\caption{Total Number of Each Tag in Our Gazetteer}
\textbf{NER Tags} & \textbf{Number of Data} \\
PER & 26,296 \\
CW & 20,446 \\
LOC & 16,617 \\
CORP & 13,737 \\
GRP & 10,517 \\
PROD & 6,136 \\
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\caption{Total Number of Each Tag in Our Gazetteer}
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row{1} = {guard, font=\bfseries, c}
NER Tags & Number of Data \\
PER & 26,296 \\
CW & 20,446 \\
LOC & 16,617 \\
CORP & 13,737 \\
GRP & 10,517 \\
PROD & 6,136 \\