使用 authblk 在 maketitle 中自定义换行符

使用 authblk 在 maketitle 中自定义换行符

我正在尝试修改用 authblk 定义的从属关系的输出,以便在连续的行上打印每个条目,并且当超出文本宽度时,在分隔不同从属关系的符号处断行。




\renewcommand\Authand{, }
\renewcommand\Authands{, }

% This did not work
\renewcommand\AB@affilsepx{\protect{\semicolon } \protect\Affilfont}

\title{Fix line breaks}

\author[1]{Author A}
\author[1]{Author B}
\author[2]{Author C}
\author[3]{Author D}
\author[4]{Author E}
\author[1]{Author F}

\affil[1]{Really really Really Name of Institute 1, City, State}
\affil[2]{Name of Institute 2, City, State}
\affil[3]{Name of Institute 3, City, State}
\affil[4]{Name of Institute 4, City, State}




I want maketitle to have the authors and affiliations line break at separators like:\\
Author A$^{1}$,
Author B$^{1}$,
Author C$^{2}$,
Author D$^{3}$,
Author E$^{4}$, \\ %have maketitle or authblk insert this linebreak
Author F$^{1}$    

    $^{1}$Really really Really Name of Institute 1, City, State; \\ %have maketitle or authblk insert this linebreak
    $^{2}$Name of Institute 2, City, State;
    $^{3}$Name of Institute 3, City, State; \\ %have maketitle or authblk insert this linebreak
    $^{4}$Name of Institute 4, City, State;


