I see that you#39;re eligible to get ticket for show on your device#44;
I see that you're eligible to get ticket for show on your device,
Perl 对此很有用:
$ str='I see that you#146;re eligible to get ticket for show on your device#44;'
$ perl -pe 's/#(\d+);/chr($1)/ge' <<<"$str"
I see that you’re eligible to get ticket for show on your device,
我必须将终端的编码设置为 WINDOWS-1252 才能获得该输出。十进制 146 无效ISO-8859-1 特点。
要将这些代码视为 HTML 实体,我们将添加缺少的 & 符号,然后进行解码:
perl -MHTML::Entities -lne 's/(#\d+;)/&$1/g; print decode_entities($_)' <<<"$str"
在 bash 中你可以这样做:
$ str='I see that you#39;re eligible to get ticket for show on your device#44;'
$ re='#([0-9]*);'; while [[ $str =~ $re ]]; do b="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"; c=$(printf "$(printf '\\U%x' "$b")"); str=${str//#$b;/$c}; done; echo "$a"
I see that you're eligible to get ticket for show on your device,