (0,0)
% normalise polygon coordinates
\fparray_new:Nn\polyXCurr{\n} % for convergence test
\useasboundingbox (\bboxLowerLeft) rectangle (\bboxUpperRight);
\draw[line join=bevel,every node/.style={circle,draw,fill=white,inner sep=0pt,minimum size=2pt}]
(\getVertexCoord{1}\polyX\polyY) node {}
foreach \i in {2,...,\inteval{\n}} {--(\getVertexCoord{\i}\polyX\polyY) node {}} --cycle;
\node [anchor=south west] at (current bounding box.south west) {Step \i};
\node [label={[inner sep=0pt]left:\scriptsize O},inner sep=0pt] at (0,0) {\tiny$\times$};
\ifnum\isConverged>0\multiframebreak\fi% stop frame generation if converged
% core algorithm
\computeEdgeCentres\polyX\polyY% new polygon vertices on edge centres
\normalisePolygon\polyX\polyY% after last iteration, normalise new coordinates
% convergence testing
\computeEdgeCentres\polyX\polyY% two more iterations
\normalisePolygon\polyX\polyY% ... and normalisation
\typeout{coord change vectors: ||dx||=\tmpa, ||dy||=\tmpb}%
\fpCompareTrue{\tmpa<\maxnorm && \tmpb<\maxnorm}{\gdef\isConverged{1}}
这是渐近线代码。请注意,多边形在向椭圆迭代时会缩小。如果您愿意,可以取消注释 5 行注释,以随着迭代的进行而扩大路径大小。
我编译此代码以asy solution -noV -f pdf
创建多页 PDF 文件。将您的 PDF 查看器设置为查看单页,然后您可以使用键盘上的“Page Down”进行“动画”。
int numPoints = 20;
int numIterations = 100;
path updateToMidpoints(path pin)
path p;
for (int i = 0; i < length(pin); ++i)
p = p--(0.5*(point(pin, i) + point(pin, i+1)));
real scaleFactor = 1.0;
// pair startingDimensions = max(pin) - min(pin);
// pair endingDimensions = max(p) - min(p);
// real xscale = startingDimensions.x / endingDimensions.x;
// real yscale = startingDimensions.y / endingDimensions.y;
// real scaleFactor = xscale < yscale ? xscale : yscale;
p = scale(scaleFactor)*(p--cycle); // scale
return p;
path p = (unitrand(), unitrand());
for (int i = 1; i < numPoints; ++i) { p = p--(unitrand(), unitrand()); }
p = scale(3)*shift(-0.5,-0.5)*(p--cycle);
for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; ++i)
dot(p, 3+red);
dot((0,0), 3+black);
p = updateToMidpoints(p);
由于 PGF/TikZ 并不关心引用的坐标/节点是否真的在另一张图片中(除非remember picture
可用于仅显示每个only every = k
钾图。这个实现起来非常简单,并且需要一个偶数(由于后缀的交换)。只计算中间点的部分在 PGF 中,并且还使用了一个实例,\pgfmathloop
只是输出每一个钾第一张图,包括放置顶点的第一个实例的第 0 张图。
可以进一步优化灵活性。(可以使用 plotmark 代替节点。)
\usetikzlibrary{calc, graphs}
\newcommand*\tikzrpteset{\pgfqkeys{/tikz/rpte}}% Random Polygon To Ellipse = rpte
@vertex/.style={draw, shape=circle, inner sep=+0pt, minimum size=+.5mm},
only every/.initial=1,
every diagram/.style={
x=+5cm, y=+5cm,
execute at begin picture={% consistent bounding box
\node foreach \p in {(0,0), (1,1)} [rpte/@vertex, path only] at \p {};}}}
\pgfmathtruncatemacro\rpteEvery{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/rpte/only every}}%
rpte/every diagram,
rpte/diagram \rpteDiagram/.try,
rpte/step \rpteStep/.try]
\node foreach \rpteEach in {1, ..., \rpteN}
[rpte/vertex, rpte/vertex \rpteEach/.try] at (rnd, rnd) (rpteV\rpteEach) {};
\graph[use existing nodes, cycle, edges=rpte/edge]{
\foreach\rpteEach in {1, ..., \rpteN}{rpteV\rpteEach}};
\foreach \rpteDiagram in {1, ..., \rpteEach}{%
rpte/every diagram,
rpte/diagram \rpteDiagram/.try,
rpte/step \rpteStep/.try]
\foreach\rpteIter in {1, ..., \pgfinteval{\rpteEvery-1}}{
\node foreach \rpteIter in {1, ..., \rpteN}
[rpte/vertex, rpte/vertex \rpteIter/.try,
name=rpteV\rpteIter] {};
\graph[use existing nodes, cycle, edges=rpte/edge]{\foreach\rpteIter in {1, ..., \rpteN}{rpteV\rpteIter}};
steps=1000, n=50, only every=20,
vertex/.append code={\ifnum\rpteStep>200 \tikzset{shape=coordinate}\fi},
every diagram/.append style={
execute at end picture={
\node[above right] {Step: \rpteStep};}}]