单元格中的条目需要逐个出现,同时参考表格 1 中的内容(整行)需要被删除。
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\item[] \tiny{\begin{table}
\caption{Feeding table}
\begin{tabular}{ c | c | c }
Task & Time &Positional weight\\
1 & 12 &70 \\
2 & 6 &58 \\
3 & 6 &31\\
4 & 2 &27 \\
5 & 2 & 20\\
6 & 12 & 29 \\
7 & 7 & 25\\
8 & 5 & 18\\
9 & 1 &18 \\
10 & 4 &17 \\
11 & 6&13 \\
12 & 7 &7 \\
\item Method:
\item From the available tasks, choose the task for which the sum of following task times is the longest.
\item[] \begin{table}
\caption{Data picked up from feeding table}
\begin{tabular}{l | m{1cm} | m{1cm} | m{1cm} | m{1cm} | m{1cm} | m{1cm}}
Station & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 \\
Tasks &\onslide<5->{1} &\onslide<6->{2,3,4} & \onslide<7->{6,5,9}& \onslide<8->{7,8} & \onslide<9->{10,11} & \onslide<10->{12} \\
对于表格 2 中的行标有任务,从表格 1 中选取任务编号。选取任务编号时,需要删除表格 1 中对应的条目(整行)。此外,对于具有多个任务编号的单元格,条目需要逐一出现。例如:\onslide<6->{2,3,4}
,内容应该逐一出现,首先是 2,然后是 3,然后是 4。如何在从表格 1 填充表格 2 中的任务时同时删除表格 1(整行)中的任务?
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%\usepackage{graphicx} % For including figures
\usepackage{booktabs, caption} % For table rules
%\usepackage{hyperref} % For cross-referencing
\usepackage{charter} % serif
\item[] \begin{table}
\caption{Feeding table}
\begin{tabular}{ c | c | c }
Task & Time &Positional weight\\
\tikzmark{1-start}1 & 12 &70 \tikzmark{1-stop} \\
\tikzmark{2-start}2 & 6 &58 \tikzmark{2-stop}\\
\tikzmark{3-start}3 & 6 &31 \tikzmark{3-stop}\\
\tikzmark{4-start}4 & 2 &27 \tikzmark{4-stop}\\
\tikzmark{5-start}5 & 2 & 20 \tikzmark{5-stop}\\
\tikzmark{6-start}6 & 12 & 29 \tikzmark{6-stop}\\
\tikzmark{7-start}7 & 7 & 25 \tikzmark{7-stop}\\
\tikzmark{8-start}8 & 5 & 18 \tikzmark{8-stop}\\
\tikzmark{9-start}9 & 1 &18 \tikzmark{9-stop}\\
\tikzmark{10-start}10 & 4 &17 \tikzmark{10-stop}\\
\tikzmark{11-start}11 & 6&13 \tikzmark{11-stop}\\
\tikzmark{12-start}12 & 7 &7 \tikzmark{12-stop}\\
\item Method:
\item From the available tasks, choose the task for which the sum of following task times is the longest.
\item[] \begin{table}
\caption{Data picked up from feeding table}
\begin{tabular}{l | m{1cm} | m{1cm} | m{1cm} | m{1cm} | m{1cm} | m{1cm}}
Station & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 \\
Tasks &\uncover<+->{1} &\uncover<+->{2}\uncover<+->{,3}\uncover<+->{,4} & \uncover<+->{6}\uncover<+->{,5}\uncover<+->{,9}& \uncover<+->{7}\uncover<+->{,8} & \uncover<+->{10}\uncover<+->{,11} & \uncover<+->{12} \\
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\draw<5-> ([yshift=.2em]pic cs:1-start) -- ([yshift=.2em]pic cs:1-stop);
\draw<6-> ([yshift=.2em]pic cs:2-start) -- ([yshift=.2em]pic cs:2-stop);
\draw<7-> ([yshift=.2em]pic cs:3-start) -- ([yshift=.2em]pic cs:3-stop);
\draw<8-> ([yshift=.2em]pic cs:4-start) -- ([yshift=.2em]pic cs:4-stop);
\draw<9-> ([yshift=.2em]pic cs:6-start) -- ([yshift=.2em]pic cs:6-stop);
\draw<10-> ([yshift=.2em]pic cs:5-start) -- ([yshift=.2em]pic cs:5-stop);
\draw<11-> ([yshift=.2em]pic cs:9-start) -- ([yshift=.2em]pic cs:9-stop);
\draw<12-> ([yshift=.2em]pic cs:7-start) -- ([yshift=.2em]pic cs:7-stop);
\draw<13-> ([yshift=.2em]pic cs:8-start) -- ([yshift=.2em]pic cs:8-stop);
\draw<14-> ([yshift=.2em]pic cs:10-start) -- ([yshift=.2em]pic cs:10-stop);
\draw<15-> ([yshift=.2em]pic cs:11-start) -- ([yshift=.2em]pic cs:11-stop);
\draw<16-> ([yshift=.2em]pic cs:12-start) -- ([yshift=.2em]pic cs:12-stop);
这是一个使用 的解决方案nicematrix
。您需要进行多次编译(因为 构建了 PGF/Tikz 节点nicematrix
\newcommand<> { \Strike }
\tl_gput_right:Nx \g_nicematrix_code_after_tl
{ \mathslove_strike:n { \arabic { iRow } } }
\cs_new_protected:Nn \mathslove_strike:n
{ \tikz \draw ([yshift=2pt]#1-1.south~west) -- ([yshift=2pt]#1-3.south~east) ; }
% In {NiceTabular} of nicematrix, the rules drawn by "|" are
% never broken, even when using \toprule, etc. of booktabs.
% The following column type behaves as standard "|" of {tabular}.
\caption{Feeding table}
Task & Time & Positional weight \\
\Strike<5-> 1 & 12 & 70 \\
\Strike<6-> 2 & 6 & 58 \\
\Strike<7-> 3 & 6 & 31 \\
\Strike<8-> 4 & 2 & 27 \\
\Strike<10-> 5 & 2 & 20 \\
\Strike<9-> 6 & 12 & 29 \\
\Strike<12-> 7 & 7 & 25 \\
\Strike<13-> 8 & 5 & 18 \\
\Strike<11-> 9 & 1 & 18 \\
\Strike<14-> 10 & 4 & 17 \\
\Strike<15-> 11 & 6 & 13 \\
\Strike<16-> 12 & 7 & 7 \\
\item Method:
\item From the available tasks, choose the task for which the sum of following task times is the longest.
\caption{Data picked up from feeding table}
\begin{tabular}{l | m{1cm} | m{1cm} | m{1cm} | m{1cm} | m{1cm} | m{1cm} }
Station & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 \\
Tasks &\uncover<+->{1} &\uncover<+->{2}\uncover<+->{,3}\uncover<+->{,4} & \uncover<+->{6}\uncover<+->{,5}\uncover<+->{,9}& \uncover<+->{7}\uncover<+->{,8} & \uncover<+->{10}\uncover<+->{,11} & \uncover<+->{12} \\
\newcommand<> { \Strike }
\tl_gput_right:Nx \g_nicematrix_code_after_tl
{ \mathslove_strike:n { \arabic { iRow } } }
\cs_new_protected:Nn \mathslove_strike:n
{ \tikz \draw ([yshift=2pt]#1-1.south~west) -- ([yshift=2pt]#1-3.south~east) ; }