

客观的: 我需要获取左上角左侧偶数页(LE)的页码:当页眉包含多行时,此方法会失败(然后将其打印在第二行)。

当我添加\parbox[t]\thepage,页码位于左上角(第一行)。但是,我收到新的错误,并且当标题只有一行时,它会将文本向下移动一行。输出可以在此处查看: https://ibb.co/ZX280PM


@iiiparbox 的参数有一个额外的}。

我正在使用在线脚本(免费提供)(请注意,这是我添加 \parbox[t] 的地方)。这是其中的一部分:

%% Page numbers on the top left and top right.
%% Chapter name on the left (even) page.
%% Section name on the right (odd) page.


\ProvidesClass{dissertation}[2013/07/08 v1.0 TU Delft dissertation class]



%% English is the default language, but Dutch is used for some sections.

%% If the document is not compiled with XeLaTeX, we need to use the native
%% fonts.

    %% The native font is Utopia Regular with Fourier math. We use Latin Modern
    %% as a fallback, since Utopia lacks support for sans-serif and monospace.
    %% The style for titles is small caps.


%% Set the paper size to 17 by 24 cm, approximately halfway between A4 and A5.
    %% In print mode we add a 3 mm bleed on the outside of the page.
        papersize = {173mm,246mm},
        layoutsize = {167mm,240mm},
        layoutoffset = {3mm,3mm},
        bindingoffset = -3mm
%% We decrease the margins slightly from the default (scale = 0.7).

%% Redefine the title command to accept an optional subtitle.
    %% Add the title to the PDF meta data.

%% Fancy style for the main matter.
    %% Page numbers on the top left and top right.
    %% Chapter name on the left (even) page.
    %% Section name on the right (odd) page.

%% The mainmatter style is default for normal pages.

%% Print the current chapter and section at the top of the page in cyan.
\renewcommand*\sectionmark[1]{\markright{\thesection.\ \color{title}#1}}

%% Change the headrule command (from fancyhdr.sty) to draw the line below the
%% header in the title color.








\chapter[This header needs to be long to be a two line header header \\ header header header]{This header needs to be long to be a two line header}

第 5 章.tex:

\chapter[This header needs to be short to be a single line header ]{This header needs to be short}


编辑:添加 .cls 和 .tex 示例


在 中dissertation.cls,将所显示的页面样式替换为以下内容:



页眉的屏幕截图,页码 2 与连续章节标题的第一行共享同一基线。数字 2 和连续章节标题的第一行下方有一条蓝色虚线,蓝色虚线刚好触及每条基线。

怎么运行的: 在这个新代码中,我不再为偶数页设置页眉左侧和页眉右侧,而是直接清空页眉右侧。在左侧,我构造一个与页眉宽度完全相同的框,并将所有内容移到右侧 ( \raggedleft)。在第一行,我插入页码 ( \thepage)、水平空格 ( \hfill) 和连续章节标题 ( \leftmark)。这样会形成明显的“左侧”和“右侧”,并确保页码和页眉的第一行始终在同一行。
