

我按照代码这个答案. (子)节。但是,如果 (子)节标题中有任何数学运算,它就会失败。这可能是意料之中的,但有办法克服这个问题吗?或者我应该使用什么标签来引用\ref?提前致谢。



\patchcmd{\@sect}% <cmd>
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  {\label{sec:#8}\@xsect}% <replace>
  {}{}% <successs><failure>


\section{The ($\epsilon$, $\delta$)-definition --- the rigorous approach}

Symbolically, $\displaystyle (\forall\ \epsilon > 0 ) \, (\exists\ \delta > 0) \, (\forall x \in \mathbb{R}) \, (0 < |x - p| < \delta \implies |f(x) - L| < \varepsilon)$. 

\section{Continuity and Differentiability}

... This can be trivially proved using any of the methods stated in section \ref{sec:The ($\epsilon$, $\delta$)-definition --- the rigorous approach}. 



从章节标题自动生成标签听起来很有吸引力,但实际上并非如此,因为它会导致很多问题。这不仅影响数学模式,而且会影响宏扩展。此外,即使标题有微小的修改,所有交叉引用也必须更改。这几乎与手动解析所有交叉引用而不是通过 \label/\ref 自动解析一样不切实际。

尽管如此,你仍然可以定义各种宏的替换来尝试实现它。这是一个使用 LaTeX3 的小示例:


\patchcmd{\@sect}% <cmd>
  {\@xsect}% <search>
  {\SecLabel{#8}\@xsect}% <replace>
  {}{}% <successs><failure>

\cs_new:Nn \doc_label_set_sanitized:Nn
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    \str_remove_all:Nn #1 { $ }
    \str_replace_all:Nnn #1 { \epsilon } { epsilon }
    \str_replace_all:Nnn #1 { \delta } { delta }
    % Extend this replacement list according to your own needs.
\NewDocumentCommand { \SecLabel } { m }
    \doc_label_set_sanitized:Nn \l_tmpa_str { #1 }
    \label { sec: \l_tmpa_str }

\NewDocumentCommand { \SecRef } { m }
    \doc_label_set_sanitized:Nn \l_tmpa_str { #1 }
    \ref { sec: \l_tmpa_str }


\section{The ($\epsilon$, $\delta$)-definition --- the rigorous approach}

Symbolically, $\displaystyle (\forall\ \epsilon > 0 ) \, (\exists\ \delta > 0) \, (\forall x \in \mathbb{R}) \, (0 < |x - p| < \delta \implies |f(x) - L| < \varepsilon)$. 

\section{Continuity and Differentiability}

... This can be trivially proved using any of the methods stated in section \SecRef{The ($\epsilon$, $\delta$)-definition --- the rigorous approach}. 





\patchcmd{\@sect}% <cmd>
  {\@xsect}% <search>
  {\SecLabel{#8}\@xsect}% <replace>
  {}{}% <successs><failure>

\cs_new:Nn \doc_label_set_sanitized:Nn
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    \str_remove_all:Nn #1 { $ }
    \regex_replace_all:nnN { [\\_^] } { } #1 % replace each macro by its name
                                % and also remove subscripts and superscripts

\NewDocumentCommand { \SecLabel } { m }
    \doc_label_set_sanitized:Nn \l_tmpa_str { #1 }
    \label { sec: \l_tmpa_str }

\NewDocumentCommand { \SecRef } { m }
    \doc_label_set_sanitized:Nn \l_tmpa_str { #1 }
    \ref { sec: \l_tmpa_str }


\section{The ($\epsilon^1$, $\delta$)-\emph{definition} --- the rigorous approach}

Symbolically, $\displaystyle (\forall\ \epsilon > 0 ) \, (\exists\ \delta > 0) \, (\forall x \in \mathbb{R}) \, (0 < |x - p| < \delta \implies |f(x) - L| < \varepsilon)$. 

\section{Continuity and Differentiability}

... This can be trivially proved using any of the methods stated in section \SecRef{The ($\epsilon^1$, $\delta$)-\emph{definition} --- the rigorous approach}. 


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