= 根本不会渲染,而 \neq 会渲染为 /

= 根本不会渲染,而 \neq 会渲染为 /


\[  \text{CIR} \left[ t  \right] = \left(g_\text{loc} * s\right) \left[ t \right] \]



我已经找到建议尝试 mathtools(同样的问题)并保证使用 pdflatex 而不是 latex。

有人为模板创建了一个非常大的标题,其中包含许多选项。我尝试删除尽可能多的内容,但错误却没有消失。我发现如果禁用 lmodern 包,它就会起作用。但它会改变字体,对吗?


\RequirePackage{silence} % :-\
\WarningFilter{scrreprt}{Usage of package `titlesec'}
%\WarningFilter{scrreprt}{Activating an ugly workaround}
\WarningFilter{titlesec}{Non standard sectioning command detected}
\documentclass[ twoside,openright,titlepage,numbers=noenddot,%1headlines,

% PDF/A for TUbama

% Note: Make all your adjustments in here
%\toggletrue{adrianstyle} % uncomment this line to have smaller margins
%\toggletrue{parts} % uncomment to use parts (for long theses only!)
%\toggletrue{phd} % uncomment to write a full-blown PhD thesis (with parts, author references, etc.)

% !TeX root = ./Thesis.tex


\PassOptionsToPackage{T1}{fontenc} % T2A for cyrillics

    drafting=false,    % print version information on the bottom of the pages
    tocaligned=false, % the left column of the toc will be aligned (no indentation)
    dottedtoc=true,  % page numbers in ToC flushed right
    eulerchapternumbers=true, % use AMS Euler for chapter font (otherwise Palatino)
    linedheaders=false,       % chaper headers will have line above and beneath
    floatperchapter=false,     % numbering per chapter for all floats (i.e., Figure 1.1)
    eulermath=true,  % use awesome Euler fonts for mathematical formulae (only with pdfLaTeX)
    beramono=true,    % toggle a nice monospaced font (w/ bold)
    palatino=true,    % deactivate standard font for loading another one, see the last section at the end of this file for suggestions
    style=classicthesis % classicthesis, arsclassica


\PassOptionsToPackage{ngerman,american}{babel} % change this to your language(s), main language last

    sorting=nyt, % name, year, title
    maxbibnames=10, % default: 3, et al.
    defernumbers=true, % enable so split references (author's publications) have continuous numbers
    natbib=true % natbib compatibility mode (\citep and \citet still work)
\usepackage{lmodern} %TODO delete later

    \[ \textrm{CIR} [ t ] = (g_{\textrm{loc}} * s) [ t ] \] 




  1. 一般来说,压制警告不是一个好主意;
  2. 在特定情况下,classicthesis不再真正与兼容scrrprt,请改用book
  3. adrianstyle据我所知,没有classicthesis
  4. \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}不再需要;
  5. 我一点也不喜欢这个\PassOptionsToPackage策略;
  6. \textrm是你的公式中的错误工具。


  eulermath=true,  % use awesome Euler fonts for mathematical formulae (only with pdfLaTeX)
  palatino=true,    % deactivate standard font for loading another one, see the last section at the end of this file for suggestions






% PDF/A for TUbama

% Note: Make all your adjustments in here
%\toggletrue{adrianstyle} % uncomment this line to have smaller margins
%\toggletrue{parts} % uncomment to use parts (for long theses only!)
%\toggletrue{phd} % uncomment to write a full-blown PhD thesis (with parts, author references, etc.)

% !TeX root = ./Thesis.tex



  drafting=false,    % print version information on the bottom of the pages
  tocaligned=false, % the left column of the toc will be aligned (no indentation)
  dottedtoc=true,  % page numbers in ToC flushed right
  eulerchapternumbers=true, % use AMS Euler for chapter font (otherwise Palatino)
  linedheaders=false,       % chaper headers will have line above and beneath
  floatperchapter=false,     % numbering per chapter for all floats (i.e., Figure 1.1)
%  eulermath=true,  % use awesome Euler fonts for mathematical formulae (only with pdfLaTeX)
  beramono=true,    % toggle a nice monospaced font (w/ bold)
%  palatino=true,    % deactivate standard font for loading another one, see the last section at the end of this file for suggestions
  style=classicthesis % classicthesis, arsclassica

\usepackage{amsmath} % added

\usepackage[ngerman,american]{babel} % change this to your language(s), main language last

  sorting=nyt, % name, year, title
  maxbibnames=10, % default: 3, et al.
  defernumbers=true, % enable so split references (author's publications) have continuous numbers
  natbib=true % natbib compatibility mode (\citep and \citet still work)



\CIR[t] = (g_{\mathrm{loc}} * s) [ t ] \neq x




正如 @WillieWong 在评论中解释的那样,首先加载 Palatino、Beramono、eulermath,然后使用lmodern切换这些字体是没有意义的。如果您想使用 Latin Modern 字体,则不应加载其他字体,因此请更改 的选项classicthesis。我还删除了与问题无关的所有包,并将设置选项到包和加载包的奇怪拆分替换为仅使用选项加载包:

titlepage,% option is default and therefore not needed here
% 1headlines,% option 1headlines would be depracated, see the manual for option headlines
cleardoublepage=empty,% option is default (as long as not using deprecated options) and therefore not needed here
paper=a4,fontsize=11pt% both options are default and therefore not needed here


    drafting=false,    % print version information on the bottom of the pages
    tocaligned=false, % the left column of the toc will be aligned (no indentation)
    dottedtoc=true,  % page numbers in ToC flushed right
    linedheaders=false,       % chaper headers will have line above and beneath
    floatperchapter=false,     % numbering per chapter for all floats (i.e.,
    % Figure 1.1)
    % CHANGED: Because loading fonts makes not sense, if you want lmodern:
    eulermath=false,% this one is the absolutely needed option to use lmodern math fonts
    style=classicthesis % classicthesis, arsclassica



\usepackage{lmodern} % if you delete this one, you can switch back to eulermath, palatino etc.

    \[ \textrm{CIR} [ t ] = (g_{\textrm{loc}} * s) [ t ] \] 


现在你得到: 在此处输入图片描述

顺便说一句:现在关于不推荐的包和类的组合的警告不再隐藏,因此您可以在日志文件中找到classicthesis使用 KOMA-Script 类时不推荐的一些事情。

顺便说一句:编码包inputenc不应该需要utf8。如果你需要它,你应该更新你的 LaTeX 安装,因为它已经超过五年了,因此支持将越来越困难。
