如何在 Beamer 中安装一张简单的桌子

如何在 Beamer 中安装一张简单的桌子

我尝试在 Beamer 中制作一张简单的桌子。但是桌子脱离了滑轨,无法调整。你能告诉我该怎么做吗?




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     \begin{tabular}{l l}
     \textbf{Probability }& \textbf{Statistics} \\ \pause
      $\circ$ Probability deals with predicting the likelihood of 
      future events.  &  $\circ$ Statistics involves analyzing 
    the frequency of past events(it is the art of learning from 
  data).\\ \pause
   $\circ$ Probability is primarily a \textit{theoretical} branch 
     of mathematics that studies the consequences of mathematical 
   definitions.  &  $\circ$ Statistics is primarily an 
     branch of mathematics that tries to make sense of 
    observations made in the real world.  






\begin{tabular}{p{.48\linewidth} p{.48\linewidth}}
 \textbf{Probability }& \textbf{Statistics} \\ \pause
  $\circ$ Probability deals with predicting the likelihood of future events.  &  $\circ$ Statistics involves analyzing the frequency of past events(it is the art of learning from data).\\ \pause
   $\circ$ Probability is primarily a \textit{theoretical} branch of mathematics that studies the consequences of mathematical definitions.  &  $\circ$ Statistics is primarily an \textit{applied} branch of mathematics that tries to make sense of observations made in the real world.  





\item<2-> Probability deals with predicting the likelihood of future events. 
\item<3-> Probability is primarily a \textit{theoretical} branch of mathematics that studies the consequences of mathematical definitions.
\item<2->  Statistics involves analyzing the frequency of past events(it is the art of learning from data).
\item<3-> Statistics is primarily an \textit{applied} branch of mathematics that tries to make sense of observations made in the real world.  



