Latex 枚举将第一个项目标签覆盖在第二个项目标签上,以便 a 和 b 相互叠加

Latex 枚举将第一个项目标签覆盖在第二个项目标签上,以便 a 和 b 相互叠加
\begin{mdframed}[innertopmargin=6bp, innerbottommargin=4b, innerleftmargin=8bp, backgroundcolor=yellow!10, nobreak= true]
        {Assuming that the sizes of the matrices allow for the  operations, the following rules of matrix arithmetic are valid}
        \begin{enumerate}[nosep, label=(\alph*)]
            \item $A + B = B + A$ \; \textit{Additive Commutativity}
            \item $A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C$ \; \textit{Additive Associativity} 
            \item $A(BC) = (AB)C$ \; \textit{Multiplicative Associativity}
            \item $A(B+C) = AB + AC$ \; \textit{Distributive Law}
            \item $(B+C)A = BA + CA$ \; \textit{Distributive Law} 
            \item $a(B + C) = aB + aC$ 
            \item $(ab)C = a(bC)$ 
            \item $a(BC) = (aB)C = B(aC)$
            \item $A + 0 = 0 + A = A$
            \item $A - A = 0$
            \item $0 - A = -A$
            \item $A0 = 0$ and $0A = 0$






\begin{mdframed}[innertopmargin=6bp, innerbottommargin=4bp, innerleftmargin=8bp, backgroundcolor=yellow!10, nobreak= true]
        {Assuming that the sizes of the matrices allow for the  operations, the following rules of matrix arithmetic are valid}
        \begin{enumerate}[nosep, label=(\alph*)]
            \item $A + B = B + A$ \; \textit{Additive Commutativity}
            \item $A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C$ \; \textit{Additive Associativity} 
            \item $A(BC) = (AB)C$ \; \textit{Multiplicative Associativity}
            \item $A(B+C) = AB + AC$ \; \textit{Distributive Law}
            \item $(B+C)A = BA + CA$ \; \textit{Distributive Law} 
            \item $a(B + C) = aB + aC$ 
            \item $(ab)C = a(bC)$ 
            \item $a(BC) = (aB)C = B(aC)$
            \item $A + 0 = 0 + A = A$
            \item $A - A = 0$
            \item $0 - A = -A$
            \item $A0 = 0$ and $0A = 0$

