


\usepackage{booktabs}% http://ctan.org/pkg/booktabs

\usepackage{ragged2e} % <---
\usepackage{tabularx} % <---
\graphicspath{ {images/} }
\captionsetup{justification=raggedright, singlelinecheck=false }

\usepackage{enumitem, etoolbox}
\AtBeginEnvironment{table}{\setlist[itemize, 1]{wide=0pt, leftmargin= *, topsep=0pt, itemsep=0pt, labelsep=.333em,
before=\leavevmode\vspace*{-\baselineskip},after= \vspace*{-\baselineskip}}}

\newcolumntype{I}{ >{\itemize}X<{\enditemize}}




    >{\RaggedRight}I}% The target layout does not centre the text so we don't want \centering
    \toprule% nicer rules courtesy of booktabs - but then we need to drop the verticals
      & \thead{Vulnerabilities} & \thead{Solution} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\bfseries Comment}%
    \textbf{1} &Secrets are managed and deployed by k8s and runtime&
    Offload the secret management and deployment to secret manager and the shield
    % \begin{itemize}
    % \item I would like this text to be bulleted with ragged right. I would also like this text to be bulleted with ragged right.
    % \item I would also like this text to be bulleted with ragged right.
    % \item I would also like this text to be bulleted with ragged right.
    % \end{itemize}
    \item Vulnerability resolved.
    \item A demo can be found in section 3.

    % \item I would also like this text to be bulleted with ragged right.
    % \item I would also like this text to be bulleted with ragged right.
    \textbf{2} &EXEC operation
        \item Missing authentication and access control
        \item Commands are transmitted by untrusted runtime 
    & Add EXEC checker in Qkernel and cryptographic protection for privileged commands

    \item Vulnerability resolved.
    \item A demo can be found in section 3.

    \textbf{3} & Lack of protection for STDIO of process
    & Add STDIO shield in Qkernel
    \item STDIO shield only encrypts STDOUT and STDERR (Demo in Section 3)
    \item Protection for STDIO of interactive process (i.e., terminal) is out of the scope 

    \textbf{4(a)} & Lack of protection for data written to volume
    & Add filesystem shield (Section 3)
    \item Out of the scope

    \textbf{4(b)} & Loading compromised binary and share library
    & Add software measurement manager in Qkernel (Section 3)
    \item Vulnerability resolved
    \item Demo can be found in section 3 and 3.




我得到了图中的表格: 在此处输入图片描述

问题 1:如何comment使solution




图 2:




为了缓解列间间隙过窄的问题,请删除\setlength\tabcolsep{1pt}紧接在 之前的指令\caption{Title}。同时,请删除更早的指令。(对于和许多其他文档类,\setlength{\tabcolsep}{18pt}此参数的默认值为。)article6pt




     labelfont=bf, % is this really needed?

\usepackage{enumitem} % for \newlist and \setlist macros
% Define compact forms of 'itemize' and 'enumerate' 
% environments, for use in tables:
     label= \textbullet, left=0pt, nosep, 
     after= \end{minipage}}
     label=(\alph*), left=0pt, nosep, align=left,
     after= \end{minipage}}



\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} l LLL @{}}
    & Vulnerabilities & Solution & Comment \\
    & Secrets are managed and deployed by k8s and runtime
    & Offload the secret management and deployment to secret manager and the shield
    \item Vulnerability resolved.
    \item A demo can be found in section 3.
    \end{tabitemize} \\
    & EXEC operation
        \item Missing authentication and access control
        \item Commands are transmitted by untrusted runtime
    & Add EXEC checker in Qkernel and cryptographic protection for privileged commands
    \item Vulnerability resolved.
    \item A demo can be found in section~3.
    \end{tabitemize} \\
    & Lack of protection for STDIO of process
    & Add STDIO shield in Qkernel
    \item STDIO shield only encrypts STDOUT and STDERR (Demo in Section~3)
    \item Protection for STDIO of interactive process (i.e., terminal) is out of the scope
    \end{tabitemize} \\
    & Lack of protection for data written to volume
    & Add filesystem shield (Section~3)
    \item Out of the scope
    \end{tabitemize} \\
    & Loading compromised binary and share library
    & Add software measurement manager in Qkernel (Section~3)
    \item Vulnerability resolved
    \item Demo can be found in section 3 and 3.
    \end{tabitemize} \\


