我在 Windows 上使用 Asymptote 运行下面的 Asymptote 代码。此代码应生成 180 张图片。以前它运行良好,但也许我在 Linux 上,我不记得了。现在它只生成两张图片,并且由于内存不足而停止。我使用-compact
settings.outformat = "eps";
import geometry;
import solids;
// camera and light ------------------------------------------------------------
currentprojection = orthographic(0,0,6);
currentlight.background = rgb("363940ff");
// files to be saved -----------------------------------------------------------
string[] files = new string[180];
for(int i = 0; i < 180; ++i){
string zeros = i < 10 ? "00" : (i < 100 ? "0": "");
files[i] = "zpic" + zeros + string(i);
// Steiner circles -------------------------------------------------------------
circle[] SteinerChain_phi0(circle c0, int n, real shift){
real R = c0.r; point O = c0.C;
real sine = sin(pi/n);
real Cradius = R / (1+sine);
real Cside = Cradius*sine;
circle[] circles0 = new circle[n+1];
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
real beta = (i+shift)*2*pi/n;
point pti = Cradius * (cos(beta), sin(beta)) + O;
circles0[i] = circle(pti, Cside);
circles0[n] = circle(O, R-2*Cside);
return circles0;
circle[] SteinerChain(circle c0, int n, real phi, real shift){ // c0 : exterior circle
real invphi = 1/phi;
point I = (c0.r*invphi, 0) + c0.C;
real r = c0.r * sqrt(invphi*invphi-1);
circle[] circles0 = SteinerChain_phi0(c0, n, shift);
circle[] circles = new circle[n+1];
inversion iota = inversion(r*r, I);
for(int i = 0; i <= n; ++i){
circles[i] = iota*circles0[i];
return circles;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct Cyclide {
real mu;
real a;
real c;
triple shift;
struct MySteinerChain {
revolution[] spheres;
Cyclide cyclide;
MySteinerChain SteinerChain3D(circle c0, real z, int n, real phi, real shift){
revolution[] spheres = new revolution[n+1];
circle[] scircles = SteinerChain(c0, n, phi, shift);
for(int i = 0; i <= n; ++i){
triple center = (scircles[i].C.x, scircles[i].C.y, z);
spheres[i] = sphere(center, scircles[i].r*0.999);
Cyclide cyclide;
cyclide.a = (c0.r + scircles[n].r)/2;
pair O2 = scircles[n].C;
cyclide.c = (O2.x - c0.C.x)/2;
cyclide.mu = (c0.r - scircles[n].r)/2;
cyclide.shift = (c0.C.x + O2.x, c0.C.y + O2.y, 0)/2;
MySteinerChain out;
out.spheres = spheres;
out.cyclide = cyclide;
return out;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
transform3 transfo(real sx, real sy, real sz, real lambda, triple v){
transform3 T = identity4;
T[0][0] = sx; T[1][0] = sx*lambda;
T[1][1] = sy;
T[2][2] = sz;
T[0][3] = v.x; T[1][3] = v.x; T[2][3] = v.z;
return T;
transform3 T = transfo(2, 2, 2, 1/3, (0,0,0));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int n = 4; // n+1 circles
real phi = 0.3;
// "bounding box"
triple A = (2.5,2.5,0);
triple C = (-2.5,-2.5,0);
for(int f = 0; f < 180; ++f){
picture pic;
draw(pic, A, rgb("363940ff")+opacity(0));
draw(pic, C, rgb("363940ff")+opacity(0));
circle c0 = circle((point)(0,0),1);
MySteinerChain sc = SteinerChain3D(c0, 0.0, n, phi, n*f/180);
revolution[] spheres = sc.spheres;
Cyclide c = sc.cyclide;
for(int i = 0; i <= n; ++i){
draw(pic, T*surface(spheres[i]), rgb("7E03A8FF"));
real b = sqrt(c.a*c.a - c.c*c.c);
triple F(pair uv){
real h = c.a-c.c*cos(uv.x)*cos(uv.y);
real x = (c.mu*(c.c-c.a*cos(uv.x)*cos(uv.y))+b*b*cos(uv.x))/h;
real y = (b*sin(uv.x)*(c.a-c.mu*cos(uv.y)))/h;
real z = b*sin(uv.y)*(c.c*cos(uv.x)-c.mu)/h;
return (x,y,z);
surface s = surface(F, (0,0), (2pi,2pi), 150, 150);
draw(pic, T*shift(c.shift)*s, yellow+opacity(0.1));
shipout(files[f], bbox(rgb("363940ff"), FillDraw(rgb("363940ff"))));
您的示例在 Linux 上使用 Asymptote 版本 2.86 时运行良好。如果您使用的是 Microsoft Windows,请确保安装 64 位可执行文件,因为垃圾收集在 32 位机器上无法正常工作。