

我正在尝试为每个章节创建一个目录(请参阅下面的 MNWE)。当表格长度超过页面长度并应该中断时,就会出现问题。对于设置,我使用 tcolorbox 库,它具有大量自定义选项。我使用了一个应该breakable可以确保这一点的选项,但不幸的是它没有。见下图。

使用 可将内容插入章节序言中\setchapterpreamble。这非常有用 - 我使用的是双列格式,类选项为 twocolumn,因为标题和序言始终设置为单列布局。序言可能不能超过两页。


\documentclass[chapterprefix=on, twocolumn, a5paper]{scrbook}
  \usepackage{ifthen}                    % The package's basic command is \ifthenelse

  % https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/669008/
  \newif\ifusechaptertoc               % Switch to tell \addtocentrydefault to not only make entries
                                       % to the toc-file but also to the current section-toc-file

  \newcommand*{\chaptertoc}[2][\thechapter]{  % new command to generate and show a chapter toc
    \usechaptertoctrue                 % switch on chapter-toc-entries
    \edef\ext@chaptoc{tcc#1}           % extension of the chapter-toc-file, e.g., tcc1
    \DeclareNewTOC{\ext@chaptoc}       % declare a new toc file
    %\addsec*{Contents}                % header of the chaptertoc
        \value{tocdepth}=\subsubsectiontocdepth  % we want entries down to subsection
        \listoftoc*{\ext@chaptoc}             % show the toc without header
      \end{tcolorbox} %
      \par\nobreak\noindent\hrulefill\par % \par\bigskip\nobreak\noindent\hrulefill\par
      \bigskip\noindent\ignorespaces      % add some vertical space after the toc and do not indent 
    }                                     % the following text
  \xapptocmd\addtocentrydefault{          % patch the KOMA-Script's generic toc entry generator
    \ifusechaptertoc                      % if chapter toc entries should be generated
        }% do it
  \xpretocmd\chapter{\usechaptertocfalse}{}{} % automatically switch of chapter toc 
                                              % entries at start of every \chapter
  \xpretocmd\part{\usechaptertocfalse}{}{}    % entries in chapter toc are automatically 
                                              % switched off at start of \part

% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  \chapter{My chapter}
    \section{My section I}
      \subsection{My subsection I}
    \section{My section II}
      \subsection{My subsection I}
        \subsubsection{My subsubsection II}
      \subsection{My subsection II}
        \subsubsection{My subsubsection II}
        \subsubsection{My subsubsection III}
      \subsection{My subsection III}
    \section{My section III}
    \section{My section IV}
      \subsection{My subsection I}
      \subsection{My subsection I}
      \subsection{My subsection II}
    \section{My section V}
      \subsection{My subsection I}
      \subsection{My subsection I}
      \subsection{My subsection III}
    \section{My section V}
      \subsection{My subsection I}
      \subsection{My subsection I}
      \subsection{My subsection III}
    \section{My section V}
    \section{My section V}
      \subsection{My subsection I}
      \subsection{My subsection II}
      \subsection{My subsection III}
    \section{My section V}
    \section{My section VI}
    \section{My section VII}
    \section{My section VIII}
    \section{My section IV}
    \section{My section V}
    \section{My section VI}



KOMA-Script 使用可选参数\@topnewpage(内部命令也使用\twocolumn)在双列文档中打印跨章标题和序言的列。LaTeX 内核为此参数使用一个框,因此不支持在此参数内分页。您需要对每一章的内容使用onecolumn模式和包。但据我所知仍然不起作用,因为它还为序言使用了一个显式框。multicol\setchapterpreamble


  \usepackage{ifthen}                    % The package's basic command is \ifthenelse

  % https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/669008/
  \newif\ifusechaptertoc               % Switch to tell \addtocentrydefault to not only make entries
                                       % to the toc-file but also to the current section-toc-file

  \newcommand*{\chaptertoc}[2][\thechapter]{  % new command to generate and show a chapter toc
    \usechaptertoctrue                 % switch on chapter-toc-entries
    \edef\ext@chaptoc{tcc#1}           % extension of the chapter-toc-file, e.g., tcc1
    \DeclareNewTOC{\ext@chaptoc}       % declare a new toc file
    %\addsec*{Contents}                % header of the chaptertoc

        \value{tocdepth}=\subsubsectiontocdepth  % we want entries down to subsection
        \listoftoc*{\ext@chaptoc}             % show the toc without header
      \end{tcolorbox} %
      \par\nobreak\noindent\hrulefill\par % \par\bigskip\nobreak\noindent\hrulefill\par
      \bigskip\noindent\ignorespaces      % add some vertical space after the toc and do not indent 
  }                                     % the following text

  \xapptocmd\addtocentrydefault{          % patch the KOMA-Script's generic toc entry generator
    \ifusechaptertoc                      % if chapter toc entries should be generated
        }% do it
  \xpretocmd\chapter{\usechaptertocfalse}{}{} % automatically switch of chapter toc 
                                              % entries at start of every \chapter
  \xpretocmd\part{\usechaptertocfalse}{}{}    % entries in chapter toc are automatically 
                                              % switched off at start of \part



  \chapter{My chapter}

    \section{My section I}
      \subsection{My subsection I}
    \section{My section II}
      \subsection{My subsection I}
        \subsubsection{My subsubsection II}
      \subsection{My subsection II}
        \subsubsection{My subsubsection II}
        \subsubsection{My subsubsection III}
      \subsection{My subsection III}
    \section{My section III}
    \section{My section IV}
      \subsection{My subsection I}
      \subsection{My subsection I}
      \subsection{My subsection II}
    \section{My section V}
      \subsection{My subsection I}
      \subsection{My subsection I}
      \subsection{My subsection III}
    \section{My section V}
      \subsection{My subsection I}
      \subsection{My subsection I}
      \subsection{My subsection III}
    \section{My section V}
    \section{My section V}
      \subsection{My subsection I}
      \subsection{My subsection II}
      \subsection{My subsection III}
    \section{My section V}
    \section{My section VI}
    \section{My section VII}
    \section{My section VIII}
    \section{My section IV}
    \section{My section V}
    \section{My section VI}



