Beamer 中的描述子项格式

Beamer 中的描述子项格式

我正在尝试使用description某种格式在我的一个 Beamer 框架中包含一个子列表:

    \setbeamertemplate{itemize item}{\color{red}$\blacksquare$}
    \setbeamertemplate{itemize subitem}{\color{red}$\blacktriangleright$}
    \setbeamertemplate{description item}{{\color{red}$\blacksquare$}~\textbf{\insertdescriptionitem{}:}}
    \setbeamertemplate{description subitem}{{\color{red}$\blacktriangleright$}~\textbf{\insertdescriptionitem{}:}}



\begin{frame}{Items, subitems, description}
        \item Item 1
            \item Item 1.1
            \item Item 1.2
        \item[Description] This is the first description
        \item[Another description] This is the second description

        \item Here's some item text
        \item And then this item needs a sublist with descriptions
            \item[Subitem] This is the explanation of the first subitem
            \item[Another subitem] And of the second subitem
        \item Another item
        \item Second try
        \item Let's see the sublist again
            \item[Subitem] This is the explanation of the first subitem
            \item[Another subitem] And of the second subitem
        \item Final item


使用 的列表和子列表itemize,以及使用 的列表(幻灯片 1)都可以正常工作(尽管和列表description之间的对齐也有点偏差):itemizedescription

但是,无论我description在一个itemize环境内部还是在另一个description环境内部使用,子描述(幻灯片 2)都未对齐并使用了错误的符号:


我如何让 Beamer 正确对齐和格式化我的所有列表descriptionitemize子列表?



    \setbeamertemplate{itemize item}{\color{red}$\blacksquare$}
    \setbeamertemplate{itemize subitem}{\color{red}$\blacktriangleright$}




\begin{frame}{Items, subitems, description}
        \item Item 1
            \item Item 1.1
            \item Item 1.2
        \item \structure{Description: } This is the first description
        \item \structure{Another description: } This is the second description

        \item Here's some item text
        \item And then this item needs a sublist with descriptions
            \item \structure{Subitem: } This is the explanation of the first subitem
            \item \structure{Another subitem:} And of the second subitem
        \item Another item
        \item Second try
        \item Let's see the sublist again
            \item \structure{Subitem: } This is the explanation of the first subitem
            \item \structure{Another subitem: } And of the second subitem
        \item Final item


