Tikz:允许在空单元格中执行 |[style]| 语法

Tikz:允许在空单元格中执行 |[style]| 语法

\foo我有一些可以扩展为的宏|[some style]| the content,我希望能够执行:(execute at empty cell={\foo}我已经可以\foo在矩阵内部执行了)。但似乎execute at empty cell不允许这种语法。有什么想法可以让它工作吗?

重要的:我希望这两种语法都能起作用(因为我也可能使用正常语法),换句话说,我想找到一个\createNode既能execute at empty cell={\createNode{\node[red]{A};}}起作用又能execute at empty cell={\createNode{|[red]|A}}起作用的命令。



For now I do:

  \matrix [matrix of math nodes,
    execute at empty cell={\node[red]{A};
    8 &   & |[green]| B \\
    & 5 &   \\
    4 &   & 2 \\

And I would like this to work (the reason being that I internally call existing macros that expand to this):

  \matrix [matrix of math nodes,
    %% This ----------------v
    execute at empty cell={|[red]| A}
    8 &   & |[green]| B \\
    & 5 &   \\
    4 &   & 2 \\




replace empty cell with={\node[red]{A};}



    execute at empty cell={
      |[red]| A%

但它不起作用(错误ERROR: Argument of \tikz@next has an extra }.)。知道原因吗?


     /tikz/replace empty cell with/.code={%
  /tikz/replace empty cell with={%
    % /tikz/execute at empty cell={%
      % We want to check if there is a
      \ifcsname zxExecuteAtCell-\tikzcdmatrixname-\the\pgfmatrixcurrentrow-\the\pgfmatrixcurrentcolumn\endcsname%
        \csname zxExecuteAtCell-\tikzcdmatrixname-\the\pgfmatrixcurrentrow-\the\pgfmatrixcurrentcolumn\endcsname%
          % yshift=axis_height, % We already do that elsewhere



  • <node content>
  • |<extra>| <node content>(其中 是和 之间<extra>允许的任何节点规范)以及node{
  • \path以、\draw\node等开头的任何正常路径


matrix但是,我们可以通过在\tikz@lib@matrix@start@cell参数前面放置 (\node[red]{A};或)来使用库所做的相同 hack 检查|[red]| A。但是,由于这种情况通常在单元格的开头遇到,其中&(= \pgfmatrixnextcell) 已经完成了其工作,因此我们必须通过将参数扩展两次来模拟这种情况。


  matrix of nodes/.append style={
    execute at empty cell/.code=%

For now I do:

  \matrix [matrix of math nodes, execute at empty cell={\node[red]{A};}]{
    8 &   & |[green]| B \\
      & 5 & \\
    4 &   & 2 \\

And I would like this to work (the reason being that I internally
  call existing macros that expand to this):

  \matrix [matrix of math nodes, execute at empty cell={|[red]| A}]{
    8 &   & |[green]| B \\
    & 5 &   \\
    4 &   & 2 \\


  \matrix [matrix of math nodes,
    execute at empty cell={|[red]| A},
    execute at empty cell={\draw (0,.5ex) circle[radius=1em];},
    execute at empty cell={|[blue, draw, xshift=1em]|  C},
    8 &   & |[green]| B \\
    & 5 &   \\
    4 &   & 2 \\



  replace empty cell with/.code={%

% for better aligment and spacing
  every picture/.append style={
    column sep={.5cm, between origins},
    row sep={.5cm, between origins},
    inner xsep=.5pt


\verb|replace empty cell with=|

  \matrix [
    matrix of math nodes,
    replace empty cell with={|[red]| A},
    8 &   & |[green]| B \\
    & 5 &   \\
    4 &   & 2 \\
\verb+{|[red]| A}+

  \matrix [
    matrix of math nodes,
    replace empty cell with={\node[red] {A};},
    8 &   & |[green]| B \\
    & 5 &   \\
    4 &   & 2 \\
\verb+{\node[red] {A};}+

  \matrix [
    matrix of math nodes,
    column sep={.5cm,between origins},
    replace empty cell with={\draw (0em,.3em) circle[radius=.4em];},
    8 &   & |[green]| B \\
    & 5 &   \\
    4 &   & 2 \\
\verb+{\draw (0em,.3em) circle[radius=.4em];}+



  • \tikz@lib@matrix@start@cell<cell content>\tikz@lib@matrix@end@cell可以解析<cell content> ::= "|[red]| A"\node[red] {A};。这些宏最初由选项使用matrix of nodes,请参阅相关源代码行tikzlibrarymatrix.code.tex
  • \tikz@at@emptycell保存传递给的累积代码execute at empty cell,请参阅对应源代码行在 中tikz.code.tex。由于matrix of nodes(由 调用matrix of math nodes)包含execute at empty cell=\tikz@lib@matrix@empty@cell\def\tikz@at@emptycell{...}因此用于覆盖现有值。
  • 感谢@Qrrbrbirlbel(见这个答案),现在replace empty cell with=<cell content>接受所有三种形式的单元格内容:|<styles>| <node text>\node ...;\draw ...;
