我正在尝试为黎曼球创建绘图,我想要一个垂直于 z 轴的 xy 平面。当我使用示波器环境时,我可以进行正确的旋转,但它也会旋转绘图中的所有内容。任何帮助都将不胜感激。
\tikzstyle{every node}=[font=\fontsize{8}{30}\selectfont]
%% plane with
\def\R{1.8} % for phi angle
\begin{scope} [x={(0.5cm,-0.1cm)}, y={(0.25cm,0.435cm)}, z={(0cm,0.8cm)}, scale=2.5]
\begin{scope} [every path/.style={thin}]
\begin{scope} [canvas is xy plane at z=0]
%the plane
\draw [fill=green!10] (-2.2,-2)--(-2,2)--(2,2)--(2.2,-2)--cycle;
\begin{scope}[canvas is xy plane at z=0]
% Axes
\draw[->] (0,-1)--(1.4,-1) node[right] {$y$};
\draw[->] (0,-1)--(0,1) node[above] {$N = (0,0,1)$};
\draw[->] (0,-1)--(-1,-2) node[below left] {$x$};
% Vector and label node
\draw[->] (0,1)--(.3,-2);
\draw (1, -2) node {$P = (\cos \theta, \sin \theta, 0)$};
\draw (.2,0) node {${G}$};
\draw (0,0) circle(1);
\draw [fill = blue,opacity = .2] plot[domain=pi:2*pi] ({cos(\x r)},{.4*sin(\x r)});
\draw[dashed] plot[domain=0:pi] ({cos(\x r)},{.3*sin(\x r)});
\draw [fill = blue, opacity = .2] plot[domain=0:pi] ({cos(\x r)},{.3*sin(\x r)});