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我的 MWE 是:
\setmainfont{STIX Two Text}
\setmathfont{STIX Two Math}
In order to learn a bilingual mapping that connects two embeddings into one space, the mapping matrix $W_{X}$ makes $Y_{t} = W_{X} X_{s}$, we employ an adversarial training to learn the mapping. In particular, the generator $G$ tries to make a mapping matrix to confuse the discriminator. In order to get orthogonal parameterization, we note that transforming the source word embedding into the target, its transpose should also transform the target to the source. The $G$ tries to learn a mapping $W_{X}$ to maximize a source representation $W_{X} X_{s}$ to mapping into a target embedding $Y_{t}$. The discriminator D is a binary classifier which aims to enhance its ability to distinguish $Y_{t}$ and $W_{X} X_{s}$. To achieve this goal, we maximize the ability of the discriminator and minimize the probability of generator.\vspace*{-3pt}
score_{L_{s},L_{t}} = ∑_{i=1}^{max length(L_{s},L_{t})} ± CSCL(x_{s}^{i},y_{t}^{j})
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lualatex-dev test1.tex
\setmainfont{STIX Two Text}
\setmathfont{STIX Two Math}
\def\@kernel@math@begin {
% space after every token so $abc$" voiced as "a b c" not "ab-ca"
% \mathrm{thing} voiced as thing
\regex_replace_all:nnN{((\c{mathrm}|\c{mathit}|\c{text})\{(.*?)\}|(.))\ *}{\3\4\ }\g__math_grabbed_math_tl
% detokenize so \alpha is 6 characters not one cs token
% voice _ as sub (space already addded above)
% voice ^ as sup (space already addded above)
% lose & (you might want to voice this alignment cell separator but...)
\regex_replace_all:nnN{\&}{\ }\g__math_grabbed_math_tl
% voice \cr (which should not have been there) or \\ as newline
\regex_replace_all:nnN{\x{5c}cr|\x{5c}\x{5c}}{\ newline\ }\g__math_grabbed_math_tl
% lose \
\regex_replace_all:nnN{\x{5c}}{\ }\g__math_grabbed_math_tl
% debug
$\mathrm{thing}+thing + \mathit{thing} + \text{otherthing}$ % voiced as: thing plus t h i n g plus plus thing plus other thing
In order to learn a bilingual mapping that connects two embeddings
into one space, the mapping matrix $W_{X}$ makes $Y_{t} = W_{X}
X_{s}$, we employ an adversarial training to learn the mapping. In
particular, the generator $G$ tries to make a mapping matrix to
confuse the discriminator. In order to get orthogonal
parameterization, we note that transforming the source word embedding
into the target, its transpose should also transform the target to the
source. The $G$ tries to learn a mapping $W_{X}$ to maximize a source
representation $W_{X} X_{s}$ to mapping into a target embedding
$Y_{t}$. The discriminator D is a binary classifier which aims to
enhance its ability to distinguish $Y_{t}$ and $W_{X} X_{s}$. To
achieve this goal, we maximize the ability of the discriminator and
minimize the probability of generator.\vspace*{-3pt}
\mathrm{score}_{L_{s},L_{t}} = ∑_{i=1}^{\mathrm{max\ length}(L_{s},L_{t})} ± CSCL(x_{s}^{i},y_{t}^{j})
\alpha + \beta &= \gamma\\
2. α + β &1= γ\\
& {κ}_{j=1}\\
& K^{a+1}
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