需要 LaTeX 方面的帮助:我可以转换这个数学图像吗?

需要 LaTeX 方面的帮助:我可以转换这个数学图像吗?

我是 LaTeX 新手,正在尝试将手写的数学笔记转换为数字格式。我有一张特定的图表(附在下面),我想将其转换为 LaTeX。是否可以使用 LaTeX 或其他工具进行此转换?我是否应该花时间学习 LaTeX 来实现这一点,或者是否有现有的工具或资源可以帮助我?




1. 开始


2. 第一次细化


3. 添加参考坐标系


  • \draw[cs] (-2, 0) -- (3,0);只需使用cs
  • \draw[->] (0, 0) -- (2,-1);放箭头
  • \draw[->,v2] (2,-1) -- (0, 3);v2相同且同时使用风格

4. 细化标签,添加曲折




  • 我手动将两个节点与文本放在一起;通常你会将它与之前绘制的路径之一联系起来
  • 您可以在节点文本中以数学模式输入文本
  • 如果你使用 ams 包,你也可以进入矩阵环境,在这里我只是用转置向量来欺骗
  • 您可以旋转节点,但是,如上所述,放置需要通过这种方式进行反复试验
  • 为此,请注意所使用的极坐标(50:3.5),即逆时针 50 度,距离中心 (0,0) 3.5 厘米,相对于节点中心(!)
  • 有几种方法可以引入旋转括号,我在这里省略了


% ~~~ standalone: good for development; loads tikz already as stated ~~~
\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta}% provides nicer arrow-tips

% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

 % ~~~ 1. starting out ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    \draw[->] (0,0) -- (2,-1);
    \draw[->] (2,-1) -- (0,3);  
 % ~~~ 2. 1st refinement ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    >={Stealth},%           changing arrow tips
    v2/.style={dashed},%    defining a style for the snd vector
    \draw[->] (0,0) -- (2,-1);
    \draw[->,v2] (2,-1) -- (0,3);   
 % ~~~ 3. adding a coordinate system for reference ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    >={Stealth},%           changing arrow tips
    v2/.style={dashed},%    defining a style for the snd vector
    cs/.style={black!50},%  styling the coordinate system
    % ~~~ coordinate system ~~~~~~~~ % <<< NEW
    \draw[cs] (-2, 0) -- (3,0);
    \draw[cs] ( 0,-2) -- (0,4); 
    %     putting some labels
    \node at (0,-1) {-1};   
    \node at (0, 3) { 3};   
    \node at (2, 0) { 2};   
    % ~~~ vectors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    \draw[->]    (0, 0) -- (2,-1);
    \draw[->,v2] (2,-1) -- (0, 3);  
 % ~~~ 4. refining labels, adding meander ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    >={Stealth},%               changing arrow tips
    v2/.style={dashed},%        defining a style for the snd vector
    cs/.style={black!50},%      styling the coordinate system
    ly/.style={xshift=-2mm},%   shifting labels at y-axis
    lx/.style={yshift=-2mm},%   same for x-axis
    me/.style={dotted},%        styling the meandering path
    % ~~~ coordinate system ~~~~~~~~
    \draw[cs] (-2, 0) -- (3,0);
    \draw[cs] ( 0,-2) -- (0,4); 
    %     putting some labels
    \node[ly] at (0,-1) {-1};   
    \node[ly] at (0, 3) { 3};   
    \node[lx] at (2, 0) { 2};   
    % ~~~ meander ~~~~~~~~~~~~ % <<< NEW
    \draw[me] (2,-1) -- (1,-1) -- (1,1) -- (0,1);
    %     and some labels there
    \node[lx,blue]  at (1.5,-1) {-1};
    \node[lx,blue]  at (0.5,+1) {-1};
    \node[ly,red] at (.9,.3) {+2};
    % ~~~ vectors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    \draw[->]    (0, 0) -- (2,-1);
    \draw[->,v2] (2,-1) -- (0, 3); 
 % ~~~ 5. adding notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    >={Stealth},%               changing arrow tips
    v2/.style={dashed},%        defining a style for the snd vector
    cs/.style={black!50},%      styling the coordinate system
    ly/.style={xshift=-2mm},%   shifting labels at y-axis
    lx/.style={yshift=-2mm},%   same for x-axis
    me/.style={dotted},%        styling the meandering path
    % ~~~ coordinate system ~~~~~~~~
    \draw[cs] (-2, 0) -- (3,0);
    \draw[cs] ( 0,-2) -- (0,4); 
    %     putting some labels
    \node[ly] at (0,-1) {-1};   
    \node[ly] at (0, 3) { 3};   
    \node[lx] at (2, 0) { 2};   
    % ~~~ meander ~~~~~~~~~~~~
    \draw[me] (2,-1) -- (1,-1) -- (1,1) -- (0,1);
    %     and some labels there
    \node[lx,blue]  at (1.5,-1) {-1};
    \node[lx,blue]  at (0.5,+1) {-1};
    \node[ly,red] at (.9,.3) {+2};
    % ~~~ vectors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    \draw[->]    (0, 0) -- (2,-1);
    \draw[->,v2] (2,-1) -- (0, 3);
    % ~~~ notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ % <<< NEW
    \node at (3.5,-1.5) {$col_1 = [2, -1]^T$};
    \node[rotate=30] at (50:3.5) {some part of $col_2$};



如果你想要一个非 LaTeX 解决方案,我建议你用以下方式绘制图像Inkscape。如果您愿意,您可以将它们导出为 PDF,以作为浮点数包含在 LaTeX 文档中。
