如何在 Tikz 中移动路径,范围不起作用

如何在 Tikz 中移动路径,范围不起作用

给出下面的示例,scope 命令不会移动我所绘制的路径。我实现此目的的唯一方法是使用显式坐标,但使用矩阵 m 中的单元格编号会容易得多。

\usepackage{graphicx} % Required for inserting images
\usetikzlibrary{matrix,shapes,arrows,fit,calc, automata}

\tikzset{cross/.style={cross out, draw=black, minimum size=2*(#1-\pgflinewidth), inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt},
%default radius will be 1pt. 



\matrix(m) [matrix of math nodes, nodes in empty cells, nodes={minimum size=1cm, outer sep=0pt, text height=1.5ex, text depth=.25ex}]
    &    &  &   &   &    &     &    &    &    &    &     \\
    &    &  &   &   &    &     &    &    &    &    &     \\
    &    &  &   &   &    &     &    &    &    &    &     \\
    &    &  &   &   &    &     &    &    &    &    &     \\
    &    &  &   &   &    &     &    &    &    &    &     \\
    &    &  &   &   &    &     &    &    &    &    &     \\
    &    &  &   &   &    &     &    &    &    &    &     \\
    &    &  &   &   &    &     &    &    &    &    &     \\
    &    &  &   &   &    &     &    &    &    &    &     \\
    &    &  &   &   &    &     &    &    &    &    &     \\
    &    &  &   &   &    &     &    &    &    &    &     \\
    &    &  &   &   &    &     &    &    &    &    &     \\

\draw (m-1-1.north west) rectangle (m-12-12.south east);                                        

 \foreach \i in {3,6,9} {
    \draw (m-\i-1.south west) -- (m-\i-12.south east);

 \foreach \j in {3,6,9} {
    \draw (m-1-\j.north east) -- (m-12-\j.south east);

 \path[draw,purple, dashed,very thick] 
        (3.2,-5.8) node[circle,draw=purple!80, inner sep=1pt]  {+}
     -- (-2.8,-5.8) node[circle,draw=purple!80, inner sep=1pt]  {-}
   -- (-2.8,-2.8) node[circle,draw=purple!80, inner sep=1pt]  {+}
    -- (3.2,-2.8) node[circle,draw=purple!80, inner sep=1pt]  {-}
    -- (3.2,-5.8) node  {};

    \path[draw,purple, dashed,very thick] 
        (m-3-1)  node[circle,draw=purple!80, inner sep=1pt]  {+}
     -- (m-3-10)  node[circle,draw=purple!80, inner sep=1pt]  {-}
     -- (m-12-10)  node[circle,draw=purple!80, inner sep=1pt]  {+}
    -- (m-12-1)  node[circle,draw=purple!80, inner sep=1pt]  {-}
    -- (m-3-1)  node  {};





\usepackage{graphicx} % Required for inserting images
\usetikzlibrary{matrix,shapes,arrows,fit,calc, automata}

\tikzset{cross/.style={cross out, draw=black, minimum size=2*(#1-\pgflinewidth), inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt},
%default radius will be 1pt. 



\matrix(m) [matrix of math nodes, nodes in empty cells, nodes={minimum size=1cm, outer sep=0pt, text height=1.5ex, text depth=.25ex}]
    &    &  &   &   &    &     &    &    &    &    &     \\
    &    &  &   &   &    &     &    &    &    &    &     \\
    &    &  &   &   &    &     &    &    &    &    &     \\
    &    &  &   &   &    &     &    &    &    &    &     \\
    &    &  &   &   &    &     &    &    &    &    &     \\
    &    &  &   &   &    &     &    &    &    &    &     \\
    &    &  &   &   &    &     &    &    &    &    &     \\
    &    &  &   &   &    &     &    &    &    &    &     \\
    &    &  &   &   &    &     &    &    &    &    &     \\
    &    &  &   &   &    &     &    &    &    &    &     \\
    &    &  &   &   &    &     &    &    &    &    &     \\
    &    &  &   &   &    &     &    &    &    &    &     \\

\draw (m-1-1.north west) rectangle (m-12-12.south east);                                        

 \foreach \i in {3,6,9} {
    \draw (m-\i-1.south west) -- (m-\i-12.south east);

 \foreach \j in {3,6,9} {
    \draw (m-1-\j.north east) -- (m-12-\j.south east);

 \path[draw,purple, dashed,very thick] 
        (3.2,-5.8) node[circle,draw=purple!80, inner sep=1pt]  {+}
     -- (-2.8,-5.8) node[circle,draw=purple!80, inner sep=1pt]  {-}
   -- (-2.8,-2.8) node[circle,draw=purple!80, inner sep=1pt]  {+}
    -- (3.2,-2.8) node[circle,draw=purple!80, inner sep=1pt]  {-}
    -- (3.2,-5.8) node  {};

\begin{scope}[transform canvas={xshift=-5mm,yshift=-15mm}]
    \path[draw,purple, dashed,very thick] 
        (m-3-1)  node[circle,draw=purple!80, inner sep=1pt]  {+}
     -- (m-3-10)  node[circle,draw=purple!80, inner sep=1pt]  {-}
     -- (m-12-10)  node[circle,draw=purple!80, inner sep=1pt]  {+}
    -- (m-12-1)  node[circle,draw=purple!80, inner sep=1pt]  {-}
    -- (m-3-1)  node  {};



