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\centerline{\textbf{\LARGE J}}
\centerline{Email : \href{mailto: [email protected]}{} \hspace{1cm} Website : \href{https://www.mit.edu/~hello/}{https://www.mit.edu/~hello/}}
\noindent\textbf{Massachusetts Institute of Technology} \hfill Cambridge, MA \\
PhD, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science \hfill Sep 2018 – May 2023
\noindent\textbf{Massachusetts Institute of Technology} \hfill Cambridge, MA \\
MS, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science \hfill Sep 2018 – May 2020
\noindent\textbf{Tsinghua University} \hfill Beijing, China \\
BSc, Engineering Physics \hfill Aug 2014 – Jul 2018
\noindent\textbf{Meta} \hfill New York, NY \\
\textit{Machine Learning Engineer Internship, Instagram Reels Core Ranking} \hfill May 2022 - Aug 2022
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=1em, topsep=0pt, itemsep=0pt, parsep=0pt]
\item Mitigate Short Video Bias in Reels: Designed and developed new signals to mitigate short video bias in Reels ecosystem. Trained and deployed deep learning ranking models with new signals. Performed A/B tests to evaluate the new models. The proposed signals mitigated the short video bias (+20\% long video play), increased user time spent (+0.5\%) and achieved gains in user sessions (+0.1\%).
\noindent\textbf{Google} \hfill New York, NY \\
\textit{Software Engineer Internship, Adwords Insights Team} \hfill Jun 2021 - Aug 2021
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=1em, topsep=0pt, itemsep=0pt, parsep=0pt]
\item Negative Trends Mitigation: Mitigated negative reports of insight trends with a new keyword classification method in search ads.
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\textbf{\LARGE J}
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Email & [email protected] \\
Website & https://who.cares.com/
{Massachusetts Institute of Technology}
{PhD, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science}
{Cambridge, MA}
{Sep 2018 – May 2023}
{Massachusetts Institute of Technology}
{MS, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science}
{Cambridge, MA}
{Sep 2018 – May 2020}
{Tsinghua University}
{BSc, Engineering Physics}
{Beijing, China}
{Aug 2014 – Jul 2018}
{Machine Learning Engineer Internship, Instagram Reels Core Ranking}
{New York, NY}
{May 2022 - Aug 2022}
\item \textbf{Mitigate Short Video Bias in Reels:}
Designed and developed new signals to mitigate short video bias in Reels ecosystem.
Trained and deployed deep learning ranking models with new signals.
Performed A/B tests to evaluate the new models.
The proposed signals mitigated the short video bias (+20\% long video play), increased user time spent (+0.5\%) and achieved gains in user sessions (+0.1\%).
{Software Engineer Internship, Adwords Insights Team}
{New York, NY}
{Jun 2021 - Aug 2021}
\item \textbf{Negative Trends Mitigation:}
Mitigated negative reports of insight trends with a new keyword classification method in search ads.
用于设置主要 CV 项目(由 4 个元素组成)。