结合 amsmath、hyperref 和 makeidx 时页面链接出现问题

结合 amsmath、hyperref 和 makeidx 时页面链接出现问题

我正在准备一本书,在合并每个部分的编号(使用 amsmath 包)、hyperref 和 imakeindex 时遇到了问题。


下面的 MWE 显示了这个问题。

    % Make indices per part
     \makeindex[name=subjectsI,title=Subject index Part I,intoc,columns=3, program = truexindy]
      \makeindex[name=subjectsII,title=Subject index Part II,intoc,columns=3, program=truexindy]
    % Set spaces for table of contents
    \usepackage[colorlinks=true, pdfstartview=FitV, linkcolor=blue, citecolor=red, urlcolor=black,pageanchor, plainpages=false
    % numbering chapters and pages per part (uses amsmath)
    % BOOK
    %PART I
    \part{This is Part I}
    \chapter{ Chapter one-one}
    \section{Section one-one-one}
    All of us have witnessed how science has profoundly affected  the human condition and transformed society, and how in many instances it managed to transcend man's painful political, ethnic, and \idxs{religious differences}. As such it is a true \idxs{cornerstone} of civilization. 
    \chapter{Chapter one-two}
    \section{Section one-two-one}
    It expresses the \idxs{collective curiosity} of mankind and has resulted in a double helix of science and \idxs{technology} that  keeps transforming our world over and again. 
     thepage = \thepage\\
     theHpage = \theHpage
    %PART II
    \part{This is Part II}
    \chapter{Chapter two-one}
    \section{Section two-one-one}
     I go deeper and deeper, as I concentrate on writing, into a kind of \idxsII{underground}. While I'm there, I encounter strange things.
    \chapter{Chapter two-two}
    \section{Section two-two-one}
    So I look around that world and I describe what I see, and then I come back. Coming back is important. If you cannot come back, it's scary. But I'm a \idxsII{professional}, so I can come back.
     thepage = \thepage\\
     theHpage = \theHpage


