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%A Few Useful Packages
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% an alternative to Layaureo can be ** \usepackage{fullpage} **
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%--------------------BEGIN DOCUMENT----------------------

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%Section: Research
\section{Research Experience}
 \textsc{July 2023-Current} & Clinical Research Coordinator (CRC), \textsc{University of California, San Francisco}\\&\textbf{Sleep and Mood Lab - Andrew Krystal, MD}\\
 \\&\emph{\textbf{Project:} Closed-Loop Deep Brain Stimulation for Major Depression (PReSiDio) ()}
 \\&\footnotesize{\textbf{{}DESCRIPTION:} The purpose of this study is to test a personalized approach to brain stimulation as an \\&\footnotesize intervention for depression. We use a surgically implanted device to measure each individual's brain \\&\footnotesize activity related to their depression. Then the team uses small electrical impulses to alter that brain \\&\footnotesize activity and measure whether these changes help reduce depression symptoms. This study is \\&\footnotesize intended for patients with major depression whose symptoms have not been adequately treated \\&\footnotesize with currently available therapies.\\&\footnotesize 
 \textbf{CONTRIBUTION:} As the, 
 \textsc{May 2021-July 2023} & Lead Clinical Research Coordinator (CRC-2), \textsc{Stanford University,} Palo Alto, CA\\&\textbf{Biobehavioral Pediatric Pain Lab - Laura Simons, Ph.D}\\
 \\&\emph{\textbf{Project:} Signature for Pain Recovery in Teens - SPRINT (R61 NS114926)}
 \\&\footnotesize{\textbf{{}DESCRIPTION:} SPRINT is a multisite, international effort to uncover a biological signature predicting pain \\&\footnotesize recovery and persistence in teens with musculoskeletal pain. In collaboration with the University of \\&\footnotesize Toronto, Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids), and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, we are using a novel  \\&\footnotesize machine learning technique to generate and test a elastic net model, opening doors for new screening \\&\footnotesize and treatment approaches. SPRINT participation consists of a blood draw, an hour-long MRI, sensory \\&\footnotesize testing, and parent and child questionnaires in person, and biweekly surveys for three months at home.\\&\footnotesize 
 \textbf{CONTRIBUTION:} As the Lead Coordinator of the SPRINT study, I manage and oversee study recruitment, \\&\footnotesize data collection, database management, and multiple team meetings. I work to standardize procedures, \\&\footnotesize coordinate blood transfers, and facilitate all data analysis by collating the data, merging, and cleaning it. \\&\footnotesize I assist with the writing and submission of progress reports to the NIH. Additionally, I am leading an \\&\footnotesize independent project on proposing a framework to examine diversity and representation in the recruitment \\&\footnotesize and participation of this study and future research.
 \\&\emph{\textbf{Project:} Learning and Memory in Pediatric Chronic Pain (R01 HD083270)}
 \\&\footnotesize{\textbf{DESCRIPTION:} Given the influential role of learning and memory on pain outcomes in youth with \\&\footnotesize chronic pain, the goal of the current study is to examine the process of aversive learning in adolescents \\&\footnotesize with pain in comparison to healthy individuals. This study utilizes brain imaging (fMRI), psychophysical \\&\footnotesize (skin conductance), and saliva cortisol measures to assess functional circuit and physiological changes \\&\footnotesize associated with altered learning and memory patterns.\\&\footnotesize
 \textbf{CONTRIBUTION:} I have managed data analysis for this study and contributed to multiple manuscripts \\&\footnotesize and posters that are products of this study, including an independent project examining threat \\&\footnotesize learning in the cerebellum in youth with chronic pain and pain-free peers. 
  \\&\emph{\textbf{Project:} Pain Rehabilitation Virtual Reality - PRVR (R21 AR079140)}
  \\&\footnotesize{\textbf{DESCRIPTION:} In collaboration with Stanford Children’s Health, Agile Physical Therapy, and California \\&\footnotesize Rehabilitation \& Sports Therapy, this randomized controlled trial will examine a novel approach to pain \\&\footnotesize management through the use of virtual reality (VR) technologies. We expect to address factors relevant \\&\footnotesize to chronic pain, including increasing range of motion, reducing pain-related fear of movement, and \\&\footnotesize improving the mind-body connection. VR tools for pain have shown promise in numerous research \\&\footnotesize studies and our mission is to continue to improve care for children and adolescents with chronic pain.\\&\footnotesize
 \textbf{CONTRIBUTION:} For this clinical trial I assisted with study start-up and initializing regulatory and IRB \\&\footnotesize contracts and protocols. I helped develop the protocol and best uses for VR in Physical Therapy. I trained \\&\footnotesize and oriented study staff and physical therapists. Additionally, I helped write the published protocol paper. 
  \\&\emph{\textbf{Project:} Journey in Pain Care (K24 AR078945)}
 \\&\footnotesize{\textbf{DESCRIPTION:} Journey in Pain Care aims to conduct formative research to identify opportunities for \\&\footnotesize better care among youth with chronic pain and their families. Our goal is to characterize--with in-depth \\&\footnotesize interviews and longitudinal quantitative data--the experiences of youth living with chronic MSK pain and \\&\footnotesize their parents who are seeking and completing multidisciplinary pain care. The purpose is to highlight gaps \\&\footnotesize in care, communication, and understanding that should be further studied.\\&\footnotesize
 \textbf{CONTRIBUTION:} I trained to become a clinical interviewer on the study, assisted with regulatory affairs, \\&\footnotesize participated in bi-weekly group supervision to further develop and build upon clinical and research skills.






虽然这原本是一个关于消失段落的问题,但退一步来看一看你的简历整体处理方法似乎很有帮助。与其使用标准的 LaTeX 表格将文本分成左右两列,不如使用tabularray包可让您创建更美观的表格,并更好地支持多段落。值得注意的是,您现在可以简单地在普通句子中输入您的经历;\\&\footnotesize不再需要。

LaTeX 代码生成的 CV 的屏幕截图。



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    • 我用更常见的软件包(如)替换了不常见的软件包geometry,因为这样更容易找到常见软件包的在线帮助。有些软件包也已过时;例如,color已被取代xcolor,因此加载这两个软件包并不是一个好主意。
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  • 自定义命令\rolename, \institution,\labname必须始终按顺序放在一起。假设您有一个与任何机构都无关的经历(例如,您暂时离开学术界,因为一个巫师说服您去冒险摧毁一个悲惨的魔戒)。您不能简单地省略\institution, ,否则 LaTeX 会抱怨。相反,您应该简单地将参数留空:

    \rolename{Lead adventurer}
    \labname{Baggins Applied Mordor Research Group}
  • 由于该j选项是最近添加的tabularray,下面的代码无法在 2022 年之前的 TeXlive 发行版上编译。(对于希望重复使用此代码的互联网用户,这是一个警告。)


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\newcommand{\project}[1]{\textbf{Project:} \emph{#1}}
\newcommand{\desc}   [1]{\textbf{DESCRIPTION:} {\footnotesize#1}}
\newcommand{\contrib}[1]{\textbf{CONTRIBUTION:} {\footnotesize#1}\vspace{2\myparskip}}
\def\rolename#1\institution#2\labname#3{#1\textsc{, #2}\\\textbf{#3}}


\section{Research Experience}

\textsc{July 2023-Current}
\rolename{Clinical Research Coordinator (CRC)}
\institution{University of California, San Francisco}
\labname{Sleep and Mood Lab - Andrew Krystal, MD}


\project{Closed-Loop Deep Brain Stimulation for Major Depression (PReSiDio) ()}

\desc{The purpose of this study is to test a personalized approach to brain stimulation as an intervention for depression. We use a surgically implanted device to measure each individual's brain activity related to their depression. Then the team uses small electrical impulses to alter that brain activity and measure whether these changes help reduce depression symptoms. This study is intended for patients with major depression whose symptoms have not been adequately treated with currently available therapies.}

\contrib{As the Lead Coordinator of the SPRINT study, I manage and oversee study recruitment, data collection, database management, and multiple team meetings. I work to standardize procedures, coordinate blood transfers, and facilitate all data analysis by collating the data, merging, and cleaning it. I assist with the writing and submission of progress reports to the NIH. Additionally, I am leading an independent project on proposing a framework to examine diversity and representation in the recruitment and participation of this study and future research.}

\\\textsc{May 2021-July 2023}
\rolename{Lead Clinical Research Coordinator (CRC-2)}
\institution{Stanford University, \textrm{Palo Alto, CA}}
\labname{Biobehavioral Pediatric Pain Lab - Laura Simons, Ph.D}


\project{Signature for Pain Recovery in Teens - SPRINT (R61 NS114926)}

\desc{SPRINT is a multisite, international effort to uncover a biological signature predicting pain recovery and persistence in teens with musculoskeletal pain. In collaboration with the University of Toronto, Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids), and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, we are using a novel  machine learning technique to generate and test a elastic net model, opening doors for new screening and treatment approaches. SPRINT participation consists of a blood draw, an hour-long MRI, sensory testing, and parent and child questionnaires in person, and biweekly surveys for three months at home. }

\contrib{As the Lead Coordinator of the SPRINT study, I manage and oversee study recruitment, data collection, database management, and multiple team meetings. I work to standardize procedures, coordinate blood transfers, and facilitate all data analysis by collating the data, merging, and cleaning it. I assist with the writing and submission of progress reports to the NIH. Additionally, I am leading an independent project on proposing a framework to examine diversity and representation in the recruitment and participation of this study and future research.}

\project{Learning and Memory in Pediatric Chronic Pain (R01 HD083270)}

\desc{Given the influential role of learning and memory on pain outcomes in youth with chronic pain, the goal of the current study is to examine the process of aversive learning in adolescents with pain in comparison to healthy individuals. This study utilizes brain imaging (fMRI), psychophysical (skin conductance), and saliva cortisol measures to assess functional circuit and physiological changes associated with altered learning and memory patterns. }

\contrib{I have managed data analysis for this study and contributed to multiple manuscripts and posters that are products of this study, including an independent project examining threat learning in the cerebellum in youth with chronic pain and pain-free peers.}

\project{Pain Rehabilitation Virtual Reality - PRVR (R21 AR079140)}

\desc{In collaboration with Stanford Children’s Health, Agile Physical Therapy, and California Rehabilitation \& Sports Therapy, this randomized controlled trial will examine a novel approach to pain management through the use of virtual reality (VR) technologies. We expect to address factors relevant to chronic pain, including increasing range of motion, reducing pain-related fear of movement, and improving the mind-body connection. VR tools for pain have shown promise in numerous research studies and our mission is to continue to improve care for children and adolescents with chronic pain.}

\contrib{For this clinical trial I assisted with study start-up and initializing regulatory and IRB contracts and protocols. I helped develop the protocol and best uses for VR in Physical Therapy. I trained and oriented study staff and physical therapists. Additionally, I helped write the published protocol paper.}

% etc.

