我已经创建了一个如下所示的 .bib 文件,但是当我使用 ~\cite{} 时,只有 9/19 的参考文献出现在下拉列表中(使用 Overleaf)。我不确定为什么会发生这种情况,有些有效,有些无效。出现在下拉列表中的那些工作正常。也许存在我不知道的语法错误,这是我第一次使用 Biblatex。
author = {Allegro Microsystems},
title = {Automotive-Grade, Galvanically Isolated Current Sensor IC with Common-Mode Field Rejection in a Small-Footprint SOIC8 Package},
author = {Lazlo Balogh},
title = {Fundamentals of MOSFET and IGBT gate driver circuits},
year = {2017},
author = {J. Belanger and J.N. Paquin},
title = {The what, where and why of real-time simulation},
year = {2010},
author = {Bosch Mobility},
title = {Electronic Engine Control Unit},
year = {},
url = {https://www.bosch-mobility.com/en/solutions/control-units/engine-control-unit/},
urldate = {2021-07-14},
author = {Robert W. Erickson and Dragan Maksimović},
title = {Fundamentals of Power Electronics},
year = {2007},
edition = {2},
publisher = {Springer New York},
location = {New York},
author = {opal-RT},
title = {Hardware in the Loop. HIL simulation},
year = {},
url = {https://www.opal-rt.com/hardware-in-the-loop/},
urldate = {2021-07-14},
author = {T.K. Hareendran},
title = {DIY Arduino voltmeter and voltage divider},
year = {2023},
url = {https://www.electroschematics.com/arduino-digital-voltmeter/},
urldate = {2021-07-14},
author = {RS Components},
title = {A Complete Gide to Fuses},
year = {},
url = {https://uk.rs-online.com/web/content/discovery/ideas-and-advice/fuses-guide},
urldate = {2021-07-14},
author = {RS Components},
title = {Alles ueber Hall Effekt Sensoren},
year = {},
url = {https://at.rs-online.com/web/content/discovery-portal/produktratgeber/hall-sensoren-leitfaden},
urldate = {2021-07-14},
author = { Texas Instruments},
title = {Isolated Self-Powered AC Solid-State Relay With MOSFETs [Application Note},
year = {2017},
author = {Teltronox},
title = {Measuring MOSFET Gate Charge with the 4200a-SCS Parameter Analyzer},
year = {},
url = {https://www.tek.com/en/documents/application-note/measuring-mosfet-gate-charge-4200a-scs-parameter-analyzern},
urldate = {2021-07-14},
author = {Phoenix Contact},
title = {Single Relay- REL-MR-24DC/21HC-2961312},
year = {2019},
author = {Galco},
title = {Relays - How Relays Work},
year = {},
url = {https://www.galco.com/comp/relays.htm},
urldate = {2021-07-14},
author = {Sanket Sapre},
title = {Isolated Gate Drivers—What, Why, and How?},
journaltitle = {Analog Dialogue},
year = {2019},
volume = {52},
number = {6},
pages = {1--4},
author = {H.A.H. van Schaaijk},
title = {Automatic generation of in-circuit tests on Prodrive's AET system for board assembly defects},
school = {Eindhoven Univeristy of Technology},
year = {2017},
author = {W.Storr},
title = {MOSFET und Metalloxid-Halbleiter-Tutorial. Basic Electronik},
year = {2023},
url = {https://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/de/transistoren/mosfet.html},
urldate = {2021-07-14},
author = {CSS Electronics},
title = {Terminal resistor (120 ohm, DB9, CAN bus},
year = {},
url = {https://www.csselectronics.com/products/terminal-resistor-can-bus},
urldate = {2021-07-14},
author = {Toshiba.},
title = {MOSFETs Silicon N-channel MOS TK35A08N1},
year = {2012},
author = {CSS Electronics},
title = {Using termination to ensure recessive bit transmission},
year = {},
url = {https://www.kvaser.com/using-termination-ensure-recessive-bit-transmission/},
urldate = {2021-07-14},
author = {C. Valens},
title = {How to choose between high-side and low-side switching},
year = {2019},
url = {https://www.elektormagazine.com/news/high-side-low-side-switching},
urldate = {2021-07-14},
author = {National Insterments},
title = {Verwendung von Fehlersimulationseinheiten (fault insertion units, FIUs) für elektroniktests},
year = {2023},
url = {https://www.ni.com/de/solutions/transportation/hardware-in-the-loop/using-fault-insertion-units--fius--for-electronic-testing.html},
urldate = {2021-07-14},
author = {OMRON},
title = {What is an Electrical Relay?},
year = {},
url = {https://components.omron.com/sg-en/products/basic-knowledge/relays/basics},
urldate = {2021-07-14},
author = {Toshiba},
title = {What is the bootstrap circuit in high-voltage IPDS?},
year = {},
url = {https://toshiba.semicon-storage.com/eu/semiconductor/knowledge/faq/linear_high-voltage-ipds/high-voltage06.htmls},
urldate = {2021-07-14},