Biber 通过 tlmgr 安装,但在命令中未找到

Biber 通过 tlmgr 安装,但在命令中未找到

在 Ubuntu 22.04 上,我安装了 TexLive(实际上,TinyTeX) 并安装了 biber 和 biblatex 包。命令tlmgr info biber返回

package:     biber
category:    Package
shortdesc:   A BibTeX replacement for users of BibLaTeX
longdesc:    Biber is a BibTeX replacement for users of BibLaTeX. Biber supports full UTF-8, can (re)-encode input and output, supports highly configurable sorting, dynamic bibliography sets and many other features. The CTAN distribution offers a compressed tar archive of the sources, etc., together with "binary" distributions for a variety of platforms. Note: on SourceForge biber is formally named "biblatex-biber", to distinguish it from an earlier (now apparently moribund) project called "biber".
installed:   Yes
revision:    66455
sizes:       bin: 29329k
relocatable: No
cat-version: 2.19
cat-license: artistic2
cat-topics:  biblio
cat-related: bibtex crosstex biblatex
collection:  collection-bibtexextra

然而,biber 似乎并未真正安装。命令biber --help返回

Command 'biber' not found, but can be installed with:
sudo apt install biber

尝试编译 tex 文件会导致错误,错误信息包含

Latexmk: applying rule 'biber main'...
Rule 'biber main':  Reasons for rerun
Category 'other':
  Rerun of 'biber main' forced or previously required

Run number 1 of rule 'biber main'
Running 'biber  "main.bcf"'
sh: 1: biber: not found

我也尝试过通过 apt 安装 biber。结果得到的是 2.18 版本,它与通过 tlmgr 安装的 biblatex 版本不兼容。

