\patchcmd{\quote}{\rightmargin}{\leftmargin 1.5cm \rightmargin}{}{}
(和类似物) 正确使用,\mkibid
\usepackage[german, main=italian, english]{babel}
\usepackage[backend=biber, natbib=true, citestyle=authoryear-icomp, bibstyle=authoryear-icomp, ibidpage=true, dashed=true, pagetracker=false, maxbibnames=4, maxcitenames=2, autolang=other]{biblatex}
%============================================% CUSTOM \CITEARTICLE COMMAND
%=========================================% CUSTOM QUOTE ENVIRONMENT
\patchcmd{\quote}{\rightmargin}{\leftmargin 1.5cm \rightmargin}{}{}
\usepackage[colorlinks=true, linkcolor=blue, urlcolor=blue, citecolor=blue]{hyperref}
\usepackage{titlesec, url}
\usepackage[nottoc, notlot, notlof]{tocbibind}
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%=========================================% PAGE INPUT
\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc, title={Bibliografia}]
\chapter{How to}
This is a dummy text \parencite{fairclough-media.discourse}. This is an example of the fact that \verb|\mkibid| works if I cite the same source: \parencite{fairclough-media.discourse}.
This is a dummy text enclosed in a redefined quote environment. This is a dummy text enclosed in a redefined quote environment. This is a dummy text enclosed in a redefined quote environment. This is a dummy text enclosed in a redefined quote environment. This is a dummy text enclosed in a redefined quote environment.
\LaTeX understands that Brown and Yule's text has been previously used and correctly uses \verb|\mkibid|: \parencite{gillian.yule-discourse.analysis}.
On the contrary, if I use my custom made quote environment to cite some kind of text ...
As soon as I cite the same article outside of it, \verb|\mkibid| doesn't work. (\citearticle{carolina-spartan})
Moreover, if I simply cite the same article two times (without using my quote environment), the second time I do so it doesn't print \verb|\mkibid|.
This is a dummy text (\citearticle{carolina-spartan}) and (\citearticle{carolina-spartan})
author = "Norman Fairclough",
title = "Media Discourse",
publisher = "Arnold",
location = "London",
year = "1995",
author = "Gillian Brown and George Yule",
title = "Discourse Analysis",
publisher = "Cambridge University Press",
location = "Cambridge",
year = "1983",
langid = "english",
author = "Anon.",
journal = "The Carolina Spartan",
month = "5",
url = "https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025802/1856-05-29/ed-1/seq-2/",
number = "14",
pages = "2",
title = "Brooks and Sumner",
volume = "XIII",
year = "1856",
{[non ibidem code]}
当您使用已经支持“ibid.”的样式并定义 bibmacro 时cite:ibid
\usepackage[german, main=italian, english]{babel}
maxbibnames=4, maxcitenames=2,
ibidpage=true, pagetracker=false,
\patchcmd{\quote}{\rightmargin}{\leftmargin 1.5cm \rightmargin}{}{}
\usepackage[colorlinks=true, linkcolor=blue, urlcolor=blue, citecolor=blue]{hyperref}
author = "Norman Fairclough",
title = "Media Discourse",
publisher = "Arnold",
location = "London",
year = "1995",
author = "Gillian Brown and George Yule",
title = "Discourse Analysis",
publisher = "Cambridge University Press",
location = "Cambridge",
year = "1983",
langid = "english",
author = "Anon.",
journal = "The Carolina Spartan",
month = "5",
url = "https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025802/1856-05-29/ed-1/seq-2/",
number = "14",
pages = "2",
title = "Brooks and Sumner",
volume = "XIII",
year = "1856",
\chapter{How to}
This is a dummy text \parencite{fairclough-media.discourse}.
This is an example of the fact that \verb|\mkibid| works if I cite the same source:
This is a dummy text enclosed in a redefined quote environment.
This is a dummy text enclosed in a redefined quote environment.
This is a dummy text enclosed in a redefined quote environment.
This is a dummy text enclosed in a redefined quote environment.
This is a dummy text enclosed in a redefined quote environment.
\LaTeX understands that Brown and Yule's text has been previously used
and correctly uses \verb|\mkibid|: \parencite{gillian.yule-discourse.analysis}.
On the contrary, if I use my custom made quote environment
to cite some kind of text ...
As soon as I cite the same article outside of it, \verb|\mkibid| doesn't work.
Moreover, if I simply cite the same article two times
(without using my quote environment),
the second time I do so it doesn't print \verb|\mkibid|.
This is a dummy text (\citearticle{carolina-spartan})
and (\citearticle{carolina-spartan})
\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc, title={Bibliografia}]