




  \noindent A\ordinalstringnum{23}A

  \noindent A\ordinalnum{23}A



  \noindent A\ordinalstringnum{23}A

  \noindent A\ordinalnum{23}A


% % The four lines below should be uncommented for older pdfTeX versions
% \RequirePackage{iftex}
% \ifpdftex
%   \RequirePackage[utf8]{inputenc}
%   \RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc}
% \fi

% % The three lines below should be uncommented if the setup for Swedish language options is not done in `fmtcount.sty` or the .tex document
% \let\fc@swedishoptions@thousands@after\@empty
% \let\fc@swedishoptions@thousands@before\@empty
% \def\fc@swedishoptions@one{#1}

% This section (together with SET DEFAULTS section at the bottom) must be commented out if the setup for Swedish language options is not done in `fmtcount.sty` or the .tex document
\ifcsundef{fc@gl@let}{\global\let\fc@gl@let\let}{\PackageError{fmtcount}{Command already defined}{Command
\protect\fc@gl@let\space already defined.}}
\ifcsundef{fc@gl@def}{\global\let\fc@gl@def\def}{\PackageError{fmtcount}{Command already defined}{Command
\protect\fc@gl@def\space already defined.}}

  \PackageError{fmtcount}{Invalid value `#1' to Swedish space key}{%
    Swedish option `space' expects `neither', `after' or `both'%

  \PackageError{fmtcount}{Invalid value `#1' to Swedish one key}{%
    Swedish option `one' expects `neither', `hundred', `thousand' or `both'

% \FCordinal
        \def\@fc@ord{:e}%      case 0
        \or \def\@fc@ord{:a}%  case 1
        \or \def\@fc@ord{:a}%  case 2
        \def\@fc@ord{:e}%      default case
  \edef#2{\number#1\relax\noexpand\@fc@ord}% The ordinal suffix is never raised in Swedish

% \numberstring
    \or en%
    \or två%
    \or tre%
    \or fyra%
    \or fem%
    \or sex%
    \or sju%
    \or åtta%
    \or nio%
    \or ett%
    \or två%
    \or tre%
    \or fyra%
    \or fem%
    \or sex%
    \or sju%
    \or åtta%
    \or nio%
    \or tio%
    \or tjugo%
    \or trettio%
    \or fyrtio%
    \or femtio%
    \or sextio%
    \or sjuttio%
    \or åttio%
    \or nittio%
    \or etthundra%
    \or elva%
    \or tolv%
    \or tretton%
    \or fjorton%
    \or femton%
    \or sexton%
    \or sjutton%
    \or arton%
    \or nitton%

    \PackageError{fmtcount}{Out of range}%
    {This submacro should only deal with values less than 100}%
      % tens
      \divide\@tmpstrctr by 10\relax
      % singles

    \PackageError{fmtcount}{Out of range}%
    {This macro only works for values less than 100000}%
    \PackageError{fmtcount}{Negative numbers not permitted}%
    {This macro does not work for negative numbers, however
    you can try typing "minus" first, and then pass the modulus of
    this number}%
  % Incorporate language options
          \def\fc@swedishoptions@one@thousand{ett tusen}
          \def\fc@swedishoptions@one@thousand{ett tusen}
  % Initialize
  % Thousands
  \divide\@strctr by 1000\relax
      \let\@tmpunitstring\@unitstring% Temporary store gendered unit string
      \let\@unitstring\@@unitstringMswedish% Thousands above 1 are given in "masculine" units (21,000 is "tjugoentusen" and not "tjugoettusen")
      \let\@unitstring\@tmpunitstring% Restore gendered unit string
  % Hundreds
  \divide\@strctr by 100\relax
  % Tens and singles
  \ifnum\@strctr>0\relax% Trailing zeros are silent
    \ifnum#1=0\relax% Unless the number is in fact 0



% ordinalstring
    \or förste%
    \or andre%
    \or tredje%
    \or fjärde%
    \or femte%
    \or sjätte%
    \or sjunde%
    \or åttonde%
    \or nionde%
    \or första%
    \or andra%
    \or tredje%
    \or fjärde%
    \or femte%
    \or sjätte%
    \or sjunde%
    \or åttonde%
    \or nionde%
    \or tionde%
    \or tjugonde%
    \or trettionde%
    \or fyrtionde%
    \or femtionde%
    \or sextionde%
    \or sjuttionde%
    \or åttionde%
    \or nittionde%
    \or elfte%
    \or tolfte%
    \or trettonde%
    \or fjortonde%
    \or femtonde%
    \or sextonde%
    \or sjuttonde%
    \or artonde%
    \or nittonde%

        \divide\@tmpstrctr by 10\relax
        \divide\@tmpstrctr by 10\relax

    \PackageError{fmtcount}{Out of range}%
    {This macro only works for values less than 100000}%
    \PackageError{fmtcount}{Negative numbers not permitted}%
    {This macro does not work for negative numbers, however
    you can try typing "minus" first, and then pass the modulus of
    this number}%
  % Incorporate language options
          \def\fc@swedishoptions@one@thousand{ett tusen}
          \def\fc@swedishoptions@one@thousandth{ett tusende}
          \def\fc@swedishoptions@one@thousand{ett tusen}
          \def\fc@swedishoptions@one@thousandth{ett tusende}
  % Initialize
  % Thousands
  \divide\@strctr by 1000\relax
      \let\@tmpunitstring\@unitstring% Temporary store gendered unit string
      \let\@unitstring\@@unitstringMswedish% Thousands above 1 are given in "masculine" units (21,000 is "tjugoentusen" and not "tjugoettusen")
      \let\@unitstring\@tmpunitstring% Restore gendered unit string
  % Hundreds
  \divide\@strctr by 100\relax
      \eappto#2{\@unitstring{\@strctr}}% Hundreds are given in "neutrum" units
  % Tens and singles
  \ifnum\@strctr>0\relax% Trailing zeros are silent
    \ifnum#1=0\relax% Unless the number is in fact 0



% SET DEFAULTS (begin)
% This section (together with LANGUAGE OPTIONS section at the top) must be commented out if the setup for Swedish language options is not done in `fmtcount.sty` or the .tex document

\iffalse Local variables: \fi
\iffalse mode: docTeX     \fi
\iffalse End:             \fi


第 55 行:\@ordinalctr=#1%应该是\@ordinalctr=#1\relax

第 181 行:\show\fc@swedishoptions@one应删除;其他所有\show命令也一样

从第 182 行开始:多条未受保护的端线

    182   \ifthenelse{\equal{\fc@swedishoptions@one}{neither}}{%
    183     \def\fc@swedishoptions@one@hundred{hundra}% <---
    184     \def\fc@swedishoptions@one@thousand{tusen}% <---
    185   }{%
    186     \ifthenelse{\equal{\fc@swedishoptions@one}{hundred}}{%
    187       \def\fc@swedishoptions@one@hundred{etthundra}% <---
    188       \def\fc@swedishoptions@one@thousand{tusen}% <---
    189     }{%
    190       \ifthenelse{\equal{\fc@swedishoptions@one}{thousand}}{%
    191         \def\fc@swedishoptions@one@hundred{hundra}% <---
    192         \ifthenelse{\equal{\fc@swedishoptions@thousands@before}{\space}}{%
    193           \def\fc@swedishoptions@one@thousand{ett tusen}% <---
    194         }{%
    195           \def\fc@swedishoptions@one@thousand{ettusen}% <---
    196         }% <---
    197       }{%both
    198         \def\fc@swedishoptions@one@hundred{etthundra}
    199         \ifthenelse{\equal{\fc@swedishoptions@thousands@before}{\space}}{%
    200           \def\fc@swedishoptions@one@thousand{ett tusen}% <---
    201         }{%
    202           \def\fc@swedishoptions@one@thousand{ettusen}% <---
    203         }% <---
    204       }%
    205     }%
    206   }%

同样从第 383 行到第 417 行


% % The four lines below should be uncommented for older pdfTeX versions
% \RequirePackage{iftex}
% \ifpdftex
%   \RequirePackage[utf8]{inputenc}
%   \RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc}
% \fi

% % The three lines below should be uncommented if the setup for Swedish language options is not done in `fmtcount.sty` or the .tex document
% \let\fc@swedishoptions@thousands@after\@empty
% \let\fc@swedishoptions@thousands@before\@empty
% \def\fc@swedishoptions@one{#1}

% This section (together with SET DEFAULTS section at the bottom) must be commented out if the setup for Swedish language options is not done in `fmtcount.sty` or the .tex document
\ifcsundef{fc@gl@let}{\global\let\fc@gl@let\let}{\PackageError{fmtcount}{Command already defined}{Command
\protect\fc@gl@let\space already defined.}}
\ifcsundef{fc@gl@def}{\global\let\fc@gl@def\def}{\PackageError{fmtcount}{Command already defined}{Command
\protect\fc@gl@def\space already defined.}}

  \PackageError{fmtcount}{Invalid value `#1' to Swedish space key}{%
    Swedish option `space' expects `neither', `after' or `both'%

  \PackageError{fmtcount}{Invalid value `#1' to Swedish one key}{%
    Swedish option `one' expects `neither', `hundred', `thousand' or `both'

% \FCordinal
        \def\@fc@ord{:e}%      case 0
        \or \def\@fc@ord{:a}%  case 1
        \or \def\@fc@ord{:a}%  case 2
        \def\@fc@ord{:e}%      default case
  \edef#2{\number#1\relax\noexpand\@fc@ord}% The ordinal suffix is never raised in Swedish

% \numberstring
    \or en%
    \or två%
    \or tre%
    \or fyra%
    \or fem%
    \or sex%
    \or sju%
    \or åtta%
    \or nio%
    \or ett%
    \or två%
    \or tre%
    \or fyra%
    \or fem%
    \or sex%
    \or sju%
    \or åtta%
    \or nio%
    \or tio%
    \or tjugo%
    \or trettio%
    \or fyrtio%
    \or femtio%
    \or sextio%
    \or sjuttio%
    \or åttio%
    \or nittio%
    \or etthundra%
    \or elva%
    \or tolv%
    \or tretton%
    \or fjorton%
    \or femton%
    \or sexton%
    \or sjutton%
    \or arton%
    \or nitton%

    \PackageError{fmtcount}{Out of range}%
    {This submacro should only deal with values less than 100}%
      % tens
      \divide\@tmpstrctr by 10\relax
      % singles

    \PackageError{fmtcount}{Out of range}%
    {This macro only works for values less than 100000}%
    \PackageError{fmtcount}{Negative numbers not permitted}%
    {This macro does not work for negative numbers, however
    you can try typing "minus" first, and then pass the modulus of
    this number}%
  % Incorporate language options
          \def\fc@swedishoptions@one@thousand{ett tusen}%
          \def\fc@swedishoptions@one@thousand{ett tusen}%
  % Initialize
  % Thousands
  \divide\@strctr by 1000\relax
      \let\@tmpunitstring\@unitstring% Temporary store gendered unit string
      \let\@unitstring\@@unitstringMswedish% Thousands above 1 are given in "masculine" units (21,000 is "tjugoentusen" and not "tjugoettusen")
      \let\@unitstring\@tmpunitstring% Restore gendered unit string
  % Hundreds
  \divide\@strctr by 100\relax
  % Tens and singles
  \ifnum\@strctr>0\relax% Trailing zeros are silent
    \ifnum#1=0\relax% Unless the number is in fact 0



% ordinalstring
    \or förste%
    \or andre%
    \or tredje%
    \or fjärde%
    \or femte%
    \or sjätte%
    \or sjunde%
    \or åttonde%
    \or nionde%
    \or första%
    \or andra%
    \or tredje%
    \or fjärde%
    \or femte%
    \or sjätte%
    \or sjunde%
    \or åttonde%
    \or nionde%
    \or tionde%
    \or tjugonde%
    \or trettionde%
    \or fyrtionde%
    \or femtionde%
    \or sextionde%
    \or sjuttionde%
    \or åttionde%
    \or nittionde%
    \or elfte%
    \or tolfte%
    \or trettonde%
    \or fjortonde%
    \or femtonde%
    \or sextonde%
    \or sjuttonde%
    \or artonde%
    \or nittonde%

        \divide\@tmpstrctr by 10\relax
        \divide\@tmpstrctr by 10\relax

    \PackageError{fmtcount}{Out of range}%
    {This macro only works for values less than 100000}%
    \PackageError{fmtcount}{Negative numbers not permitted}%
    {This macro does not work for negative numbers, however
    you can try typing "minus" first, and then pass the modulus of
    this number}%
  % Incorporate language options
          \def\fc@swedishoptions@one@thousand{ett tusen}%
          \def\fc@swedishoptions@one@thousandth{ett tusende}%
          \def\fc@swedishoptions@one@thousand{ett tusen}%
          \def\fc@swedishoptions@one@thousandth{ett tusende}%
  % Initialize
  % Thousands
  \divide\@strctr by 1000\relax
      \let\@tmpunitstring\@unitstring% Temporary store gendered unit string
      \let\@unitstring\@@unitstringMswedish% Thousands above 1 are given in "masculine" units (21,000 is "tjugoentusen" and not "tjugoettusen")
      \let\@unitstring\@tmpunitstring% Restore gendered unit string
  % Hundreds
  \divide\@strctr by 100\relax
      \eappto#2{\@unitstring{\@strctr}}% Hundreds are given in "neutrum" units
  % Tens and singles
  \ifnum\@strctr>0\relax% Trailing zeros are silent
    \ifnum#1=0\relax% Unless the number is in fact 0



% SET DEFAULTS (begin)
% This section (together with LANGUAGE OPTIONS section at the top) must be commented out if the setup for Swedish language options is not done in `fmtcount.sty` or the .tex document

\iffalse Local variables: \fi
\iffalse mode: docTeX     \fi
\iffalse End:             \fi
