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段落第 18-59 行的 \hbox 过满(太宽了 242.24484pt)

\subsection{Sports Nutrition-Related Behavior, Overall Dietary Intake, and Physical Activity}
For the sports nutrition global score, we found weak evidence $\left(\mathrm{BF}_{\text {incl }}=2.75\right)$ for the interaction effect between group and measurement time point (FUEL: $1.7 \pm 0.5$ at week 0 and $2.2 \pm 0.4$ at week $17 ;$ CON: $1.9 \pm 0.4$ at week 0 and $2.0 \pm 0.4$ at week 17 ). Similarly, we found weak support for an interaction effect between group and measurement time point for total energy intake, and carbohydrates (g/day and $\mathrm{g} / \mathrm{kg} /$ day), protein (g/day and $\mathrm{g} / \mathrm{kg} /$ day), and fat (E\%) intake (Table 4 ).

Table 4. Dietary characteristics for the intervention (FUEL) and control (CON) group.

\multirow[b]{2}{*}{Dietary Intake} & \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{FUEL} & \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{$\mathrm{CON}$} & \multirow[b]{2}{*}{$\mathbf{B F}_{\text {incl }}$} \\
 & Week 0 & Week 17 & \begin{tabular}{c}
within Group \\
Difference \\
\end{tabular} & Week 0 & Week 17 & \begin{tabular}{c}
within Group \\
Difference \\
\end{tabular} &  \\
Energy intake (kcal/day) & $2588 \pm 528$ & $2726 \pm 547$ & $138 \pm 453$ & $2455 \pm 482$ & $2300 \pm 449$ & $-155 \pm 396$ & 1.03 \\
Carbohydrates (g/day) \\
Carbohydrates (g/kg/day) \\
Carbohydrates (E\%) \\
\end{tabular} & $290 \pm 68$ & $326 \pm 88$ & $36 \pm 74$ & $285 \pm 65$ & $280 \pm 74$ & $-6 \pm 62$ & 1.09 \\
 & $4.8 \pm 1.0$ & $5.5 \pm 1.4$ & $0.6 \pm 1.3$ & $4.8 \pm 1.0$ & $4.7 \pm 1.2$ & $-0.1 \pm 1.0$ & 1.04 \\
 & $47 \pm 8$ & $50 \pm 8$ & $2.7 \pm 9.4$ & $49 \pm 5$ & $51 \pm 6$ & $2.2 \pm 5.4$ & 0.38 \\
Dietary fibers (g/day) & $37.5 \pm 12.5$ & $36.7 \pm 12.7$ & $-1 \pm 10$ & $36 \pm 9$ & $37 \pm 15$ & $1 \pm 12$ & 0.37 \\
Dietary fibers (g/1000 kcal) & $14.4 \pm 3.8$ & $13.3 \pm 3.1$ & $-1.1 \pm 3.2$ & $14.9 \pm 3.6$ & $15.9 \pm 5.2$ & $1.0 \pm 4.7$ & 0.88 \\
Protein (g/day) & $107 \pm 30$ & $115 \pm 31$ & $8 \pm 22$ & $95 \pm 19$ & $88 \pm 24$ & $-7 \pm 17$ & 1.06 \\
Protein (g/kg/day) & $1.8 \pm 0.5$ & $1.9 \pm 0.5$ & $0.1 \pm 0.4$ & $1.6 \pm 0.3$ & $1.5 \pm 0.4$ & $-0.1 \pm 0.3$ & 1.12 \\
Protein (E\%) & $17 \pm 4$ & $18 \pm 4$ & $3 \pm 3$ & $17 \pm 4$ & $16 \pm 4$ & $-1 \pm 2$ & 0.42 \\
Fat (g/day) & $106 \pm 35$ & $96 \pm 26$ & $-10 \pm 34$ & $97 \pm 24$ & $88 \pm 23$ & $-9 \pm 23$ & 0.36 \\
Fat (g/kg/day) & $1.8 \pm 0.6$ & $1.6 \pm 0.4$ & $-0.2 \pm 0.6$ & $1.6 \pm 0.3$ & $1.4 \pm 0.4$ & $-0.2 \pm 0.4$ & 0.38 \\
Fat $(\mathrm{E} \%)$ & $37 \pm 9$ & $32 \pm 6$ & $-5 \pm 9$ & $35 \pm 5$ & $34 \pm 7$ & $-1 \pm 7$ & 1.43 \\



表格远远超出参数给出的文本块的宽度并不奇怪,因为它有一个宽的标题列和 7 个宽大的数据列。我看到的唯一希望是以横向模式而不是纵向模式呈现表格。这可以借助包及其环境\textwidth来完成。rotatingsidewaystable




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\newcolumntype{C}{>{$}c<{$}} % centered & automatic math mode

% Cf. Marcel Krüger's answer at https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/694046/5001 
\newcommand{\rotateview}{\global\@namedef{\number\@currbox @float}{\PLS@AddRotate{90}%


\subsection{Sports Nutrition-Related Behavior, Overall 
Dietary Intake, and Physical Activity}

For the sports nutrition global score, we found weak evidence    
$(\mathrm{BF}_{\text {incl}}=2.75)$ for the interaction effect 
between group and measurement time point (FUEL: $1.7\pm0.5$ 
at week~0 and $2.2\pm0.4$ at week~$17$;  CON: $1.9\pm0.4$ at 
week~0 and $2.0\pm0.4$ at week~17). Similarly, we found weak 
support for an interaction effect between group and measurement 
time point for total energy intake, and carbohydrates (g/day 
and g/kg/day), protein (g/day and g/kg/day), and fat (E\%) 
intake (Table \ref{tab:dietary}).


\caption{Dietary characteristics for the intervention (FUEL) and control (CON) group.} \label{tab:dietary}

\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}} l *{7}{C} }
Dietary Intake & 
\multicolumn{3}{c}{FUEL} & 
\multicolumn{3}{c}{CON} & 
\mathrm{B F}_{\textrm{incl}} \\
\cmidrule{2-4} \cmidrule{5-7}
& \text{Week 0} & \text{Week 17} & 
\begin{tabular}[t]{c} Within group \\difference \end{tabular} 
& \text{Week 0} & \text{Week 17} & 
\begin{tabular}[t]{c} Within group \\difference \end{tabular} &  \\
Energy intake (kcal/day) & 2588\pm528 & 2726\pm547 & 138\pm453 & 2455\pm482 & 2300\pm449 & -155\pm396 & 1.03 \\
Carbohydrates (g/day) & 290\pm68 & 326\pm88 & 36\pm74 & 285\pm65 & 280\pm74 & -6\pm62 & 1.09\\
Carbohydrates (g/kg/day) & 4.8\pm1.0 & 5.5\pm1.4 & 0.6\pm1.3 & 4.8\pm1.0 & 4.7\pm1.2 & -0.1\pm1.0 & 1.04\\
Carbohydrates (E\%) & 47\pm8 & 50\pm8 & 2.7\pm9.4 & 49\pm5 & 51\pm6 & 2.2\pm5.4 & 0.38\\
Dietary fibers (g/day) & 37.5\pm12.5 & 36.7\pm12.7 & -1\pm10 & 36\pm9 & 37\pm15 & 1\pm12 & 0.37 \\
Dietary fibers (g/1000 kcal) & 14.4\pm3.8 & 13.3\pm3.1 & -1.1\pm3.2 & 14.9\pm3.6 & 15.9\pm5.2 & 1.0\pm4.7 & 0.88 \\
Protein (g/day) & 107\pm30 & 115\pm31 & 8\pm22 & 95\pm19 & 88\pm24 & -7\pm17 & 1.06 \\
Protein (g/kg/day) & 1.8\pm0.5 & 1.9\pm0.5 & 0.1\pm0.4 & 1.6\pm0.3 & 1.5\pm0.4 & -0.1\pm0.3 & 1.12 \\
Protein (E\%) & 17\pm4 & 18\pm4 & 3\pm3 & 17\pm4 & 16\pm4 & -1\pm2 & 0.42 \\
Fat (g/day) & 106\pm35 & 96\pm26 & -10\pm34 & 97\pm24 & 88\pm23 & -9\pm23 & 0.36 \\
Fat (g/kg/day) & 1.8\pm0.6 & 1.6\pm0.4 & -0.2\pm0.6 & 1.6\pm0.3 & 1.4\pm0.4 & -0.2\pm0.4 & 0.38 \\
Fat (E \%) & 37\pm9 & 32\pm6 & -5\pm9 & 35\pm5 & 34\pm7 & -1\pm7 & 1.43 \\

