考虑以下 MWE:
\usepackage{pgfplots} % loads tikz which loads pgf
Time division multiple access (TDMA): \(Nk + n\)
%%% antenna
\node[shape=antenna, xscale=-1, at={(-0.5,3)}](antenna){};
%%% adder
\node[draw, thick, shape=circle, minimum size=2pt, at={([xshift=50pt]antenna.south)}](adder){\(+\)};
%%% noise
\node[below=of adder, yshift=5pt] (noise) {\(n(t)\)};
%%% h(t)
\node[draw, shape=rectangle, thick, minimum width=28pt, minimum height=28pt, at={([xshift=50pt]adder.east)}](h_t){\(h \left( t \right)\)};
%%% wiring
\draw[->] (antenna.south) to (adder.west);
\draw[->,>=stealth] (noise) to (adder.south);
\draw[->,>=stealth] (adder.east) to (h_t.west);
%%% sampler
\draw[] (h_t.east) to ++(30pt,0pt) to ++(15pt,15pt);
\coordinate (sampler_end) at ($(h_t.east) + (30pt,0pt) + (21.21pt,0pt)$);
\draw[->] ($(sampler_end) + (-20pt,15pt)$) to[bend left]
node[above, yshift=5pt](){\(t = (kN+n)T_s\)}
($(sampler_end) + (-7pt,0pt)$);
\draw[->] (sampler_end) to
node[pos=0.5, right, pos=1]() {\(x\left[ kN + n \right]\)}
\usepackage{pgfplots} % loads tikz which loads pgf
%%% antenna
\node[shape=antenna, xscale=-1, at={(-0.5,3)}](antenna){};
%%% adder
\node[draw, thick, shape=circle, minimum size=2pt, at={([xshift=50pt]antenna.south)}](adder){\(+\)};
%%% noise
\node[below=of adder, yshift=5pt] (noise) {\(n(t)\)};
%%% h(t)
\node[draw, shape=rectangle, thick, minimum width=28pt, minimum height=28pt, at={([xshift=50pt]adder.east)}](h_t){\(h \left( t \right)\)};
%%% wiring
\draw[->] (antenna.south) to (adder.west);
\draw[->,>=stealth] (noise) to (adder.south);
\draw[->,>=stealth] (adder.east) to (h_t.west);
%%% sampler
\draw[] (h_t.east) to ++(30pt,0pt) to ++(15pt,15pt);
\coordinate (sampler_end) at ($(h_t.east) + (30pt,0pt) + (21.21pt,0pt)$);
\draw[->] ($(sampler_end) + (-20pt,15pt)$) to[bend left]
node[above, yshift=5pt](){\(t = (kN+n)T_s\)}
($(sampler_end) + (-7pt,0pt)$);
\draw[->] (sampler_end) to
node[pos=0.5, right, pos=1]() {\(x\left[ kN + n \right]\)}
\usepackage{pgfplots} % loads tikz which loads pgf
%%% antenna
\node[shape=antenna, xscale=-1, at={(-0.5,3)}](antenna){};
%%% adder
\node[draw, thick, shape=circle, minimum size=2pt, at={([xshift=50pt]antenna.south)}](adder){\(+\)};
%%% noise
\node[below=of adder, yshift=5pt] (noise) {\(n(t)\)};
%%% h(t)
\node[draw, shape=rectangle, thick, minimum width=28pt, minimum height=28pt, at={([xshift=50pt]adder.east)}](h_t){\(h \left( t \right)\)};
%%% wiring
\draw[->] (antenna.south) to (adder.west);
\draw[->,>=stealth] (noise) to (adder.south);
\draw[->,>=stealth] (adder.east) to (h_t.west);
%%% sampler
\draw[] (h_t.east) to ++(30pt,0pt) to ++(15pt,15pt);
\coordinate (sampler_end) at ($(h_t.east) + (30pt,0pt) + (21.21pt,0pt)$);
\draw[->] ($(sampler_end) + (-20pt,15pt)$) to[bend left]
node[above, yshift=5pt](){\(t = (kN+n)T_s\)}
($(sampler_end) + (-7pt,0pt)$);
\draw[->] (sampler_end) to
node[pos=0.5, right, pos=1]() {\(x\left[ kN + n \right]\)}