

我正在使用 JHEP 文本模板。这里我面临的一个问题是,空间太宽,每页底部都是空白。我尝试更改与底部边距相关的所有值,但仍然无法在底部书写。它保留了空间。 在此处输入图片描述


%% Copyright 2013 SISSA Medialab
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2005/12/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained'.
% The Current Maintainer of this work is
% SISSA Medialab <[email protected]>
% This work consists of the file jheppub.sty.
\ProvidesPackage{jheppub}[2018/12/04 v.1.1227]

\gdef\@fpheader{Prepared for submission to JHEP}





\PackageWarningNoLine{\jname}{Keywords already defined.\MessageBreak Ignoring last definition.}\fi}
\newcommand{\correctionref}[3]{\gdef\@xtum{\xtumfont{#1} \href{#2}{#3}}}
\newcommand\preprint[1]{\gdef\@preprint{\hfill #1}}

%Equivalent to ``\footnote'', but can be used inside the \author macro
% because it does not write the footnote mark
% it has an optional argument that will be used as footnote mark when given
% WARNING: when the optional argument is used, the footnotecounter is not increased
% WARNING: the character ``!'' cannot be used.
% If you really need it use somthing like [\relax !] as the optional arg.

%Use this if you want to try to keep some piece of the abstract on a
%very long first page

%authors and affiliations
    \auth@toks=\expandafter{\the\auth@toks#2\ }%
    \auth@toks=\expandafter{\the\auth@toks#2$^{#1}$\ }%


%automatically put a comma between emails
\ifnum\theemail@counter>0\email@toks=\expandafter{\the\email@toks, \@email{#1}}%
\newcommand{\@email}[1]{\href{mailto:#1}{\tt #1}}

% Collaboration macros

%all pieces get a ``after'' spacing
\newcommand\afterSubheaderSpace{\vskip3pt plus 2pt minus 1pt}
\newcommand\afterProceedingsSpace{\vskip21pt plus0.4fil minus15pt}
\newcommand\afterTitleSpace{\vskip23pt plus0.06fil minus13pt}
\newcommand\afterRuleSpace{\vskip23pt plus0.06fil minus13pt}
\newcommand\afterCollaborationSpace{\vskip3pt plus 2pt minus 1pt}
\newcommand\afterCollaborationImgSpace{\vskip3pt plus 2pt minus 1pt}
\newcommand\afterAuthorSpace{\vskip5pt plus4pt minus4pt}
\newcommand\afterAffiliationSpace{\vskip3pt plus3pt}
\newcommand\afterEmailSpace{\vskip16pt plus9pt minus10pt\filbreak}
\newcommand\afterAbstractSpace{\vskip16pt plus9pt minus13pt}
\newcommand\afterKeywordsSpace{\vskip16pt plus9pt minus13pt}
\newcommand\afterArxivSpace{\vskip3pt plus0.01fil minus10pt}
\newcommand\afterDedicatedSpace{\vskip0pt plus0.01fil}
%this is the ``itemsep'' of the affiliations list
%this hook is needed if the toc starts on the first page


%first page
%% First page
% Subheader
% Proceedings
% Title
% Rule
\hrule height 1.5\p@%
% Collaboration
%% I leave the size and font so that if there are two collaboration
%% they can be linked with an 'and'
% Author
% Affiliation
% E-mail
\ifemailadd %% if emailadd is true
\textit{E-mail:} \the\email@toks
\else %% if emailaddfalse do nothing
\PackageWarningNoLine{\jname}{E-mails are missing.\MessageBreak Plese use \protect\emailAdd\space macro to provide e-mails.}
%Erratum or addendum
% Abstract
\if!\@abstract!\else\noindent{\renewcommand\baselinestretch{.9}\textsc{Abstract:}}\ \@abstract\afterAbstractSpace\fi
% Keywords
\if!\@keywords!\else\noindent{\textsc{Keywords:}} \@keywords\afterKeywordsSpace\fi
% Arxivnumber
\if!\@arxivnumber!\else\noindent{\textsc{ArXiv ePrint:}} \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/\@arxivnumber}{\@arxivnumber}\afterArxivSpace\fi
% Dedication
} % close the \renewcommand\maketitle{

% Page layout
\setlength\parskip{0\p@ \@plus \p@}
\@lowpenalty   51
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\@highpenalty 301
\widowpenalty 1000
\clubpenalty 1000


\textwidth  .72\paperwidth

\voffset -1in
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\headheight  .01\paperheight
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\footskip    .11\paperheight

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\marginparpush 6\p@

\hoffset -1in
\oddsidemargin .14\paperwidth
\evensidemargin .14\paperwidth
\marginparwidth .11\paperwidth

\skip\@mpfootins = \skip\footins

% No dots in the table of contents

% Footer and header of the body
% the command ``\pagestyle{myplain}'' must be inserted
% just after ``\begin{document}''
\renewcommand\@oddfoot{\hfill-- \thepage\ --\hfill}

% no header or footer in the title page

%number equations after the sections

%headings style
                                   {-3.5ex \@plus -1.3ex \@minus -.7ex}%
                                   {2.3ex \@plus.4ex \@minus .4ex}%
                                   {-2.3ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.5ex}%
                                   {1.2ex \@plus .3ex \@minus .3ex}%
                                   {-2.3ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.5ex}%
                                   {1ex \@plus .2ex \@minus .2ex}%
                                   {1.75ex \@plus1ex \@minus.2ex}%
                                   {1.75ex \@plus1ex \@minus .2ex}%

%Caption of figure and table

%redefining \@makecaption, to have captions with \small font size
%taken from article.cls l.489--498
%the only differences are the ``\small '' commands added on two lines
  \sbox\@tempboxa{\small #1. #2}%
  \ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >\hsize
    \small #1. #2\par
    \global \@minipagefalse

%apply some formatting on the biblio
%without redefining the whole env
\setlength{\itemsep}{5pt plus 0.2ex minus 0.05ex}%


\usepackage{jheppub} % https://jhep.sissa.it/jhep/help/JHEP/TeXclass/DOCS/jheppub.sty

\setlength{\footskip}{1cm}              % Set the new foot skip
\addtolength{\textheight}{\oldfootskip} % Appropriate increase the text height


