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{\Huge \textbf{RISHABH JOSHI}} \\
\textbf{Contact} \\
\textbf{Information} \\
Google \\
Mountain View, CA, USA
\textbf{E-mail} : \href{mailto:[email protected]}{[email protected]} \\
\textbf{Links} : \href{http://www.example.com}{Webpage}, \href{http://scholar.google.com}{Google Scholar}, \href{http://linkedin.com}{LinkedIn}
\textbf{Education} \\
Carnegie Mellon University - School of Computer Science; Pittsburgh, PA \\
\textit{Master of Science in Language Technologies} \\
Aug 2021 \\
CGPA : 3.94 \\
Courses : Machine Learning, Neural Networks for NLP, Dialog Seminar, Deep RL, Multilingual NLP
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\bfseries {\Large R}{\large ISHABH} {\Large J}{\large OSHI} \\
\cvtitle{Contact Information}
{Mountain View, CA, USA}
{E-mail: [email protected]}
{Links: \href{abc}{google.com}}
{Carnegie Mellon University - School of Computer Science\textmd{ ; Pittsburg, PA}}
{Master of Science in Language Technologies}
{Aug 2021}
{CGPA : .394}
Courses : Machine Learning, Neural Networks for NLP, Dialog Seminar, Deep RL, Multilingual NLP
{The Mother's International School\textmd{ ; Delhi, India}}
{\mdseries\begin{tabular}{@{} l }
Class XII, CBSE \\ Class X, CBSE
{May 2014}
{\begin{tabular}{r @{}}
95.6\% \\ CGPA : 10/10
Proposed an interpretable approach for knowledge proliferation in academic research articles by identifying
key phrases using importance attribution.
Performed a linguistic driven analysis on the characteristics of good negotiators and incorporated explicit
strategy-sequence structure using Graph Neural Networks to improve non-collaborative dialogue systems.
Collaborated with team Tartan to develop a conversational system in Amazon Alexa Challenge 2019 ;
developed mini-bots and analyzed conversational story structure, reached semi-finals.
Modeled the structure of dialogue by analyzing the flow of conversational topics and detecting noncoherence.
Submitted proposal for Alexa Challenge 2020.
Yao Zhao, \textbf{Rishabh Joshi}, Tianqi Liu, Misha Khalman, Mohammad Saleh, and Peter J.~Liu. SLiC-HF :
Sequence Likelihood Calibration with Human Feedback. \hfill \href{google.com}{[Paper]}
Yao Zhao, \textbf{Rishabh Joshi}, Tianqi Liu, Misha Khalman, Mohammad Saleh, and Peter J.~Liu. SLiC-HF :
Sequence Likelihood Calibration with Human Feedback. \hfill \href{google.com}{[Paper]}
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{\Huge \textbf{RISHABH JOSHI}} \\
\textsc{Contact} & Google & \textbf{E-mail} : \href{mailto:[email protected]}{[email protected]}\\
\textsc{Information} & Mountain View, CA, USA & \textbf{Links} : \href{http://www.example.com}{Webpage}, \href{http://scholar.google.com}{Google Scholar}, \href{http://linkedin.com}{LinkedIn}\\
&Carnegie Mellon University - School of Computer Science; Pittsburgh, PA & Aug 2021 \\
&\textit{Master of Science in Language Technologies} & CGPA : 3.94 \\
&\multicolumn{2}{X}{Courses : Machine Learning, Neural Networks for NLP, Dialog Seminar, Deep RL, Multilingual NLP}
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