如何解决 scrbook 文档类中的“段落中 \hbox 未满 (badness 10000)”错误?

如何解决 scrbook 文档类中的“段落中 \hbox 未满 (badness 10000)”错误?

我是 LaTeX 新手,正在尝试使用 scrbook 文档类在文档中创建表格。此文档没有其他内容,但第一页本身有一个表格。当我编译时,我收到此错误:“段落中的 \hbox 未满(不良程度 10000)”。


\documentclass[12pt,%font size 12
paper =a4,%a4 size paper
final,%final, not draft
twoside = semi,%print two side of the paper
openright,%open new chapter on right page
titlepage = firstiscover,
leqno,%equation number on left
chapterprefix, %Write "Chapter" before chapter name
appendixprefix, %write "Appendix" before appendix name
headsepline, %horizontal line below header
footsepline, %horizontal line above footer
listof = nottotoc,%don't include list of table and list of figures in TOC
parskip = full,
captions = tableheading]{scrbook}
\usepackage[british]{babel}%use British English
                My Introductory Table
                Heading 1 & Heading 2\\
                Item 1 & Item 2 \\
                Item 3 & Item 4 \\
                Item 5 & Item 6 \\
                Item 7 & Item 8\\





\documentclass[12pt,%font size 12
paper =a4,%a4 size paper
final,%final, not draft
twoside = semi,%print two side of the paper
openright,%open new chapter on right page
titlepage = firstiscover,
leqno,%equation number on left
chapterprefix, %Write "Chapter" before chapter name
appendixprefix, %write "Appendix" before appendix name
headsepline, %horizontal line below header
footsepline, %horizontal line above footer
listof = nottotoc,%don't include list of table and list of figures in TOC
parskip = full,
captions = tableheading]{scrbook}
\usepackage[british]{babel}%use British English
        \caption{My Introductory Table}
                Heading 1 & Heading 2\\
                Item 1 & Item 2 \\
                Item 3 & Item 4 \\
                Item 5 & Item 6 \\
                Item 7 & Item 8\\
