

我的论文中有一个表格太长,包含太多信息,当我完成时,表格的位置在页面的右侧,而不是居中。我怎样才能让它在页面中居中?这是代码,表格中的信息被缩短了。在文件中它看起来像这样,表格无法居中。有人能帮帮我吗?(我没有指定特定的字体大小。下面的代码可以在 overleaf 中运行)




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  \begin{longtable}[c]{| c | c |c | c |c | }
  \caption{\centering DUSP Protein or RNA expression in animal and human 
   \multicolumn{5}{| c |}{ DUSP Protein or RNA expression in animal and 
     human brain }\\
     Isoforms   & Expression&   Protein/ mRNA   & Species&  Ref.\\
  \multicolumn{5}{|c|}{Continuation of Table \ref{long3}}\\
   Isoforms  & Expression&   Protein/ mRNA   & Species&  Ref.\\
  \multicolumn{5}{| c |}{End of Table}\\
 SSH2    &   Brain  &mRNA&   Mice&   [4]\\
    & Thalamus &     &      &   \\
    & Hippocampus &     &      &   \\
 SSH3     & Hippocampus  &mRNA& Human&[5]\\
     & Temporal gyrus &     &      &   \\
    & Frontal gyrus    &       &     &     \\
    &Prefrontal cortex& mRNA&   Mice&   [6]\\
   & Hypothalamus &       &     &     \\
   &Amygdala&   mRNA&   Mice&   [7]\\
   SSH1 & Frontal cortex  & Protein & Human & 
  & Cerebellum &     &     &    \\     
        & Primary cortical neurons& Protein&    Mice& 
        & Ganglion neurons  &Protein& 
     SSH2    &  Brain  &mRNA&   Mice&   [4]\\
            & Thalamus &     &      &   \\
            & Hippocampus &     &      &   \\
      SSH3     & Hippocampus    &mRNA& Human&[5]\\
     & Temporal gyrus &     &      &   \\
     & Frontal gyrus    &       &     &     \\
      &Prefrontal cortex&   mRNA&   Mice&   [6]\\
      & Hypothalamus &       &     &     \\
     &Amygdala& mRNA&   Mice&   [7]\\
        PRL2      & Cerebellum &    mRNA &  Human   &[8]\\
      & Cerebral cortex  &       &     &     \\
      &Neuronal lineages &  mRNA    &Zebrafish& [9]\\
     CDC14A    &    Cortical slices&    mRNA&   Human&  [10]\\
      & Cerebral cortex&    Protein &Human  & *[11] \\
    hCDC14Bpar& Adult/fetal brain & mRNA&   Human & [12]\\
      hCDC14B1 & Hippocampus& mRNA & Human &[12]\\
    & Prefrontal cortex &       &     &     \\
    & Amygdala   &      &    &     \\
    & Hypothalamus &      &    &     \\
     hCDC14B2& Hippocampus& mRNA& Human& [12]\\
     & Prefrontal cortex&      &    &     \\

    & Amygdala       &         &    &   \\
    & Hypothalamus   &         &    &   \\
        hCDC14B3 & Hippocampus  &mRNA&Human&[12]\\
       & Prefrontal cortex &    &    &   \\
       & Amygdala     &         &     &    \\
       & Hypothalamus  &         &     &    \\
   hCDC14C & Adult brain   &    mRNA&Human& [12]\\
     &  Embryonic forebrain,&  &  & \\
     & Dorsal telencephalon    &      &      &    \\
        PTENs    &  Cerebral cortex, &  Protein& Human& *[11]\\
     & Cerebellum&     &      &      \\
     & Hippocampus&     &      &      \\
     & Anterior olfactory nucleus   &  Protein&  Rat&[13]\\
     & Cerebral cortex &     &      &      \\ 
     & Amygdaloid nucleus &     &      &      \\
     & Hippocampus &     &      &      \\
     & Purkinje's cells&     &      &      \\
     & Basal ganglia&     &      &      \\
     &Thalamus&     &      &      \\
     & Midbrain, Pons&     &      &      \\
     &Ventral prefrontal cortex&    Protein&    Human&  [14]\\
     &Layer III temporal cortex &   Protein&    Human&  [15]\\
     &Frontal cortex    & Protein & Human & [16]\\
     Myotubularin & Spinal cord &   mRNA&   Human&  [17]\\
        & Substantia nigra&     &      &      \\
     & Cerebral cortex & Protein & Human &*[11]\\
     & Hippocampus  &     &      &      \\
     & Cerebellum &     &      &      \\
       MKP1 &Hippocampus&   Protein/mRNA&   Human/Mice  &[18]\\
        (DUSP1)&    Caudate&    mRNA&   Human&  [19]\\
  &Temporal cortex& Protein&    Human&  [20]\\
 & Cerebral cortex &    Protein&    Human&  [21]\\
 & Cerebellum &     &      &      \\
 &Striatum  & mRNA  & Mice&     [19]\\
 &Striatum&  mRNA&  Rat&    [22]\\
 &Thalamus/Cortex&     &      &      \\ 
 & Neocortex    &Protein& Rat&[24]\\
 & BNST &     &      &      \\
         MKP2 & Cerebellar vermis&  Protein&    Human&  [25]\\
     (DUSP4)    &Cortex  &Protein&Human &[21]\\
    & Hippocampus&     &      &      \\
    & Cerebellum &     &      &      \\
    &The medial prefrontal cortex &     mRNA& Rat& [26]\\
    &Lateral frontal cortex &     &      &      \\
    &Parietal cortex&     &      &      \\
    &Hippocampus&     &      &      \\
       MKP3 & The medial prefrontal cortex  &mRNA&Rat&[26]\\
      (DUSP6)&    Lateral frontal cortex &     &      &      \\
   &  Parietal cortex&     &      &      \\
   &  Hippocampus&     &      &      \\
   &Ventromedial PFC&   mRNA&   Human/Mice&     [27]\\
   &Striatum & mRNA&    Rat&    [22]\\
   &Cortex&     &      &      \\
   &Hippocampus&     &      &      \\
      PAC1   & Hippocampus & Protein/mRNA & Mice &[28] \\
       (DUSP2) & Hippocampus&   mRNA    & Human&    [18]\\
      Hvhr3 & Brain (not specified)& mRNA &Mice & [29]\\
    (DUSP5)& Nucleus accumbens& mRNA&   Mice&   [30]\\
   & Medial prefrontal cortex&  mRNA    &Rat&   [31]\\
   MKP-X & Whole-brain& mRNA  &Mice& [32]\\
          ( DUSP7)& &     &      &      \\
    Hvh5  & Amygdala    &   mRNA&   Human&   [33]\\
   (DUSP8) & caudate nucleus&     &      &      \\
    & Corpus callosum&     &      &      \\
    & Hippocampus&     &      &      \\
    & Hypothalamus/thalamus&     &      &      \\
    & Subthalamic nucleus&     &      &      \\
    & Substantia nigra&     &      &      \\
      MTMR2 & Cortex &Protein/mRNA & Rat &[34]\\
   & Hippocampus&     &      &      \\
   & Cerebellum&     &      &      \\
       MTMR5 & Brain    &Protein&   Mice&   [35]\\
  & The sciatic nerve&     &      &      \\
       Laforin & Cerebellum &   mRNA & Mice & [36]\\
          (EPM2A) & Hippocampus&     &      &      \\
    & Cerebral cortex&     &      &      \\
    & Olfactory bulb&     &      &      \\
         DUSP12 &   Hippocampus & mRNA  & Human & [18]\\
      DUSP14 & Retinal ganglion cells   &mRNA&  Rat&    [37]\\
      DUSP15&   Schwann cell&   mRNA&   Rat&    [38]\\
  & Myelinating Oligodendrocytes&   mRNA&   Rat&    [39]\\
      DUSP18 &  Fetal brain &mRNA   &Human& [40]\\
      DUSP19 &  Hippocampus&    mRNA    &Human& [18]\\
   &Ventral subiculum&  mRNA    &Human& [27]\\
     DUSP22 & Hippocampus & Protein  &Human  &[41]\\
      DUSP23&   Nucleus accumbens&mRNA&Human&[27]\\
 & The Broadman area&     &      &      \\
      DUSP26&   Hippocampus&    Protein/mRNA    & Human&    [18, 42]\\





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%% headers and footers
\caption{DUSP Protein or RNA expression in animal and human brain\label{long3}}\\
\multicolumn{5}{ | C | }{DUSP Protein or RNA expression in animal and human brain}\\
Isoforms & Expression & Protein/mRNA & Species & Ref. \\
\multicolumn{5}{|c|}{Continuation of Table \ref{long3}}\\
Isoforms & Expression & Protein/mRNA & Species & Ref. \\
\multicolumn{5}{| c |}{End of Table}\\

%% body of table
SSH2    & Brain            & mRNA  & Mice  & [104, 105] \\
        & Thalamus         &       &       & \\
        & %Hippocampus 
          Primary cortical neurons & &     & \\
SSH3    & Hippocampus      & mRNA  & Human & [5] \\
        & Temporal gyrus   &       &       & \\
        & Frontal gyrus    &       &       & \\
        & Prefrontal cortex& mRNA  & Mice  & [6] \\
        & Hypothalamus     &       &       & \\
        & Amygdala         & mRNA  & Mice  & [7] \\

