抑制 sapthesis 中的空白页

抑制 sapthesis 中的空白页




% !TeX encoding = UTF-8
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% My edit starts from following line...

\usepackage[notext, nomath, not1, notextcomp, upint]{stix2}

% ... and finishes here.

\hypersetup{pdftitle={La mia tesi},pdfauthor={Francesco Biccari}}
\title{La mia tesi}
\author{Francesco Biccari}
\course{Laurea Magistrale in Fisica}
\courseorganizer{Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali}
\advisor{Prof. Caio}
\coadvisor{Dr. Sempronio}
\authoremail{[email protected]}
\thesistype{Tesi di Laurea Magistrale}
\dedication{Dedicato a\\ Donald Knuth}
Questa tesi parla di me.
\phantomsection % Give this command only if hyperref is loaded
% Here put the code for the bibliography. You can use BibTeX or
% the BibLaTeX package or the simple environment thebibliography.
