x 轴 tiks 标签单独显示

x 轴 tiks 标签单独显示

如何将图表的 x 轴刻度改为科学计数法?目前,$$.10^4$$如图红框所示,单独显示。



\documentclass[tikz, border=1cm]{standalone}

% 3N5H_test.csv
          set layers,% using layers
          mark layer=axis tick labels,% defines the layer of the marks
          every axis/.append style={scale=0.8}
        \begin{semilogyaxis}[ xmin=0, xmax=0.1e5,
                             ymin=1e-4, ymax=1,
                             xlabel={Number of Flops}, 
                             ylabel={Normalized MSE: $\log_{10} (e)$ },
                             scatter/classes={ a={mark=square*, blue}, b={mark=square*, red}, c={mark=square, black}, d={mark=triangle*, blue}, e={mark=triangle*, red},f={mark=triangle*, black},g={mark=x, black}, h={mark= diamond*, pink} },
                                    \addplot[scatter, only marks,
                                    scatter src=explicit symbolic]
                                    table[meta=label] {
                                        x     y      label
                                        1320.9279232530525 0.06258769833615981 a
                                    \addplot[scatter, only marks,
                                    scatter src=explicit symbolic]
                                    table[meta=label] {
                                        x     y      label
                                        7320.9279232530525 0.002258769833615981 b


您可以使用xticklabel style设置标签的样式X-axis./pgf/number format/sci将每个标签数字更改为科学计数法,并scaled ticks=false确保科学计数法指数不会像原始图表中那样浮动到右下角。由于科学计数法占用大量空间,我擅自旋转了您的X-标签,以便于阅读。


          set layers,% using layers
          mark layer=axis tick labels,% defines the layer of the marks
          every axis/.append style={scale=0.8}
            xmin=0, xmax=0.1e5,
            ymin=1e-4, ymax=1,
            xlabel={Number of Flops}, 
            ylabel={Normalized MSE: $\log_{10} (e)$ },
                a={mark=square*, blue},
                b={mark=square*, red},
                c={mark=square, black},
                d={mark=triangle*, blue},
                e={mark=triangle*, red},
                f={mark=triangle*, black},
                g={mark=x, black},
                h={mark= diamond*, pink}
            xticklabel style={
                /pgf/number format/sci,
                scaled ticks = false,
                rotate = 90
        \addplot[scatter, only marks,scatter src=explicit symbolic]
            table[meta=label] {
                x     y      label
                1320.9279232530525 0.06258769833615981 a
        \addplot[scatter, only marks,scatter src=explicit symbolic]
            table[meta=label] {
                x     y      label
                7320.9279232530525 0.002258769833615981 b

两个数据点的半对数图。y 轴为对数,x 轴为线性。x 轴采用从零到万的科学计数法,每个 x 轴标签逆时针旋转 90 度。
